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Aruseus Emails/funny

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< Aruseus Emails
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Hey! Give those back!

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Fang, Roy Jr, Roy Rukario, Kyubii, Pter, Foxx, Lyle, Tom, Strong Bad

Places: Computer Room, TLA Living Room, The Field, The Stick, Bubs' Concession Stand

Computer: Intell 600

Date: March 25th, 2007 [edit] Transcript

ARUSEUS: Check-a my-a Email-a. It's-a time-a.{types run_arumail.exe}

   subject: Do I Has?
   Do I has teh permission to piledrive you through a table?
   A. Guy

ARUSEUS: {typing} Piledrive me through a table?

{A Canned audience laughs}

ARUSEUS: {typing} Yeah, according to the audience that would be class A humor. I've seen some funny stuff goin on around in Free Country USA. The people there are odd-looking, and odd-acting. {Leaves}

{Cut to The TLA Living Room, Aruseus walks up to a window}

ARUSEUS: Let's see is there is anything funny going on. {Takes out a video camera} Ohoho! It sure looks like Roy Jr. and Fang are having fun!

{Zoom in onto The Field, the music at the end of sbemail: little animal plays, while we see Roy Jr running, holding Fang's two arms, and Fang chasing him, armless}

ROY JR: Heheh! You'll never catch me!

FANG: Hey! Give those back!

{The camera zooms out to show Roy Rukario watching}

ROY JR: Hey, dad, look! It's Fangstar Wolfer!

FANG: Just because I have no arms doesn't mean I'm that dumb white marshmallow thing!

{Arseus pans the camera towards The Stick, Kyubii is on stilts}

ARUSEUS: Woah! Kyubii on stilts? The last time I saw that at Awexome Cross 98, that was some fall!

{Kyubii falls}

KYUBII: Oof! Dang it!

{Aruseus pans the camera towards Bubs' Concession Stand, which appears to be closed, }

ARUSEUS: Pter polevaulting? You idiot, just float on top of it!

{Pter starts drifting, than sticks the pole down and "leaps", He ends up crashing into the wall, the door from sbemail: the chair opens, and Pter gets pushed off the conveyor belt, as La Restige moves after and topples on to him.}


{Pter gets up and sits on the chair, presses the sweatpants button, and gets a pair placed on his head}

ARUSEUS: Hahahaha!!! Nice hat, Pter!

PTER: Stupid machine!

{Cut back to Intell}

ARUSEUS: {typing} Wow! I got a lot of clips of funny things! I should make a movie of it! {types load.movieclips}

{A list of the clips appear, plus a timeline and cursor}

   Movie Clips


ARUSEUS: Let's see...this one first...

{Clicks RoyJrFangChase.wma}

ARUSEUS: Then this...

{Clicks StiltKyubii.wma}

ARUSEUS: And this one.

{Clicks PterPolevault.wma}

ARUSEUS: Ok! We're done! Now time to gather some peeps!


{Tom, Lyle, Fang, Roy, Roy Jr, Kyubii, Foxx, Strong Bad, and Pter are gathered around the desk.}

ARUSEUS: Play movie! {clicks a key}

{The clips play on the Intell's screen, Starting with Fang and Roy Jr.}

ROY JR: Heheh! You'll never catch me!

FANG: Hey! Give those back!

{The Kybii's...}

KYUBII: Oof! Dang it!

{...and then Pter's}'


{Pter gets up and sits on the chair, presses the sweatpants button, and gets a pair placed on his head}

ARUSEUS: Hahahaha!!! Nice hat, Pter!

PTER: Stupid machine!

{Zoom out}

TOM: Well, I got a good laugh.

{The others converse, sounding content}

ARUSEUS: Thank you!

STRONG BAD: I'd have to say, those were pretty funny. Pizza for you, Monday night. {leaves}


{The Paper} [edit] Easter Eggs

   * Click on the names of the clips to replay them.
   * Click on Aruseus' ring for an encore. 

[edit] Fun Facts

I'm feelin' lazy, might do them.

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