
From Wycliffsetting

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About Progression:  You choose two abilities at level 1 (If spellcaster or martial adept), or 3 if neither.  Then you take a talent on every odd level there after.  Non-spellcasters-or-martial-adepts also get bonus feats at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Any of the following feats can be taken, if you meet the requirements:
Any of the following feats can be taken, if you meet the requirements:
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*Familiar Spell (lower Drain DC by 4 on a single spell)
*Familiar Spell (lower Drain DC by 4 on a single spell)
'''Turn/Rebuke Undead'''
'''Prerequisites''': Must be picked at Level 1
'''Description''': As Cleric Ability

Current revision as of 03:34, 5 January 2008

About Progression: You choose two abilities at level 1 (If spellcaster or martial adept), or 3 if neither. Then you take a talent on every odd level there after. Non-spellcasters-or-martial-adepts also get bonus feats at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.


[edit] Feats

Any of the following feats can be taken, if you meet the requirements:

  • Acrobatic
  • Agile
  • Alertness
  • Athletic
  • Blind-Fight,
  • Brachiation
  • Combat Expertise
  • Danger Sense
  • Dodge
  • Endurance
  • Far Shot
  • Great Fortitude
  • Hear the Unseen
  • Improved Initiative
  • Improved Swimming
  • Iron Will
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Mobility
  • Point Blank Shot
  • Precise Shot
  • Quick Draw
  • Quick Reconnoiter
  • Rapid Reload
  • Shot on the Run
  • Skill Focus
  • Spring Attack
  • Track
  • Any Fighter Bonus Feat
  • Any Metamagic Feat

  • Skill Focus (Concentration)
  • Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
  • Any Metamagic Feat
  • Spell Mastery
  • Spell Focus
  • Greater Spell Focus
  • Combat Casting
  • Improved Combat Casting
  • Tattoo Focus (see Red Wizard)
  • Spell Pool Bonus
  • Improved Familiar
  • Drain Resistance (Lower Drain DC by 1)
  • Improved Drain Resistance (lower Drain DC by 1)
  • Familiar Spell (lower Drain DC by 4 on a single spell)

[edit] Divine

Turn/Rebuke Undead

Prerequisites: Must be picked at Level 1

Description: As Cleric Ability

[edit] Evasion and Subtlety

Sneak Attack

Prerequisites: Must be picked at Level 1

Description: Sneak attack damage [Character-Level/2]d6.

Canny Defense

Prerequisites: Must be picked at level 1

Description: As Duelist Ability. Also adds INT modifier to initiative.

Wisdom AC Bonus

Prerequisites: Must be picked at level 1

Description: As Swordsage Ability

Uncanny Dodge

Prerequisites: Level 2

Description: As Rogue Ability.


Prerequisites: Uncanny Dodge

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Improved Uncanny Dodge

Prerequisites: Uncanny Dodge

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Improved Evasion

Prerequisites: Evasion

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Defensive Roll

Prerequisites: Improved Evasion

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Slippery Mind

Prerequisites: Evasion

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Hide in Plain Sight

Prerequisites: Evasion

Description: As ability for Scouts

[edit] Battle Talents

Battle Clarity

Prerequisites: High BAB

Description: As Warblade Ability.

Battle Ardor

Prerequisites: Battle Clarity

Description: As Warblade Ability.

Battle Cunning

Prerequisites: Battle Ardor

Description: As Warblade Ability.

Battle Skill

Prerequisites: Battle Cunning

Description: As Warblade Ability.

Battle Mastery

Prerequisites: Battle Skill

Description: As Warblade Ability.


Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level.

Description: As ability for Scouts; scales with level.


Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level.

Description: As ability for Barbarians; scales with level.

Battle Fortitude +1

Prerequisites: 2nd Level, Skirmish.

Description: As ability for Scouts. Can be taken multiple times.

Weapon Aptitude

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus

Description: As Warblade Ability

[edit] Martial Adept Talents

Dual Boost 3/day

Prerequisites: 20th Level, Martial Adept

Description: As ability for Sword Sages

Stance Mastery

Prerequisites: 20th Level, Martial Adept

Description: As ability for Sword Sages

[edit] Perform Related Talents

Inspire Courage + Countersong + Fascinate

Prerequisites: Perform 3 ranks Description: As Bard Abilities

Inspire Competence

Prerequisites: Perform 6 ranks, Inspire Courage

Description: As Bard Ability


Prerequisites: Perform 9 ranks, Fascinate

Description: As Bard Ability

Inspire Greatness

Prerequisites: Perform 12 ranks, Inspire Competence

Description: As Bard Ability

Song of Freedom

Prerequisites: Perform 15 ranks, Countersong

Description: As Bard Ability

Inspire Heroics

Prerequisites: Perform 18 ranks, Inspire Greatness

Description: As Bard Ability

Mass Suggestion

Prerequisites: Perform 21 ranks, Suggestion

Description: As Bard Ability

[edit] Spellcasting Related

Armored Mage - Medium

Prerequisites: Med. or High BAB, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency

Description: Ignores spell-failure from light shields and medium armor.

