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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/6

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< Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition
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Part 1: Bass Conflict

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers had to show what they could do best in the Wawanakwa Talent Show! Chef and I watched, and campers were rated by Chef on what they could do. There was diving, singing, speed-eating, and even some gas. In the end, the Bass got their butts saved by the metal rockin' Lucas, and Fang did something seen before, which led to Fang being voted off.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: So, will the campers conquer this next challenge? Well, there's only one way to find out, and that's on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to Bass Cabin}

ELYSSA: {sigh} Lucas, I told you to not make a fool of yourself, but you did win for us so...thanks! {hugs Lucas}

LUCAS: Eheh...Thanks.

TEX: Oh come on, Lucas! You get all the girls!

LUCAS: I guess girls aren't turned on by someone with only half their stature...

TEX: Why you...

GEOFF: Woah woah, calm down. We don't fight amongst each other until later on in the game.

TEX: He's my brother, Geoff. I have EVERY right to fight with him!

LUCAS: Well if you want Elyssa so bad, TAKE HER! {shoves Elyssa towards Tex} I'm going out for some air. {leaves}

{Cut to the Gopher Cabin, Tom is watching the Bass with binoculars}

TOM: Woah. Looks like we've got some roughness in the Bass cabin.

VAN: Austin's back?!

TOM: No. It's those two Lucarios.

VAN: Wait, the blue one broke up with the pink one?!

TOM: No! I'm talking about the two brothers!

VAN: Oh. Ok.

FOXX: Let them fight. It only provides us an advantage over them.

CHRIS: {over the intercom} Campers! Breakfast time!

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

CHRIS: Campers! Today's challenge is simple. Spend a night in the woods.

ARUSEUS: Aren't we already in the woods?

CHRIS: That's where you're wrong. You will not be sleeping in your cabins. You have tents, sleeping bags, and the like. Just spend a night, avoiding bears and other wild animals in the forest! Be careful out there.

KALE: I've camped before. You, Ashley, and Campy all took me.

BRUCE: Yup, I remember. Well, this should be no different.

CHRIS: Don't be too confident, Bruce! Forecast today is a high chance of rain!

BRUCE: Aw, crap.

CHRIS: If you don't like the rain, get ready!

{Cut to Ashley and Ryan, Ashley holds her head down and groans}

RYAN: What's up?

ASHLEY: Didn't you listen? There's going to be rain.

RYAN: So? A little rain never hurt anyone.

ASHLEY: I'm a cat, you blue dope! Cats and water are not a good mix.

TOM: don't rust, right?

FOXX: I'm not that primitive of an android.

TOM: Ok. And I'm pretty damn sure Reploid-boy on the other team is the same.

CHRIS: Okay, campers! Back to your cabins before we start!

{Cut to the woods, various red and green bags are there}

CHRIS: Teams, take your respective bags.

Part 2: The Woods Await

TOM: Ok, Gophers. Get ready for anything. Ooooooooooohhhhhhh...A-hiking we will go, a-hiking we will go, we'll take some Bass and kick their ass and stay triumphant, ho!

FOXX: Please. No singing.

{Cut to the Killer Bass walking in the woods}

ARUSEUS: {pokes Lucas' shoulder} We should set up here!


ARUSEUS: Why not?

LUCAS: I don't know, maybe we HAVEN'T EVEN LEFT CAMP YET.


{Cut to the Gophers}

TOM: Ok, Gophers! What looks like a good spot?

KALE: about there?

TOM: Nice spot, Kale! This seems nice and clear. Okay guys. Let's pitch here!

{Cut to the Bass}

ARUSEUS: How 'bout now?

GEOFF: Dude, there's no space to pitch tent.

ARUSEUS: Hey! I see some space!

{The Bass enter into an open spot in the woods}

LUCAS: Good eye, Aruseus. Let's pitch here.

ARUSEUS: Okay! I got it!

{Aruseus attempts to pitch a tent}

LUCAS: Let us handle it.

ARUSEUS: Lucas, I've got it.

{Cut to the Bass again, the tent is done}


{The tent falls apart. Lucas facepalms}

{Cut to the Gophers, they have a fire, nicely pitched tents, and several buckets of water}

TOM: I must say...we are SO not like those Bass. I'm pretty sure this challenge will knock some sense into them.

VAN: We all like each other...right?

TOM: Well, let's see. Van, you've got a good sense of direction when it comes to thing like this.'re...nice. {blushes} Megan. You're really lively and energetic. Kale, you're real cool, and're an idiot, but that is what's good about you.


TOM: Well, if we're feeling bad, you can cheer us up!

BRUCE: Aw, shucks. Thanks, Tom. You are a great leader.

{Cut to the Bass, who have mediocre tents, and a fire}

LUCAS: Okay, if we're going to win, we have to do it right. Wolf, Ryan, fix the tents.

GEOFF: What do we have in the way of food?

LUCAS: There's some snack bars in one of the bags. We should...WHA?!

{Cut to Aruseus eating snack bars}

ARUSEUS: Hey, Lucas! Thanks for the snack bars! I was starved! You guys have any taquitos?

