Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.

Civilization: Wiki User Wiki

From Wuw Archive

One day, a planet was found within our solar system. Users from the Wiki User Wiki found it and colonized it, creating a brand new...



The Rules

  • Always, ALWAYS, use proper grammar. I don't care how you talk on the internet. This includes proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
  • No trolling or flame wars. That's just not nice. Jerk.
  • Godmodding is strictly prohibited. This is not the place to make yourself some sort of Norse god. Godmodding includes giving yourself unlimited anything, super powers, teleporting abilities, and the like.
  • Do not control NPCs. There's a reason why they're non-playable.
  • If you think it's wrong, don't do it. I'd think that's common knowledge, but looking at some interactive games... sigh.


  • 7/2/08 - More cities have been discovered.
  • 6/21/08 - Gameplay has been updated. Check the Schadelberg Empire page for new regulations.
  • 6/21/08 - The planet has been discovered. Colonization has begun. All city locations have been discovered, so feel free to talk to the Senate about which area you would like.

The Game

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Play the game!

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