Armored Mage - Heavy

Prerequisites: High BAB, Heavy Armor Proficiency.

Description: Ignores spell-failure from light shields and medium armor.


Prerequisites: Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Wizards/Sorcerers

Increased Spell Pool

Prerequisites: Arcane, Divine, or Spirit Caster.

Description: Permanently increases your spell pool by +1. May be taken multiple times, and its effects stack.

Watchful Spirit

Prerequisites: Arcane Caster

Description: As Wu Jen ability.

Student of Chaos

Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st Level, Arcane Caster.

Description: As ability for Wild Mages, with the following added effect: every time you cast a spell, you must roll a 1d10. On a result of 1, you trigger a wild surge. Roll a % dice, and consult the list Wild Mage to determine the result. Furthermore, if you take this ability, you cannot learn any metamagic feats.

Scribe Scroll

Prerequisites: Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Wizards/Sorcerers

Spell Secret

Prerequisites: Arcane or Spirit Caster Description: As Wu Jen ability; may be taken up to five times. Each time this ability is taken, you must also select a taboo.

Draw Spellglyph

Prerequisites: Must know Glyph of Warding Spell, Scribe Scroll, Decipher Script 7 ranks, Knowledge Arcana 7 ranks

Description: As Geometer Ability

Book of Geometry

Prerequisites: Draw Spellglyph

Description: As Geometer Ability


Prerequisites: Book of Geometry

Description: As Geometer Ability

Pass Sigil

Prerequisites: Sigilsight

Description: As Geometer Ability

Powerful Spellglyph

Prerequisites: Pass Sigil, Must know spell 'Greater Glyph of Warding'

Description: As familiar ability for Wizards/Sorcerers

Arcane Fire

Prerequisites: Arcane Caster, 18th Level, or Wild Magic. (If acquired through wild magic, you do not have to permanently reduce your spell pool)

Description: As ability for Archmages - NOTE: Archmage abilities that require loosing a spell slot instead require permanently loosing a spell pool point.

Mastery of Counterspelling

Prerequisites: 14th Level, Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Archmages - NOTE: Archmage abilities that require loosing a spell slot instead require permanently loosing a spell pool point.

Mastery of Elements

Prerequisites: 16th Level, Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Archmages - NOTE: Archmage abilities that require loosing a spell slot instead require permanently loosing a spell pool point.

Mastery of Shaping

Prerequisites: 12th Level, Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Archmages - NOTE: Archmage abilities that require loosing a spell slot instead require permanently loosing a spell pool point.

Spell-Like Ability

Prerequisites: 10th Level, Arcane Caster

Description: As ability for Archmages - NOTE: Archmage abilities that require loosing a spell slot instead require permanently loosing a spell pool point.

Enhanced Specialization

Prerequisites: Tattoo Focus, 6th Level, School Specialization.

Description: As ability for Red Wizards; also permanently increases your spell pool by +1.

Specialist Defense +1

Prerequisites: Enhanced Specialization.

Description: As ability for Red Wizards. May be taken up to 4 times, to a bonus of +4

Spell Power +1

Prerequisites: Enhanced Specialization, OR any 'Mastery' Ability.

Description: As ability for Red Wizards. May be taken up to 5 times, to a bonus of +5.

Circle Leader

Prerequisites: Level 12, Tattoo Focus

Description: As ability for Red Wizards.

Great Circle Leader

Prerequisites: Level 16, Circle Leader

Description: As ability for Red Wizards.

Wild Magic

Prerequisites: Student of Chaos, 4th Level, Arcane Caster

Description: The effect depends on your level - 4th Level: Reduce your caster level by 2 for all spells you cast from now on. However, every time you cast a spell, add 1d4 to your adjusted caster level.

8th Level: Reduce your caster level by 3 for all spells you cast from now on. However, every time you cast a spell, add 1d6 to your adjusted caster level.

12th Level: Reduce your caster level by 4 for all spells you cast from now on. However, every time you cast a spell, add 1d8 to your adjusted caster level.

16th Level: Reduce your caster level by 5 for all spells you cast from now on. However, every time you cast a spell, add 1d10 to your adjusted caster level.

20th Level: Reduce your caster level by 6 for all spells you cast from now on. However, every time you cast a spell, add 1d12 to your adjusted caster level.

Reckless Dweomer

Prerequisites: 10th Level, Wild Magic

Description: As a standard action, you may use a spell-pool point to activate your Wild Surge ability. You must choose your target before you roll for the effects. Roll a 1d6 to determine any effects which may vary by spell level. Consult the list Wild Mage.

Random Metamagic

Prerequisites: Wild Magic Sudden Metamagic: Anytime you:

  • A - roll either the minimum or maximum to your Wild Magic level adjustment (for example, the results of a 1 or a 6 on a 1d6)
  • B - roll a natural 20 to resist drain

you can apply to the spell any metamagic feat you meet the requirements of. Wild Mages are otherwise unable to apply metamagic feats, and cannot normally learn metamagic feats.

[edit] Shapeshifting

Wild Shapes

Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level (even though it has no effect until 5th level :X) Spirit Caster. Mutually exclusive with hybrid form.

