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OHR game/story

From Wuw Archive

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Chaos' edited version of the map, which contains the placement of the elements of the story



Aussie returns to City X to find his TV Tower changed. The walls are now a dark purple, the windows all grow red, and instead of the hexagon logo, the building is topped with a strange "S". Aussie tries to enter but is overpowered by the energy field surrounding the building. Aussie has to flee the city. While on the run, he sees more buildings afflicted with the same changes. He decides to build a team to help him drive off the force behind the transformations.

Chapter 1

Aussie heads out of town and attempts to cross the mountains. He makes it to the foot of the mountain, only to find creatures containing a color scheme similar to the ones on the building. Aussie fights three of them, and the rest all manage to get away. Along the mountain, he's ambushed by more of them, and he defeats all of them. At the highest point of the mountain lies a giant, more sinister-looking version of the other Shadow creatures. The giant creature creates two more shadows to fight him. Aussie kills the other two only to discover that it can create more of them. He attempts to take out the big one, but fails. He awakes in the small house of a stranger, who reveals himself to be nicknamed "SI". He lets Aussie recover while he talks about the library to the far north that contains all of the information on these monsters. The two team up and try to get to the library, which involves crossing a small desert. In the desert, they find an old house, in which lies Alpha, and SI offers to stay outside.After Aussie and Alpha meet, they and SI all regroup and continue onward. They're stopped in the desert not by shadows, but by a giant sand worm. The three are able to take care of the worm, and proceed to the library. Upon entering the Library, the 4 Guardians stop them and tell them they will give them the respective keys to the room containing what they need to know if they can beat them respectively. They split up and take the 3 weaker ones before fighting the last one. Afterwards, they receive the 4 keys to undo the lock and they receive two books: One on the Shadows, and one on Old myths and spells. They notice one of the beings, known as Silver Hood, lives within the vicinity. They decide to travel to him to see what he can do to help them.

Chapter 2

Aussie, SI, and Alpha all travel to Silver Hood's Realm, which is apparently the large white vortex that they thought the Shadows were coming out of earlier. They run into a masked figure, who dubs himself "Shadow Master". He has the ability to create Shadows with his own energy, and creates a Big Shadow to stop them. Aussie remembers it, but SI motivates him into fighting it again. The battle proves easier than before, but it's apparent that the Big Shadow was a distraction. They stop at a local town, and meet some townfolk who have been fighting off the shadows for a while. Among them is Raiku, who wants to see the world, just in case the Shadows take it and he isn't able to leave his own town. Though they don't know much of his power, they decide to bring him. They stop at another town, which turns out to be a breeding ground for Shadows, as some of it's inhabitants are Shadows. This seems to be a village in which they can all live in peace, but late at night, Aussie hears some shadows sneaking into the sewers. Alpha and him go check it out, and discover a small covent of Shadows. They attack, and defeat them all, only to notice that there's an airship taking off, containing the other half of the town, and Shadow Master. They find a small cargo ship to try and tail them. The villains pass the gate, but some of the shadows were crushed by the gate. The ship begins to run out of power, and they dock at SI's. SI says he'll stay behind and try to work on the ship. The others all go straight to Silver Hood's Realm, and they end up getting caught in a huge puzzle, fighting Liquid metal-like creatures, only to find Silver Hood resting in the dead center of the building. He attempts to drive them away, but they force him down, and he agrees to help them. He tells them the history of Shadows, that they can be defeated by destroying the tower in the Shadow Realm and breaking the Shadow Mask that Shadow Master wears. He joins them to help, and they all return to SI's house.

Chapter 3

The gang returns to SI's to discover that he has finished work on the ship. The ship has increased in size and has several new functions. They all board it in hops that if can get them to where they need to go. They first try to get past the East Gate, and make it to a large mountain. There, 4 of them all get off of the plane and go through the mountain. They get ambushed by a giant Ice Worm, but they kill it. They make it to the top to find a small altar, containing a stone. They pocket the stone and look for more clues. They are unable to find any information, and they head back to Raiku's town, to find out that everyone else was wiped out by Shadows. Raiku makes his newest goal to destroy the Shadows, as they're ambushed by Shadow Master, who challenges JUST Aussie to a 1-on-1 battle. He makes easy work of Aussie, and the others all engage in a small fight to try and defeat him. Though the knock him unconcious, Shadows come to his aid. They drop his mask, but retrieve it before the others can get to it. Aussie is carried into a small house that's still standing, and they all stay the night. Aussie and SI wake up and try to decipher the meaning of the books, and sends Raiku, Alpha, and Silver Hood to the library to get more books. The place has been full of shadows, and most of the books are being burned. They kill all of the minor shadows only to discover one hiding in the flames. They are all able to successfully douse him and make him ultimately die. They do find one book about the Shadow Realm, and they bring it back. Inside, it says that the Shadow Realm's known entrance is locked, and that the Shadows and their realm only pops up in the world every 1000 years. They relay the crystal found on the Ice Mountain to be one of the four, and they make their ultimate goal to destroy the shadows and stop the gate from spawning for another 1000 years.

