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Aruseus Emails/yotw

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< Aruseus Emails
Revision as of 22:08, 4 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, Lyle, Foxx, Kyubii, Pter, Roy, Roy Jr, Fang, Jess, Lucas Aura, Algernon

Places: Computer Room, TLA Living Room, Dark Room

Computer: E-Mach 1000

Date: January 1st, 2007


ARUSEUS: {as rock guitars are playing, singing} It's time to get ready to go!

TOM: Ready to go!

ARUSEUS: It's time to check email again!

{Tom beats on the desk a few times}

ARUSEUS: We can go for it all!

TOM: For it all!

ARUSEUS: We know you think we're awesome! {clicks the email icon}


Aruseus, this is urgent.

You know that the Year of the Wolf is 2008, right?
Keep Fang under restraint on December 31st.
Once midnight hits, all wolves will go on a rampage, killing
anything in their paths.
This is your warning.

Lucas Aura

ARUSEUS: Year of the Wolf? Isn't that like...Swahili or something?

TOM: I think Lucas means Chinese New Year.

ARUSEUS: But what does China have to do with killer monkies?

TOM: Wolves.

ARUSEUS: Ok. What does China have to do with killer wolves?

TOM: I don't know. It's all babble to me.

ARUSEUS: Then we should just ignore this. DELE-

TOM: NO! What if it's true?

ARUSEUS: Touche. Tooouuuuccchhheee. Well, I guess we should take saftey precautions.

TOM: That's exactly what I'm saying.

ARUSEUS: You think you know everything, don't you?

TOM: Don't argue. Let's just get the restraints. I have some old belts and scotch tape in my attic.

ARUSEUS: What about Foot Disea-


ARUSEUS: Whatever.

{Cut to TLA Attic}

TOM: Here they are. {reaches in a box}

ARUSEUS: {thinking} Oh man...I hope it isn't gonna be like last time...I don't want to lose another friend...

{Cut to the TLA Living Room, all of my main characters are there, Fang is tied up with belts and scotch tape}

FANG: Tell me why the heck I'm tied up.

KYUBII: You are going to go crazy when midnight hits.

FANG: What? Aruseus, are you drunk again?

ARUSEUS: Blame Lucas.

FANG: Yeah, I am kinda cheesed off at Ness' replacement.

TOM: He means Lucas Aura.

PTER: Quiet! There's 10 seconds left!

{Tom has his fingers crossed}

EVERYONE: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...

{A fanfare is heard}


TOM: Fang seems normal...

FANG: You guys are morons. Now untie me before-

{Lucas Aura runs in}

LUCAS: Sorry, Aruseus! Turns out there is no Year of the Wolf.

FANG: Then what year is it?


{Cut to a corner of the room, Algernon is spazzing, with several sugar packets and soy sauce bottles next to him}


ROY: He isn't gonna kill us isn't he?

{Algernon bites Roy in the tail}

ROY: Well that's unpleasant.

ARUSEUS: Well, Happy New Year, everyone!

TOM: Isn't Arumail one year-old now?

ARUSEUS: Happy anniversary as well!

{The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Algernon to see an extra scene.

{Cut to a dark room, Fang is talking on a communicator}

??????????: It'll only be a few more days, Fang. Then we strike.

FANG: Got it. {puts the communicator away}

Fun Facts

  • Fang's line about Ness references the fact Ness has been replaced by Lucas in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Wait, now that's Ness is a character in Brawl, this fun fact is wrong.
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