Description: As ability for Druids - scales up to 15th level (no elemental forms)

Hybrid Form

Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level.

Description: You may choose an animal from the following list; you transform into a hybrid form of that animal. You always maintain hybrid form.

  • Wolf - +1 Str, +2 Dex - 1d4 claw attacks, Scent Ability, +4 Listen Checks
  • Eagle - +1 Str, +2 Cha - 1d4 talon attacks, wings (good maneuverability), +4 Spot Checks
  • Bear - +2 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 claw attacks, Improved Grapple
  • Tiger - +3 Str - 1d4 claw attacks, +4 hide, +4 move silently
  • Raven - +2 Dex, +2 Wis - wings (average maneuverability), +4 Bluff checks, +4 Diplomacy
  • Owl - +2 Dex, +2 Int - wings (good maneuverability), 1d4 talon attack, +4 Listen checks, Dark Vision
  • Deer - +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - 1d6 gore attack, +10 move, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently
  • Boar - +1 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 tusk attack, Diehard Feat, Rage
  • Dragon - +1 Str, +2 Cha - Natural DR 1/--, Breath Weapon [ECL/2 d6], claws 1d4, tail 1d6, trip attack
  • Poison Snake - +3 Dex - 1d4 poison bite (d4 dex damage), +1 Reflex Saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist
  • Constrictor - +2 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - +4 fortitude saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist

Full Animal Form

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form

Description: You further gain features of your selected animal, doubling the stat and skill check bonuses, and gaining new features while in this form.

  • Wolf - Trip Attack, +10 move
  • Eagle - d6 talon attack
  • Bear - Improved Grab
  • Tiger - 2d6 rake attack
  • Raven - +4 to all knowledge checks (always active)
  • Owl - +8 Spot
  • Deer - +20 move
  • Boar - DR 5/--, Greater Rage
  • Dragon - DR 5/--, Breath Weapon d8
  • Poison Snake - +5 Reflex Saves, 1d6 dex damage
  • Constrictor - 1d6+STR bite, Improved Grab, Improved Constrict (1d6+STR+CON)

Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes

Description: As ability for Warshaper

Nature's Armament

Prerequisites: Wild Shapes

Description: As ability for Nature's Warrior. May be taken up to three times, each time selecting a different ability.

Morphic Body

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons

Description: As ability for Warshaper

Morphic Reach

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Body Description: As ability for Warshaper

Morphic Healing

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Reach

Description: As ability for Warshaper


Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Healing

Description: As ability for Warshaper

[edit] Runes

Rune Binding

Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level. Spirit Caster.

Description: As Kensai Signature Weapon ability; scales only until 10th level.

Learn Rune

Prerequisites: Rune Binding - may be taken multiple times, each time learning a new rune (up to five runes)

Description: When applying any of the following runes to yourself, you must pay a certain amount of experience based on the number of runes you have already applied on yourself (see Kensai Signature Weapon Ability - exp progression is the same). In addition to the experience cost, you also take the corresponding taboo. Now that you know the Rune, you may also apply the runes unto other non-shamans. They must pay double the experience cost you do to attain a rune.

  • Arrowfoot Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot kill
  • Bamboo Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot light fires
  • Bat Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot own more than you can carry
  • Bellflower Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot touch dead bodies
  • Butterfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must wear bright colors
  • Centipede Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 9th Level Required - Cannot wear green
  • Crab Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every day
  • Chrysanthemum Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot wear black
  • Dragon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot have intimate actions
  • Dragonfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every morning
  • Lion Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must eat meat every day
  • Monkey Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot Bathe
  • Crescent Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 13th Level Required - Cannot wear white
  • Full Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot drink alcohol
  • Mountain Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
  • Nightingale Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must take an hour during sunset or sunrise to sing
  • Phoenix Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 11th Level Required - Must burn incense and meditate 1 hour every day
  • Sun Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot smoke
  • Tortoise Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
  • Unicorn Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot eat meat
  • Wasp Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must make an offering of fresh flowers every day
  • White Mask Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot tell others their name

[edit] Ascension

Divine Grace

Prerequisites: 2nd Level, Divine or Spirit Casters

Description: As ability for Paladins

Aura of Courage

Prerequisites: 3rd Level, Divine Grace

Description: As ability for Paladins

Purity of Body

Prerequisites: 5th Level, Divine Grace

Description: As ability for Monks

A Thousand Faces

Prerequisites: 13th Level, Spirit Casters

Description: As ability for Druids

Diamond Soul

Prerequisites: 13th Level, Purity of Body

Description: As ability for Monks

Timeless Body

Prerequisites: 15th Level, Diamond Soul

Description: As ability for Druids

Tongue of Sun and Moon

Prerequisites: 15th Level, A Thousand Faces

Description: As ability for Monks

Perfect Self

Prerequisites: 20th Level, Tongue of Sun and Moon and/or Timeless Body

Description: As ability for Monks

[edit] Trap Related


Prerequisites: None

Description: As Rogue Ability.

Trap Sense +1

Prerequisites: Trapfinding

Description: As Rogue Ability. Can be taken multiple times (to a maximum of +10), and effects stack

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