Chapter 4

The team heads to the nearest mountain, in which lies the Earth Stone. They go to the mountain to find it teeming with Shadows. They fight through them only to find out that Shadow Master has used them Earth Stone to create a giant, rock-encased Shadow. The battle proves difficult, but they eventually kill it, leaving Shadow Master wide open. Aussie attempts to strike, but fails. SI is however able to stun-gun him, and Aussie takes his one shot, which proves successful, ans his mask breaks. He leaves in defeat. They get the Earth Stone from him as well. As they board the ship, Raiku and SI stop. Aussie tries to talk to them, and they can only say that they don't want to kill the Shadows if they'll just be back someday. They take the airship and drop them off at SI's, where they return, and contemplate things. Alpha then consoles them by telling them that the Shadows aren't eternal, they have the same lifestyles as us, but they like to kill, which implies that eventually they could die out, and they could all die fast if they all get to it. SI and Raiku regain composure and return. They head to the North Gate only to find out that they can't get through because they don't have clearance. They all try and decipher the location of the Wind Crystal, which turns out to be the mountain that Aussie failed to get all the way across on. They break into 3 teams: Aussie and Silver Hood, Alpha and SI, and Raiku by himself. Raiku is a little bit afraid of the idea, but goes along with it. They each fight through the monsters, only to discover that there are people living in the mountains, refugees of the Shadow attacks, even Raiku's fellow townspeople, as well as the others from the half-shadow town. Though Raiku himself doesn't find any, he actually finds a Wind Shadow, which makes him ponder how it was created. He defeats it all alone, and when he receives the Wind Crystal, the others catch up and tell them about the townsfolk. Aussie is given the stone as Raiku is brought to the townspeople. He tells them all to stay here, and they will soon be able to free them from their hiding and oppression. The mayor of Raiku's town gives him a pass allowing them across the North Gate. They all hop in the airship to discover that Shadow Master is back, and he still has control over the Shadows somehow. He also has a bigger Airship, and a smaller fleet. They bomb the crap out of the two towns near the North Gate, destroying Raiku's home. Raiku tries to do fighting himself, by fighting the ships. He is able to destroy the small ships, but the large ship attempts to attack him. Silver Hood and Alpha both save Raiku, while Silver Hood loses his mask somewhere on the fire mountain(making him useless), Raiku gets injured, and Alpha loses a leg. SI fixes Alpha with ease, but the others need to rest. Alpha, SI and Aussie get across the gate, and make it to Fire Mountain, where Alpha runs ahead, as he wants to retrieve Silver Hood's mask, and the book tells of an herb that can cure Raiku's injuries at a faster rate. Alpha traverses up the mountain, finding other robots of similar design to him. He has no choice but to fight them. He makes it to the top only to find the Fire Shadow. He alone is able to conquer it, and out falls the Fire Stone. However, Alpha sustained massive amounts of damage during the fight and ultimately ceases to function--in essence, he dies. Silver Hood's mask is found by Aussie, and the plant is gathered near the tip. They try to revive Alpha but ultiamtely fail, and inside of him discover that he was built as a tool to aid the Shadows in their conquering of the world. They dismantle him, bury him, and bid his former body farewell. They leave, cure Raiku, give Silver Hood his magic back, and they try to head towards the Shadow Realm.

Chapter 5

The team needs to split up again to put all of the crystals in the stones. When the first Split-plan draft leaves SI on the ship, he gets angry of being left behind, even after he said he wanted to destroy the Shadows. They let him do all 4 stones alone. As it turns out, each stone has it's own elemental guardian. SI kills all 4 guardians, gets all 4 stones on the altars, and breaks the lock. They brace for impact into the Shadow Realm, and are ambushed by Shadow Battleships. The ship is downed, and they have to go the rest of the way on foot. They beat through a lot of Shadows to make it toe Final Tower, where inside supposedly rests Shadow Master. They make it up the 100 floors of the tower, each floor having it's own fight, with a 3 Big Shadow mini-boss fight every 10 floors. As it turns out, Shadow Master has infused himself with Shadows, giving him a much more potent control, in addition to some of their varied powers. The group has to fight him, and in the end, they beat him to near-death, but in a last minute resort, he fuses with the Tower and any remaining Shadows in the realm, giving himself ultimate power. Silver Hood uses "some" of his power to make a platform that rises them up one part at a time. They start at the base of the monster and rise 20 floors whenever they defeat a potruding part of it, whether it be an arm, tentacle, or Buboe. The top floor contains the head, and they all make easy work of him. He is ultimately considered gone, and because he used every bit of Shadow power in the Realm, all of the Shadows die with him, and any shadows left in the regular world will die as a result of closing the realm for another 100 years, which they over-excelled into massive extinction of all shadows. The realm dissipates, and the escape before they're trapped inside. The stones of all 4 elements are retrieved, and they are bundled up, along with the books they found.


The villagers in the Mountain are all brought back to the City X, where the few survivors there and the survivors from other towns all join together. They all build a community from what is left. Silver Hood removes the traps from his Realm, making it open to all. The adventure of these 5 was recorded and preserved in the Library, which was soon re-stocked with new literature, and re-writes on old. The population continued to expand, and they were all happy.

Filler/Extra Events/places

Lonely Island

Accessable during Chapter 3 and beyond.

The Gang heads to the small island down in the south, only to find it is populated by an old man, of sickly green skin. He allows you to hunt the monsters on the island. They have high levels, but they drop excellent rewards. The creatures are defined to have green skin(meaning green recolors of various monsters[excludes Mecha and Shadows]). He also says any monsters that drop Green Skin, Fur, Feathers, or Scales can be turned into him. He says he can fashion powerful armor from them, for the right price.

Mountain Of No Ending

Accessable during last chapter, Northern point beyond Shadow Realm.

The gang travels to a mountain, that can only be entered one at a time.As it implies, the mountain has seemingly no end. At the top, if all party members get there, there is a huge reward. There is a shortcut somewhere in the mountain.

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