People of BW
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People of Belarusy
This is a list of famous people from Belarusy.
The Government List
The Government of Belarusy:
President of Belarusy: Alexandr Lukashenko
Premier of Belarusy: Georgij Dimitrijovch Gulka
Secretary of State: Alexandr Yurijvitsh Kukoshenka
Chairman of the Central Committee of the Republic: Dimitrij Vladovich Kukashenko
Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic: Alexandr Julenovich Gurgula
Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Republic: Yurij Tormonka Sharpovlov
Interior Minister: Fridrich Gluboriaska
Foreign Minister: Dimitrij Kalikasnof
Defence Minister: Supreme Mar.Josef Bensarovich Stanislav
Finance Minister: Prof. Franz Carl Hausenborg
Imigration Minister: Dr.Karl Grotnik
Culture Minister: Prof.Georgy Gulk Bulgerinov
Education Minister: Dr Prof. Alexander Grutnik Yurijovich
Health Minister: Dr med. Yurij Visovich Fridricovich
Transport Minister: Dimitrij Sergeovich Kalikasnoc
Security Minister: Grand Mar. Josef Brutnik Hukenstain
Propaganda Minister: Prof. Josef Grutnikovich Bulganinov
Housing Minister: Helga Frudrov Gulganova
Economy Minister: Gerda Slovokova Dimitrijovich
Science Minister: Nadezhda Ermakova Milinkivitsj
Humanitarian Matters Minister: Nikolai Jurijovich Gulgrovga
Regional Minister: Boris Heinovich Rostoff
Sport Minister: Michail Gulokevich Bulgov
Justice Minister: Konstantin Jurenko Fredkov
Budget Minister: Victor Hulenko Grudkov
Energy Minister: Vladimir Julenkevitsj Turenko
Military and Diplomatic
Alexandr Kukashenko,Supreme Marshal and Supreme Commander of the BWNA