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The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!/6

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< The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!
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The gang has to go out, but it's for 3 and up only...


{Open to SI's house. In the background, the song "what a day" plays. A shot of Si talking appears along with "Strong Intelligent played by cheesy" is subtitled. This is the case with the rest of the characters exept Jontof, where his name is scribbled out and it say's (in appaling handwriting) eMO Guy. And Motherbot (who doesn't appear at all). Cut to the living room. Jontof, SI, Hiccup and A Spider Lama are all in winter clothes.}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Mum, move ya big toosh down here!

MOTHERBOT: {Offscreen}

{Motherbot floats down stairs, with eyeliner on its eye}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: We never said you were going out. You've got to look after Oreo.


HICCUP: That'd be a computer virus.

MOTHERBOT: I'm...a...human!

JONTOF: Yeah...anywho, Oreo can't be on his own, but he can't come extreme bike riding with us.

{Oreo walks on}

OREO: Why not! I'm big, I'm strong, I can do it!

HICCUP: No you can't, your a crying wuss who can't come to {Mocking voice} big boys cwubb!

OREO: Stop making fun of me!

HICCUP: Awww, what's cwybaby gonna do?


HICCUP: {Bursts out laughing}

JONTOF: Shut, up, seriously, I don't want therapy again.

STRONG INTELLIGENT: I remember Dr. S.C Ammer.

{Jontof and SI sigh}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Anywho, I have a suggestion. Let's take Oreo-

OREO: To Disneyland where I can blossom and be myself whilst I beat up Goofy?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: No, to the dare care center.

{Cut to the car. SI and Jontof are in the front seats, and SI is driving while Hiccup and Oreo are in the backseat}

HICCUP: This is gonna be awesome. A day with Or-I mean...riding bikes through killing machines...yeah.

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Thanks your second cousin's sister's husband's son's aunt's mother in law's brother. Twice removed.


JONTOF: No, you were just born two years late. So, in other words, you have no chance in your second cousin's sister's husband's son's aunt's mother in law's brother twice removed beating Scatman John in a steak eating competition.

HICCUP: You know that made no sense?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: That's what's so great about it. Anyway, Oreo, we're here.

{Zoom in on Oreo. The background fades to red and fire is in the background}


{The background changes to a pink wallpaper with pictures of cute little pink kittens on it. Zoom out to see a black cat with messy fur}

BLACK CAT: {With Marcus Fenix's voice} Hey, you. New kid.

{Oreo looks at the cat}

OREO: Yeah?

BLACK CAT: So they say...once you go never come out...


BLACK CAT: Whoever sent you in was a bad owner.

OREO: Nah. Nut he was an-

BLACK CAT: No, he was bad.

OREO: I have no opinion do I?

BLACK CAT: Nope. But, you may be...the one.

OREO: Yah, I can believe that.

{It flashes on the screen "half an hour later"}

{Oreo is eating cake}

OREO: At least they serve good cake.

BLACK CAT: But'll never get out.

{It says, "one hour later" Oreo is talking to a ginger cat}

OREO: {Voice lower than usual} Ya see, they never come out here. You die here.


OREO: Whoever sent you here was a bad owner...


{HAlf an hour later. Oreo is sitting down and has stubble}

OREO: {Unbelievably low} We're doomed. We're never getting ou-

{Strong Intelligent enters}


OREO: See ya guys!


Fun facts

  • SI finished this at school, and right at the end of lunch.
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