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Sarette Emails/2

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Sarette Email #2

Sarette reads a yearbook, with terrible results.

Cast (in order of appearance): Sarette Sprinter

Places: Sarette's Spare Room

Date: August 22, 2008

Running Time: 1:54

Page Title: this does not exist. move along.


SARETTE: What? I'm checking another email? Say it isn't so!

subj: Memories

Ding dong, ding dong yo!

Do you have any yearbooks from 1983?

- Liame's wife's roommate's roommate's husband

Attachment: Thanks_For_The_Memories_FOB.wav

{After reading 'Ding dong, ding dong yo!', Sarette runs offscreen and says 'I'll get it! Hello? Hel-looooo? Stupid pranksters.' After saying this, Sarette comes back to read the rest of the email.}

SARETTE: Do I have them? Does a frog have wings? Well, it doesn't, but I sure have those yearbooks!

{Sarette gets up, and walks up to a cabinet, opening up a drawer labeled '1983' to its full length, revealing it is actually extremely long, presumably carrying yearbooks from 1983.}

SARETTE: Let's see here... {tosses out a yearbook} No... {tosses out another yearbook} No... {tosses out a book with the title 'The Complete Encyclopedia of Pants'} That isn't even a yearbook. {takes out yet another yearbook} Ah-ha! There it is!

{Sarette opens the yearbook up.}

SARETTE: Oh! I can't bear to look at this photo! {turns the page} Oh, why did people consider these clothes cool? {turns page} Oh, this one is...what? You want to see the yearbook? Well, fine! [turns around the yearbook so viewers can see, revealing a photo of many people running away from a volcano eruption} Here's the chocolate volcano incident of 1983! {turns page, revealing a photo of a horrified man growing mold rapidly while terrified onlookers stare and run away} And here's the mold virus incident of 1983! {turns page, revealing a crowd of people pulling french fries out of holes in the ground} And here's the random french fires growing out of the ground incident! {turns page, revealing a photo of a crowd of people running away from a Godzilla-esque monster} And here's the...wait, wasn't I responsible for all these incidents? Are we on live? Oh no! I've exposed my could-be-criminal-but-nobody-could-pin-it-on-me record! AAAAAAUGH! {runs off}

{The Notepaper comes down, reading 'You did not see this. This cartoon will self destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.' After five seconds, the scene breaks apart with an explosion sound effect. A badly burnt Notepaper comes down with the usual message.}

Easter Eggs

  • If you click on the attatchment, the following scene will play after Sarette says she has the yearbooks, but before she leaves her seat to get one.
SARETTE: But first, I'm gonna see what this attatchment is.
{Sarette types 'run mysounds.exe'. It runs for four seconds, with no sound going out, before Sarette speaks.}
SARETTE: I should really consider getting a sound card. {pauses} Anyway, moving along!
{The email continues as normal.}

Fun Facts

  • This is the first email to have an easter egg.
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