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Yahtzee Style Reviews/Number fill 2

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Timesplitters Future perfect is the second sequel to a first person shooter developed by oddly named “Free Radical”. Free Radical is a rare developer in the sense that they’re British and all their games kick the arse of most modern First Person Shooters.

The first thing I have to talk about is the game’s plot to put off making funny remarks. You play Cortez, your average space marine fresh off TimeSplitters 2 and ready to go back in time and stop this huge war that’s going to begin in 2401 Terminator Style. The plot is purposely cliché, as are the locations you visit. These are attributed to the game’s several styles of humour, combining elements of surreal, tongue in cheek, innuendo, insult and parody to make a laugh out loud adventure for people who enjoy blasting gingerbread men’s heads off.

This links me neatly to the characters. In story play you have the average space marine, along with the stereotypes of Scottish optimist, 60’s stud, London chav, badass action girl and a dumb robot to go and defeat Mad Scientist Jacob Crow to kill him and crush his dream of world domination, something he was probably looking forward to you blind unfeeling idiot. Hmm, yes, it’s evident that Cortez’s motives are abit questionable, such as when he travels back in time to give a key that was magically given to him but Zeus.

However, all of this is ignored during the gameplay which is your usual whiz bang shooty fun only with some truly strange weapons, including harpoon gun probably designed to miss every shot you make with it. All dialogue is spoken masterfully, even in multi-player, (The shining star of this game) in which all characters have their own separate voices to spout whenever shot to conjunction with a John Madden-esque announcer who will delightfully announce “BOOM-SHAKA” everytime you execute a successful kill.

If you ever get bored of the maps you can create your own. ...Nooooot much I can say there. Anyway, to wrap this all up I suggest that if you’re any self-respecting gamer you’d better rush to play this game before you face melts. Thanks, Cortez!

-It's funny because I've got a really skinny body

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