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KickCheat E-mails/Nebulon's Army

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KickCheat E-mails #8

KickCheat goes to the moon for the second gold capsule. Nebulon stirs up some trouble

Cast: (in order of appearance): KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Stephen, 1-Up, Nebulon, 500 mini nebulons, Tampo, Stlunko, Brody

Places: 2072 Field, Warp pad area, The Moon, Lunar wearhouse, The pink cloud zone, Tampo's Lair

Computer: Lappy HC

Lines: 200


{Cut to the inside of the pickup truck}

KICKCHEAT: So how do we get to the moon?

STINKOMAN: There is a portal that can trasfer people to the moon.

STRONG BAD: Okay Stiny.

STINKOMAN: It's Stinkoman!

STRONG BAD: Sorry Stiny.

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

KICKCHEAT: Oh yeah. I need to check an e-mail.

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

KICKCHEAT: {Gets out his Lappy HC} Some how, I will survive the eight e-mail!

KICKCHEAT: I don't wear a propeller hat 466664! Ask Homestar that! {Turns to Homestar} Hey Homestar!


KICKCHEAT: Answer this e-mail.


{KickCheat gives Homestar the Lappy HC}

{Says "Homestar" instead of KickCheat when reading the e-mail}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Why do I wear a propeller hat? Because it spins and plays a song from Night Court. It also glows in the dark! {Gives the Lappy HC to KickCheat} There, I answered it.

KICKCHEAT: Thanks baldy. {Puts the Lappy HC away} We should be near that portal soon.

STEPHEN: Yes, we should be close. About another 2 miles and we'll be there.

{Cut to a black screen that says "A few minutes later". Cut to the warp pad area}

1-UP: This will take us to the moon?

STEPHEN: Yes. {He pushes 1-p onto the warp pad. 1-Up disappears. No one does nothing for a few seconds}

STRONG BAD: Holy crap! {Jumps onto the warp pad}

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises} {Jumps onto the warp pad}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That is one powerful toaster.

KICKCHEAT: That is not a toaster! {Pushes Homestar onto the warp pad. Homestar disappears}

STINKOMAN: DOUBLE DEUCE!! {Jumps onto the warp pad}

KICKCHEAT: {Turns to Stephen} You three coming?

STEPHEN: No, we'll wait for you here.

KICKCHEAT: Heck with it. {Jumps onto the warp pad}

STEPHEN: Good luck KickCheat.

{Cut to everyone, but KickCheat on the moon. KickCheat appears}

KICKCHEAT: This is space?

STINKOMAN: You got it!

KICKCHEAT: Weird. The pictures I see look beter than actually being on the moon.

{Cut to Nebulon watching the six on a TV screen}

NEBULON: So Tampo wasn't kidding. Six morons are after my capsule! Time to stir up some trouble!

{Nebulon walks upto a large bowl as big as a door}

NEBULON: My magic pot of terror will give me a hand!

{A hand that looks like Master Hand from super smash bros. comes out of the pot and flies away}

NEBULON: {sarcasticly} Ha, ha. Very funny pot! Now, create 500 mini nebulons.

{500 mini nebulons come out of the pot}

NEBULON: Now my troops. See these losers on my TV here?

{The 500 nebulons look at the TV}

NEBULON: These losers must die. You all got that?


NEBULON: Okay, go!

{All 500 nebulons run offscreen chanting. Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar}

KICKCHEAT: No, I swear, we are going the right way!

1-UP: You are going to say a swear?

STINKOMAN: It's a statement 1-Up!

STRONG BAD: {Looks up} Look out! Home coming asteroid or meteor!

{The six run offscreen. A mini nebulon walks onscreen}

MINI NEBULON: Destroy losers! Destroy losers!

{The asteroid hits him.}

MINI NEBULON: Oww! That hurt! {Dies}

{The six walk back onscreen}

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

STINKOMAN: I have a felling that we have a massive army of those green things coming to get us.

STRONG BAD: Argh! I hate it when the good guys are being ambushed by an army of aliens!

KICKCHEAT: Get used to it. I think we have a lot more coming to kill us.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Can we have ice cream now?

1-UP: And pudding too?

STRONG BAD: No! Later after we get those six capsules!


KICKCHEAT: Can we get to that alien loser now?

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}


{Cut to Nebulon watching the six on a TV}

NEBULON: Who dare kill one of my mini nebulons! They call me a loser! Only I am allowed to call them that! Well, they will be dead soon anyway.

{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar walking}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Are we there yet?


1-UP: Are we there now?

STRONG BAD: Still no.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: How about now?



