Prasso-Caropsyne War

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Prasso-Caropsyne War

03-01 CY4395 - 01-03 CY4395
Armistice Signed 01-03 CY4395
The Third Caropsyne Pontanore The Caropsyne Pontanore

Communist Prasser Prasser

Minor Powers None

Neutral None

Pontanore Statistics 134,349 Killed
34,494 Wounded
3 Missing

Prasser Statistics 1,328,393 Killed
457,938 Wounded
289,309 Missing

The Prasso-Caropsyne War was a conflict fought between the Third Caropsyne Pontanore under Premier Ilmer Yutrias and the State of Prasser under Dardin Polensk. Its result, a decisive defeat for Prasser, was the collapse of the Communist state and its occupation by Pontanore forces. A new Caropsified Republic of Prassia was created in its place, with a series of Autonomous Constituent Republics created by the Pontanore to ensure a sizeable representation for pro-Caropsyne minorities within the country. The Pontanore now maintains a substantial troop presence in Prassia, has tied Prassia into a treaty making it an Associated Pontanore State and has provided substantial backing for the government of pro-Caropsyne Premier of Prasser Yemit Brana.

[edit] The War

Fighting began following a decade-long cold war between the Pontanore and Prasser. Prassian control having been established over 350 million Caropsyne and Ardalian residents of Polythia following the collapse of the Second Pontanore, the establishment of the Third Pontanore created an immediate friction due to Caropsyne calls for the handover of seized territories. A series of revolts, uprisings and civil wars begun in Prasser by ethnic-Caropsyne and Ardalian populations led to severe disorder and economic stagnation within the country. With the Pontanore States of Euvodora, Famagosca, and Phosmara having maintained their independence, the remaining former possessions of the Pontanore formed a bulk of resistence to Prassian rule.

Particular hotspots were the Ferana and Saria regions (Fereja and Sarza), the coastal city of Pepina, cities in what would become the Pontanore State of Verezana, and Eccora. In these areas, thousands of ethnic Caropsynes, Ardalians, Carthens, Phetts, Porthin, Munero, and Jaj revolted against Prassian control, citing the oppressive rule of the nationalist Polensk government for their grievances. The Prassian State's reponse, namely the arrest, imprisonment, dislocation, and murder of minorities on what Premier Yutrias claimed was "an industrial scale," led to full-scale retaliation from the Pontanore and the eventual collapse of relations.

The combined effects of open Pontanore intervention and the complete collapse of Prasser's economy led to the shrinking of the State and the reincorporation of large areas of the country, including all major centres of Caropsyne and Ardalian resistance. The Pontanore, having approached these areas, came into possession of three quarters of the Polythian continent, before expanding further into the Pontanore Unincorporated Territories, Polythia. Prasser's economic condition continued to deteriorate, prompting a full-scale invasion by Caropsyne forces, which was fiercely resisted but entirely successful. A wave of attacks saw the destruction of every major city in the country and the abandonment of the capital, Vasila. Pontanore forces raised their flag over the Prassian capital within four weeks of the invasion.

[edit] Aftermath

The immediate end of the conflict saw the creation of intolerable living conditions within Prasser, the displacement of large Prassian populations, and the enforced settling of Prassians from around Polythia into the new Republic of Prassia. The new State saw its capital removed to Vasca, and the election of a pro-Caropsyne leader, Yemit Brana. To ensure the protection of remaining minority populations within the rump Prassia, the Pontanore created four Autonomous Constituent Republics, Palryka, Zapira, Euina, and Vinzera, each dominated by a minority-majority and incorporated nominally into the Pontanore itself. Prassia was forced to sign the Treaty of Vasca, a document which bound it to the Pontanore as a Pontanore Associated State.


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