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Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/Hub

From Wuw Archive

You start out in the Central Hub, a building in Wiki City that is where all new players meet.



RYAN: {sniffs} Ah. Love the smell of a new day in the morning.

{Lemon walks in}

LEMON: No, I think that's just my doughnut. {grabs a doughnut out of his pants and eats it} Mmmm! Good!

{maloa walks in. he has a fencing mask on, and is polishing his saber.}

MALOA: {looks up} This isn't anywhere near home!

{Sephiroth runs in, wearing incredibly bright clothes.}



MALOA: Well, there goes one problem! {walks into the city}

MARISSA: {walks in} This is not the route to school, is it?

IM A BELL:{walks in with Sarah} Hmm, I expect this will be fun-WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE?

{camera spins around to show Yog Sothoth Bellstrom walking in}

IM A BELL: Don't let him see me, don't let him see me, don't let him see me...

YOG: ...Hey, Bell! Well, isn't THIS an odd coincidence?

IM A BELL: Ah, crap.

YOG: ...What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see your brother for the third time in hundreds of years?

IM A BELL: ...Listen, you. I don't like you. At all.

YOG: ...Hmph.

SEPHIROTH: I never knew you had a brother Bell!

IM A BELL: I have two. My little brother's name is Johnny. Johnny K. Bellstrom. If I'm correct, he's somewhere in Wiki City. He looks like Shadow the Hedgehog, and he loves Firefoxes. He used to run a Firefox reserve, before FCUSA was destroyed.

YOG: So, I'm guessing you are a friend of Bell's?


YOG: Huh. My name's Yog. Nice to meet you.

ZIPPY: Hurrah! I've stumbled upon an awkward "brother-hate-brother" conversation! {dry} Don't I feel accomplished.

{Near by Raggon and Raggonix are arguing}

STAN: Ooh! A fight! How exciting!

ZIPPY: Yeah, you do that. I'm finding the bar.

SEPHIROTH: A Bar. That would be nice. I hope it has karaoke.

ZIPPY: Karaoke? I'm just hoping it has booze!

STAN: Zip, I thought we were trying not to drink this time.

ZIPPY: ... Bah, fine.

PATRICK: {arrives with Iori in a blue Nissan Skyline; both get out} Hey guys!

IORI: Do you think there's valet parking?

PATRICK: I hope so. I didn't pay $25,550 for nothing!

{A train suddenly comes out of nowhere and stops at an train station, Conchris walks out}

CONCHRIS: Paying that very small fee for a ticket has led me here, huh? {throws random destination ticket onto the ground} WHY MUST YOU MISLEAD ME WITH YOUR LIES! {runs off}

STAN: Woah! It's TV's Conchris! I'm a big fan!

SEPHIROTH: Oh yeah. I remember him.

{Cruroar and Cieeia walks into the hub from the train station}

CRUROAR: Are you sure that these people are welcoming?

CIEEIA: I'm sure of it! I mean, that's what they say on the brochure, right?

CRUROAR: Eh. I wonder where Conchris went when he got that random destination ticket. {Conchris' ticket flies into Cruroar's hand somehow} Oh. Right.

CIEEIA: Let's check the residential area!

CRUROAR: Shouldn't we ASK the locals for directions or something?

CIEEIA: I have a map.

CRUROAR: Right... Let's go then.

{Cruroar and Cieeia run off, Cruroar throws the ticket into the trash}

MAN-O-MAN: Woah! Why am I here? I was relaxing in my den.... and.... thats all I an remember. I'm sure I can find my way home eventualy. {leaves}

{Tahu and Porygon walk in}

TAHU: Here I am! Rocked you like a hurricane! {high} Are you read-

PORYGON: Shut up.

TAHU: kthxbai {walks off}

PORYGON: {sighs and walks off after Tahu}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {enters} Hi. {short pause} Bye. {walks off}

HOMESTAR TIGER: What's up, everybody?

ALXXMAXX: The twelve missiles that I just launched into the air. {singsong} And now they're coming down.....

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