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Aruseus Emails/decemberween

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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, Christmas Critters, Squirrley Squirrel, Bubs

Places: TLA Living Room, Computer Room, Tom's Room, Bubs' Concession Stand

Computer: E-Mach 1000

Date: December 24th, 2007


{Aruseus is sitting on the couch o the TLA Living Room with a remote and a bag of chips}

TOM: {offscreen} Come on! You have to check an email! It's almost Decemberween!

ARUSEUS: No! I'm on break! {turns on TV}

{Cut to the screen, South Park is on, Episode: Woodland Critter Christmas}

SQUIRRLEY SQUIRREL: Now don't be down, y'all. We can find ourselves a way to get rid of that nasty mountain-

ARUSEUS: O-KAY! I'm checking an email! {runs offscreen}

{Aruseus runs into the Computer Room, and starts typing random junk, instead of typing "run_arumail.exe", he types "skg_ljkhfkal.egg"}

ARUSEUS: {as he's typing} Uh... {singing} I love email poofs, you love email poofs!


Bad command or filename.

ARUSEUS: Oops. {types "run_arumail.exe"}

Subject: decemberween

Dear Aruseus,
Happy Decemberween!
I hope you get all sorts of stuff and
give all sorts of other stuff.

Richard Allen's just Cheez.

ARUSEUS: Wait, your name is Cheez? AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, that's funny.

{Aruseus clears the screen}

ARUSEUS: {typing} Well, Dairy Product, thanks. I'll give stuff and get stuff as well! Well, I'm off to give and get!

{Cut to Tom's Room}

ARUSEUS: Do you know where I can get wrapping paper...and some tape?

TOM: Why? Are you bounding and gagging Foxx for stealing your french fries...AGAIN?

ARUSEUS: Yes. I'm also getting Decemberween gifts for everyone!

TOM: Oh! Well, ok. There's some in the attic.

ARUSEUS: Okie-salami!

TOM: Haw?

{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand}

ARUSEUS: Hey, Bubs! I'm looking for Decemberween presents. Got anything that will's say...Tom?

BUBS: Here you go! {Hands Aruseus a game cartridge}

ARUSEUS: A new Shploitz! game? Thanks! Now...what would Homestar like?

BUBS: Here you go! {Hands Aruseus a jar}

ARUSEUS: Week-old Witches' Brew!? That's impossible to find! Thanks!

BUBS: No probalo!

{Fade to the TLA Living Room, several characters are there}

ARUSEUS: People of the Imperial City, er...Free Country, I have gifts! This one's for you, Homestar. {Hands Homestar the jar}

HOMESTAR: Week-old Witches' Brew!? That's impossible to find! Thanks!

ARUSEUS: Here's yours, Tom! {Hands Tom the game}

TOM: So that's where Strong Mad hid it...

ARUSEUS: {straining and holding a heavy box}'s...yours!

FANG: Ooh!

{Fang opens it up and Foxx pops out of the box}


{Aruseus hits Foxx over the head with a baseball bat}

ARUSEUS: Jess, I got you this! {Hands Jess the bat}

JESS: Er...thanks?

ARUSEUS: And a Happy Decemberween to you!

{The Paper comes down}

Fun Facts

  • "Richard Allen George...No, it's Just Cheez" is a song by Less Than Jake
  • Imperial City is a reference to "Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV."
  • Tom getting his Shploitz! game back references Foxx's Answering Machine.
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