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From Wuw Archive

CHWOKA: Alright, Raiku, you're up to bat. Where do you wanna go, what do you wanna see, who do you want to see?

RAIKU: I wanna see the victims.

CHWOKA: Victims? Hoo boy, you really haven't taken the time to educate yourself on the case at all, have you? The "victim" is an entire company.

RAIKU: I know. I meant the head of it.

CHWOKA: Well why didn't you say so?

{Cut: The CEO of Lionhair Ltd., a large man bald man in a suit is behind a desk. Chwoka and Raiku are sitting in chairs in front of the desk}

CEO: I swear, someone's trying to run us out of business! We spend months and months on a film, only to have it stolen! And you know what?


CEO: I think they're burning the things!

RAIKU: Do you have any proof? Like remains of it?

CEO: No, but if this were my plans, I'd certainly destroy the film!

RAIKU: Do you know anyone who would do it?

CEO: There's

  • Dogeared Publishing — They've been complaining about our book-to-film adaption of their novels.
  • Cut/Print Pictures — They've been consistently stealing our successful ideas for films after we release them, they could just take the film so that they appear more original. We don't know if they have any knockoffs of our stolen films in production yet.
  • Bloodhound — They're famous for being leeches, and have pulled stunts like this before.

RAIKU: Hmm... Well, are their witnesses?

CEO: How should I know? You're the ones doing the investigation here, not me!

CHWOKA: Maybe we should check out the security camera footage.

RAIKU: Let's go.

CHWOKA: Yes, let's.

{Long pause. Cut: the security management place place.}

CHWOKA: By jove, they've stolen the security camera footage, too!

RAIKU: The only person who could get in here... is Lionhair. I think they are framing Cut/Paste!

CHWOKA: You do realize that the doors all the way down here are completely unlocked, right? Anybody could waltz (and I mean that literally) right in and steal the tapes.

RAIKU: Then it's Cut/Paste. I'm ready for court.

CHWOKA: But it could also be Lionhair, like you said, Dogeared Publishing, or Bloodhound. We really don't have any decisive evidence in any direction.

RAIKU: Let's check where the films were stolen.

CHWOKA: What is that sentence supposed to mean?

RAIKU: The film storage.

CHWOKA: We can't, I'm in there talking to TheDenzel right now.

RAIKU: Hmm... you can clone yourself... how about we go meet the ceo of Bloodhound.

{Cut: Late at night, in the Bloodhound waiting room, which is incredibly decrepit. Raiku and Chwoka are very tired.}

CHWOKA: Deja vu...

RAIKU: What?

CHWOKA: I said "I don't think the CEO has any intention of seeing us." Pay attention.

RAIKU: Let's go home and in the morning check out Dogeared Publishing.

{Cut to the morning. Chwoka falls out of bed.}

CHWOKA: Not a good omen.

RAIKU: Let's go.

CHWOKA: AGHWHAGH! When did you get here?!

RAIKU: A second ago. Let's go.

CHWOKA: No! And &mash; and never do that again. Give me a couple hours.

{Cut: A couple of hours later. Chwoka and Raiku are in front of Dogeared Publications}

RAIKU: Hello? Ceo person?

CHWOKA: I'm pretty sure they can't hear you from outside the building.

{Raiku walks in. Cut: The office of the CEO.}

CEO: I did not have relations with that woman!

RAIKU: We are here about Lionhair, they think you could of stolen their films.

CEO: I did not have relations with that film!

RAIKU: Sir, please tell us about their book to film adaptions of your novels.

CEO: Unsatisfactory.

RAIKU: Umm... thanks. We will be going now. And nice gardener's gloves.

CHWOKA: Raiku, he's not wearing any.

RAIKU: My bad. Let's back to the security cameras, and look for some evidence.

CHWOKA: Whose security cameras?

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