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Aruseus Emails/lappyend

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< Aruseus Emails
Revision as of 22:07, 4 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Aruseus loses the Lappy to some letters.

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Strong Bad, Tom, Foxx, Cyrus

Places: Computer Room, The Stick, TLA Living Room

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Febuary 3rd, 2007


ARUSEUS: {while typing "run_arumail.exe"}: I got the e-mail. You got the e-mail. I got-

STRONG BAD: Hey! I did that one first!


ARUSEUS: What!? Stupid email. I detter belete this, I mean better delete this.

{Aruseus hits a key, but then...}

ARUSEUS: AHH! I gotta fix this, um...fix!

{Aruseus hits another key}

ARUSEUS: AW CRAP! I gotta get help! {leaves}

{Cut to The Stick, with Tom and Foxx}

TOM: Eheheheh...sorry about eating you leg.

FOXX: Don't worry, man. It's all good.

{Aruseus runs in}

ARUSEUS: Guys, help! I screwed up my Lappy! BAD!

TOM: Darn it, man!

ARUSEUS: I didn't mean to!

TOM: Ok, calm down. I can try to fix it. I'm good with computers.

ARUSEUS: Thanks, Tom! {hugs him}

TOM: I'll give you till three to let me go.

ARUSEUS: {lets go} Sorry...

{Cut back to Lappy, it still has the same message from before}

TOM: {calmly} Ok. What did you do?


TOM: Ok.

ARUSEUS: And I tried to delete it, and this error appeared.

TOM: Dang. I can't get rid of this error. We have to consult an expert. Let me get my cell.

{Tom pulls out a cellphone, dials a number}

TOM: {on phone} Hello? Yeah, it's me. My friend screwed up his computer nd I need you over quick. Bye, and thanks. {hangs up} Ok. he should be here any moment-

{The doorbell rings}

ARUSEUS: That was quick!

{Cut to TLA Living Room, Tom opens the door to see Cyrus standing at his doorstep}

TOM: Hey, Cyrus!

ARUSEUS: Who is this guy?

CYRUS: I am Cyrus. I am a Wiki User on HRFWiki and I write your emails.

ARUSEUS: Cool. I need help. Come with me. {Cyrus and Aruseus leave}

{Cut back to Lappy}

CYRUS: Whoa. I'm sorry to say this, man, but your going to have to get a new one.


{The Paper comes down}

TOM: Don't worry! Aruseus Emails will still continue! I have a computer!

Easter Eggs


Fun Facts

  • The email rap is from Sbemail: virus.
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