LUCAS: Great! We're all going to starve now!

{It starts to rain}

ASHLEY: {hisses} Not the rain... {hides in tent}

LUCAS: Just when things couldn't get any worse! {heavy sigh} Well, we got nothing left. We've lost.

ELYSSA: Lucas...

{Cut to the Gophers}

VAN: Aw man! Not the rain!

TOM: Wait, I have a plan. Everyone, get your tents!

MEGAN: Why? That's where we're sleeping!

TOM: Not anymore! Everyone, tie the tents to make a shield for the rain!

VAN: But, we don't have string!

TOM: That's where you two come in. Pter, Van, grab some vines!

PTER: Okay! {flies off with Van}

{Cut to the Gophers sitting under a large tent held with vines, the campfire is back up}

KYUBII: Nice plan, Tom!

KALE: Tom, you're always full of great ideas.

{Cut to the Bass}

LUCAS: Urgh... how did I get stuck with such morons...

ELYSSA: Lucas, your negative attitude isn't helping. Let's just try to get some sleep.

{A roar is heard}

RYAN: What was that?!

FENRI: It wasn't me...


{A bear stands before the Bass and roars}

LUCAS: Oh crap!

{Outhouse Cam: Lucas}

LUCAS: I knew we were going to die out I had to take control.

{Cut back}

LUCAS: Umm...Geoff! You're the captain, what do we do?!

GEOFF: I have no clue! I've never been attacked by a bear!

LUCAS: I say we hide in the tree, and use Fenri as bait...or maybe Tex!

TEX: Jeez, Lucas! You're becoming such an ass!

LUCAS: I'm an ass?! I'm only trying to save the team!

TEX: By sacrificing someone?! That's low, man.

LUCAS: You're the one who's low!



{Everyone is in the tree but Lucas and Tex}

LUCAS: You know, maybe you wouldn't be such a pain if you didn't get in that accident!

TEX: Well maybe if you were THERE for me!

LUCAS: You see these?! These are my LEGS. This is my TAIL! That {points to Elyssa} is my GIRLFRIEND! I have a lot more than you do!

TEX: Well who was born first?! I-

{The bear roars}

TEX: Do something about the bear, you idiot!

{Elyssa jumps up and shoots the bear with a pink ball of energy}

LUCAS: Elyssa?!

{The bear runs away}

LUCAS: saved me?

ELYSSA: Don't talk.

{Cut to morning, the Gophers are waking up}

TOM: Good morning, Screaming Gophers! Well, we have no breakfast, but there's one goal. Pack up, and get your butts back to camp!

BRUCE: {yawn} Okay.

TOM: Now...who here knows these woods like they were his home...Van! Take us home, buddy.

VAN: Yessir!

{Cut to the Bass, waking up}

GEOFF: Ok, guys. We had a rough night, let's head home.

LUCAS: Aruseus, you found our way here, now take us home.

ARUSEUS: Ok, it was that way! Or was it that way? Or...

LUCAS: You moron! Now we're lost?!

ARUSEUS: Okay, listen. I know I screwed up, but we have to hurry. If we can find the shore, we follow it to the dock, and then go to the campfire.

LUCAS: Sounds like a plan.

{Cut to the Campfire, Chris is waiting}

CHRIS: And here they come! Our winners...the Screaming Gophers!

{Lucas and the Killer Bass arrive}

LUCAS: Dammit!

CHRIS: Screaming Gophers, you win a trip to...the Tuck Shop!

{The Screaming Gophers cheer}

BRUCE: Wait...what's a Tuck Shop?

CHRIS: Bass, choose someone to vote off. See you at the campfire!

Part 3: Dead Ringer

{Cut to the Campfire, Chris has the marshmallows}

CHRIS: Campers, you've made your choice.

{Outhouse Cam: Tex}

TEX: Lucas, what happened with us? You were so nice before.

{Outhouse Cam: Lucas}

LUCAS: You really screwed up back there. If it wasn't for you, we would've won.

{Outhouse Cam: Elyssa}

ELYSSA: Well, Lucas did take control, but he didn't get us lost and nearly killed...

{Cut back}

CHRIS: The camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must leave. Dock of Shame, Boat of Losers, all that jazz. Anyway, our first recipient is...Ashley.

{Ashley recieves a marshmallow}

CHRIS: Elyssa, Ryan, Fenri, Wolf, Geoff.

{The respective campers get their marshmallows}


{One left! Aaah!}

{Lucas looks pretty nervous, Aruseus is kinda nervous too}

CHRIS: Lucas.

{Lucas gets his marshmallow}

CHRIS: Aruseus, time to go!

ARUSEUS: Well, it's been fun. Bye guys! See you next time!

{Aruseus sails away}

{Outhouse Cam: Geoff}

GEOFF: I was unsure who to vote off! Sure, Aruseus screwed up, but he's cool. Well, I guess I'll see him again someday.


Fun Facts

  • Part of one of Aruseus' lines is a direct Gir quote.
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