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Wiki World War/TBA Base/Barracks/5
From Wuw Archive
< Wiki World War | TBA Base | Barracks
The Room is a replica of 1940's Strongbadia (or in those days, Badsland). Heck, there's Nazi Bad (1940's Strong Bad) and The Muss (1940's The Cheat).
NAZI BAD: Welcome to Badsland! A City Loyal to Hitler!
THE MUSS: {Didn't Hitler Die?}
NAZI BAD: Oh, Yeah! Welcome to Badsland! A City that was Loyal to Hitler!
HOMESTRONG: {Enters} What the hell have I gotten myself into?
BARRACK KEEPER: {from outside} Did you ask to go in there?
ALAN-ISH ZACK: And you Cussed! One more slip up and you get sent back to FCUSA!