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Kirbychu's Vacation/1

From Wuw Archive

< Kirbychu's Vacation
Revision as of 03:19, 5 December 2008 by Kirbychu HR'D (Talk)
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{Cut to Kirbychu, sitting on his front porch. His left ear is bandaged up.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Where are the guys? I told them to be here 15 minutes ago!

{Kirby and Red come down on warp stars land on the lawn.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Wow, you didn't crash into me for a change!

{Green falls from the sky and crushes Kirbychu.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I shouldn't have said anything.

GREEN: Sorry.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Bodily injuries aside, what took so long?

KIRBY: We forgot something and needed to turn around.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: What did you forget that was so important?

RED: {holds up a cabbage} This cabbage.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: You wasted 15 minutes just for a cabbage!?!

KIRBY: It's not a regular cabbage, it's magical!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: What can it do that's so magical?

RED: It can make you strong!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: ...? Whatever, just put your bags in the back of the van and sit down.


{Everyone pot's their bags in the back of Kirbychu's van. They all get in when everyone's bags are in. Kirbychu starts the car.}

KIRBY: Is it legal for a 14 year old puffball to drive?

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I have a license.

GREEN: I feel unsafe.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Shut up, I'm street legal.

{The van drives off. The screen turns black, and "2 hours later" appears. The scene then goes to Kirbychu on the highway. The 3 kirbies are in the back seat watching a dvd on a small TV.}

KIRBY: {watching movie} This is the best part!

{an explosion is heard from the TV.}

KIRBY: Yay! Best. Ending. Ever.

MOVIE: {Strong Bad's voice} It's over! {credits roll}

GREEN: Wow. That ruled!

RED: Hey, Kirbychu?


RED: Are we there yet?


RED: How 'bout now?


RED: Now?


RED: Now?


RED: N...


RED: eep.

{The car passes a rest stop sign.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Anyone need to go to the bathroom?

GREEN: I do.

RED: I do too.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: K. I'll stop.

{Kirbychu pulls into the rest stop and parks the van. The area looks like a standard rest area with a main information/restroom building, a vending machine area, and some news paper machines. Everyone goes in.}

GREEN AND RED: {runs to the bathroom}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: You should go too, Kirby.

KIRBY: But I don't need to go.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: It's better to go now than wait until you're gonna burst.

KIRBY: I really don't need to go.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Whatever, but don't come crying to me when you feel like your bladder's gonna explode and there's no bathroom in the area.

KIRBY: Whatever. {walks to the vending machines}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: ...I need a map. {buys a map}

{Red and Green walk out of the bathroom. Green is wet.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: What happened?

GREEN: I fell in...

RED: I still can't believe you forgot to put the seat down.


KIRBYCHU HR'D: I'm not letting you anywhere near my van if you're covered in toilet water! Go wash off!

GREEN: Actually, I already did, I'm just wet because there were no more paper towels and the dryer was "out of odor".

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Don't you mean "order"?

GREEN: Maybe. But the sign said "odor".

KIRBYCHU HR'D: What ever. Let's go get Kirby and get back on the road, we've still got quite a ways to go before our first stop.

(Cut to the van. Everyone is getting in.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Kirby, are you sure you don't need to go to the bathroom?

KIRBY: Positive.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Okay then, let's go!

(5 minutes later...}

KIRBY: Kirbychu?


KIRBY: I gotta pee...

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I told you to go while we were there! The next rest stop isn't for another 30 miles, and I'm not pulling over to the side of the road!

KIRBY: But I really gotta go!!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Just do something with your brothers so you forget, and 30 miles should pass by in no time!

KIRBY: Fine. {turns to Red} So... want to play eye spy?

RED: No thanks, that game's for little kids. Why don't we play a board game?

KIRBY: ...Fine. We'll play Monopoly.

GREEN: Can I join?

KIRBY: Sure.


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