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Homfrog's Characters

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A bunch of my characters. Yeah.


Present Day



No longer quite sure what he looks like, Homfrog has taken the guise of Hans Arp. He is approximately 52 or something. He dwells in the land of Gwid now, wandering about on his folding bicycle covered in stickers of asparagus. A sight-seer, a traveler, an awesome shapeshifter. Did I mention he's a shapeshifter? Yeah. Don't be surprised if you meet him and he's a woman. He can shapeshift into just about anything, but there is a time limit between shifts, so he cannot change again for at least 30 minutes. This shapeshifting was brought upon him when he was taking a cruise on the sea, and encountered a floating island temple. When he went inside, he was led by a crystal robot to the center, where a huge crystal hexagon awoke and spoke to him about an inner beast with nasty powers. The hexagon then put the beast into him, and shot him out of a cannon in the roof of the temple. From time to time this beast, named Grout, breaks out and controls Homfrog, but most of the time Homfrog is in control and can shapeshift freely.

Homfrog carries monsters in brown paper packages tied up in string, always with him. If he gives you one, don't unwrap it, because it means he hates you. These monsters come in many shapes and sizes, and he catches them in the Janna Deepe Chasm in Marl.

Homfrog is a Pisces, Chinese year of the Rat.



Bongo is one of Homfrog's friends. He is a purple fuzzy snake with glowing yellow eyes. He has a gigantic metal nose, which often gets in the way of him doing stuff. He also has no arms, being a snake, but can still wear a tie and clothes. He is approximately 29 feet long and 5 inches in diameter. Bongo eats small rodents which he can digest in around 3 days. He lives in the Ponnor Forest. Once in a long while, Bongo will prepare a feast for all his friends, and swallow the entire dinner. It really P-Os everyone.

Mick Mack

The story of Mick Mack is a very short story. Mick Mack was born in northern county Gwid in the bowler hat village (a village where all the buildings look like bowler hats). A year later, he died of neurocancer. The end. Or so they thought... Dr. deSnonk from Major City in Marl was sent for and brought Mick Mack back to life. Mick Mack is now 5 years old and is feeling great, and his weekly neurocancer prevention treatments are doing their job. He still lives in the bowler hat village and Homfrog visits him all the time. Mick Mack is a normal human boy.

Dr. deSnonk

Dr. deSnonk

A world-famous doctor from Major City in Marl, Dr. Philliam A. deSnonk has cured many a death. He is armed with the art of necrology. He is responsible for 203 life-bringings in the lands of Gwid, Marl, and Fromb, and the very latter being only a candy shop. Impressive, ain't it? Dr. deSnonk is a sort of hippopotamus-like person with frilly ears and a scaly body.



Noofus is a short blue guy. His eyes are always half-open. He doesn't have feet, a mouth, or really anything. Just internal organs, a skull, legs and eyes. He walks around aimlessly, bumping into things and knocking them over. He has psychic powers, since he does so little with his physical body, his mind is buzzing with activity and he can channel it telepathically. He is 41 years old and lives in the Pink Lighthouse, healing people. He is most afraid of being poisoned. Although he doesn't have a nose or mouth, he does have a blowhole on his back, so it is said he evolved(devolved?) from whales.



Puffbats are a strange species of flying beast that lives in the Land of Gwid. They reside in large stone turds, covered in hundreds of small pear-shaped openings for them to enter through. Inside each hole are houses full of scavenged doll furniture, fashioned perches, desks, and rugs. They fly about all over, but they are all rather fat, so they do have a hard time flying. Their stone turds are all located in the Ponnor Forest. They occasionally steal feed from the chickens in the mass chicken ranch, but they mainly subsist on fruits and vegetables that grow in the forest.



Gaarnis, the Holy Goat, is the most holiest of all livestock. He is the deity of the Gaarnisian religion that is spread over the Land of Gwid and other lands. He is seven tons and is roly-poly like a plum. He lived for about 9000 years before jumping into an erupting volcano to stop it. Then he came back to life out of a flower.

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