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Doggie Emails/date

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< Doggie Emails
Revision as of 22:14, 4 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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DOGGIE: {sitting at his personal desk in his room, he writes his thoughts silently, listening to the wondrous noise of the world amongst him}

Dear Journal,
I just...can't stop thinking...
about...her. It's getting really really
hard to focus on anything. I wonder if she
even knows I exist. I don't know if I can go
on without her. I think I even love her.


{doggie closes his journal and takes a long, deep breath. He hears his computer in the distance, alerting him of a new e-mail. He walks over to the computer and types "Doggiemail.exe" as the e-mail pops up.}

hey doggie
it's your bff kittie
what have you been up to mang
we need to hang out some time
how about next friday

DOGGIE: {reads the email, and is awestruck. He thinks that certainly this must be some kind of joke. Kittie had been on his mind quite a lot lately. He had also thought of fire hydrants. He gathered his composure and walked to kittie's room}

{doggie knocks on the door}

KITTIE: {from behind the door, as if to say something along the lines of "One minute!"} Meow, purr.

{doggie paces nervously, hoping that the email was as genuine as he hoped. The door opens and kittie appears.}

DOGGIE: {struck by the way kittie looks tonight, he is unable to speak. He also thinks of a song by Elton John. He tries to force himself to speak, but cannot find the words. Desperate, he gestures to the computer and gives an interrogative look}

KITTIE: {happily, as if to say that it was real and heartfelt} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {his eyes widen. He jumps for joy. He thinks that finally, kittie notices him. Calming down, he checks his James Bond: Doggies are Forever watch (he did a cameo in an unreleased Bond movie back in the 70s) and sees that it is in fact friday, and the aforementioned night of the hang out in the email. Still a bit floored by kittie asking him to do something with him, he can only motion at his watch as kittie looks as well}

KITTIE: {As if to say, "We'd better get going!"} Meow, purr.

{Doggie and kittie walk offscreen as the screen fades to black.}

{Cut to doggie and kittie in line for a table at Olive Garden. A young, handsome fellow is dealing with the reservations at the front of the line. Doggie and kittie wait patiently, and eventually reach the front of the line. Doggie reads the man's nametag. It reads, "The Noid"}

KITTIE: {motioning first to herself, then doggie} Meow, purr.

THE NOID: Oh, yes, a table for two for a very handsome couple. {kittie and doggie blush} Hmmm...are you the doggie, the one from tv?

DOGGIE: {trying to remember if within his accolades, if he was ever a television star, he ponders silently for a brief moment}

THE NOID: {sensing that doggie is embarrassed talking about his accolades} Oh, no, don't worry. I'm terribly sorry. Oh, I'm such an idiot. I'm SO sorry, please forgive me, Mr. Doggie.

DOGGIE: {gives a quizzical smile}

THE NOID: {calming down a bit} Well, your table is right to my left. Enjoy your meal. {The Noid walks out quickly as doggie and kittie walk toward their table.}

{Cut to a back alley scene. The Noid bursts through the door and tears off his uniform, huddling up against a wall. Dinoshaur then is about to place his bawlz firmly in The Noid's face but he notices The Noid is unhappy. Dinoshaur leaves.}

THE NOID: You're so stupid...{screams}...STUPID. {The Noid reaches behind a box and pulls out a syringe. He starts to inject it into his arm.} I'm a monster...I have failed. {The Noid breaks down and starts crying hysterically.}

{Cut to doggie and kittie sitting at their table. There is fine wine that doggie paid for on the table.}

KITTIE: {admiring doggie in the romantic candlelight} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {blushes and turns his head, unable to think of a witty reply.}

WAITER: {walking up} Would the lovely couple like some breadsticks? {he sets a plate of breadsticks on the table and walks away}

KITTIE: {as if to say that she was self-conscious and was not that hungry} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {though he finds this ridiculous, as he finds kittie quite attractive, he does not want to get into an argument, so he remains silent}

KITTIE: {inquisitively, as if to ask about his business life} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {more interested in kittie, he simply shakes his head and looks at her with interrogative eyes}

KITTIE: {with a tone that conveys that she is wondering why doggie is so silent} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {doggie blushes, embarrassed. His eyes meet kittie's and they simply stare into each other's eyes. The audience awwwwwws as their glassy eyes take in one another. He does not want to speak to ruin the moment}

WAITER: {walks up and says something unintelligibly}

DOGGIE: {after a moment, realizes the presence and turns his head to the waiter}

WAITER: Would you like to order, doggie sir?

DOGGIE: {looks at kittie, and flashes her a smile that says "I'm not really hungry, I just want to be with you. Kittie flashes a similar smile. He looks at the waiter and slowly shakes his head.}

KITTIE: {playing with the fur on her head flirtatiously} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {his eyes widen and his ears stand}

KITTIE: {as if to say that she wanted to head home with him} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {nods his head in total agreement}

{Cut to doggie and kittie walking up to their doorstep. They stop at the doorstep and turn toward each other.}

KITTIE: {cutely, as if to say that she had fun tonight} Meow, purr.

DOGGIE: {nods as if to say "Me, too."}

KITTIE: {bites her lower lip slightly and looks deeply into doggie's eyes}

DOGGIE: {not saying a word, he smirks and wonders what she is thinking. He also remembers that doghouse NachoMan said he was going to build him.}

KITTIE: {stands there silently for a moment, then quickly kisses doggie on the cheek.} Meow, purr. {She runs inside.}

BLUEBRY: {from inside} Kittie! Where have you been?

KITTIE: {from inside} Meow, purr.

BLUEBRY: With...doggie?

KITTIE: {happily} Meow, purr.

BLUEBRY: Awesome! I knew it would happen. I'm gonna go tell NachoMan! {Bluebry is heard running up the stairs} Hey, NachoMan!

DINOSHAUR: {from up the stairs} Ungh! Mah bawlz in yo face! Mah bawlz! Mah bawlz! {Screaming} Mah bawlz! Oh...

{Cut back to doggie's face at the doorstep.}

DOGGIE: {completely overwhelmed by the rush of endorphins in his body, he cannot summon any words to say. He walks inside. The room is empty.}

{Content, doggie walks to his computer. He stops a moment to touch his cheek, to make sure he was not imagining anything, and begins typing silently.}

Dear kittie,
I had a lot of fun tonight.
Um...maybe you'd like to do
something again sometime.
I like you a lot, I think.


{The shot fades to a shot of kittie kissing doggie's cheek on the doorstep}

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