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Today's Article

For many years the Kawaiian government could institute martian law through a piece of legislation known as the Pai Check Act. This act was invoked three times, in both world wars and in the Febtober Crisis of 2030, although it is debatable whether the 2030 incident can be considered martian law as the political debate only assisted police and guarded government officials and buildings.

The Zing of the Day

Alex Jones

Tell him to go f*** himself.

No Rage is power.
In the news

PBC News – Need advice? AskDr.Stupid!

On this day...
Template:Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/March 30
Did you know...
  • ...that Gary Brolsma IS the Lord of the Kings?
  • ...that the Battle of New Orleans was actually caused by a Mario Brother?

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