STRONG BAD: Oh, will you just stut up! We will get there when we get there! Okay!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {quietly} Yes.


KICKCHEAT: Hey guys look. It's the rest of the aliens.


{Camera zoms out to show an army of mini nebulons}

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Something. {Falls backwards}

KICKCHEAT: {Gets out his Lappy HC} Let's see them dance! {Pushes a button. A lightsaber appears}

STINKOMAN: Come on! We don't want to get Star Wars here!

KICKCHEAT: Well, it's only fourteen years until the space age anyway.

STINKOMAN: Oh, right.

KICKCHEAT: Time for a challenge!

{KickCheat starts to swing his lightsaber at the mini nebulons. They litterally "dance" to avoid being hit}

STRONG BAD: Okay, that is just plain funny! {Punches a mini nebulon} Come on guys! This is fun!

1-UP: Okay! {Walks up to a mini nebulon} Umm, KICK! {Kicks the mini nebulon}

1-UP: This is so boring! All we are doing is beating the crap out of aliens.

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises} {Runs away}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What a chicken and a The Cheat! Time to go Super Mario Brothers!

{Homestar starts to jump on mini nebulons while the song from Super Mario Brothers plays}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Now that is classic fighting!

{The victory song from Super Mario Brothers plays}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Where is that music coming from?

{Cut to Stinkoman. Surronded by mini nebulons}


{Starts to punch the mini nebulons}

STINKOMAN: 1972! I 1972'd you good!

{Cut to the six infront of a giant door}

KICKCHEAT: Time to get the second gold capsule!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But what are going to do with that pile behind us?

{Camera zooms out to show a huge pile of dead mini nebulons}

KICKCHEAT: Uhh, nothing! Let's go already!

{The six go inside the big door. Cut to nebulon watching the six on a TV}

NEBULON: They beat my army? But how? Now they went through my door that has nothing behind it but me! This is worse than beans!

KICKCHEAT: {Offscreen} Yes it is bozo!

NEBULON: Who said that?

KICKCHEAT: {Offscreen} I did!

{Camera zooms over to KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat}

KICKCHEAT: Give us that capsule!

NEBULON: {Offscreen} Never! Pot, send these wierdo's to the lunar wearhouse!

1-UP: Uh oh! Not the...

{Before 1-Up can finish, he, KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat disappear. Camera zooms over to Nebulon}

NEBULON: Yes! They're gone! {quickly} It was the only excuse to make this e-mail longer!

{Cut to the outside of the lunar wearhouse. KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat appear}

STRONG BAD: Ker-rap! Now we got to get through a crappy house on the moon!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What's so crappy about it?

STRONG BAD: There is a spikey wall infront of it!

STINKOMAN: Uh guys. Look down. There is a ladder.

KICKCHEAT: Yeah, there really is a ladder!

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat go down the ladder one at a time. Cut to the basement of the lunar wearhouse}

1-UP: Uh, now what?

KICKCHEAT: Look. There is nothing here! {walks to the right} All we need to do is just walk through!

{An arrow nearly hits KickCheat. He stops walking}

KICKCHEAT: Uh, never mind that! Who wants to go through?

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: You want to go through?

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}


{The Cheat starts to walk through the trap part of the room. Arrows, knives, giant stones and an anivil misses him}

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad and Homestar stand still surprised}

KICKCHEAT: Holy crap! That was amazing!

1-UP: That guy is braver than Stinkoman!

STINKOMAN: Stut up 1-Up!

KICKCHEAT: Come on! Time to walk on through!

{They walk to the right of the screen. Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat in a hollow room with a throne with a capsule on it}

KICKCHEAT: Hey, look! The capsule!

{KickCheat runs up to the throne and grabs the capsule}

KICKCHEAT: That's two down. Four to go!

{Put's the capsule away}

STINKOMAN: Nebulon must have hid it here.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Speaking of Nebulon. We still have to get rid of him.

KICKCHEAT: No we don't. We just have to leave the moon.

1-UP: We can jump off the moon!

STINKOMAN: Yeah! If we're lucky, we can land in the pink cloud zone!

{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat outside the lunar wearhouse}

KICKCHEAT: So, how do we jump off the moon?

NEBULON: {Offscreen} There is no way off the moon for heroes!

{Nebulon walks onscreen}

STRONG BAD: You again!

NEBULON: Me again!

STRONG BAD: Oh, I have something for you! {Punches Nebulon in the eye}


1-UP: Get out of here Nebulon! No one likes your style! {Kicks Nebulon's other eye}

NEBULON: Help! I'm blind!

STINKOMAN: This is our chance to escape!

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat jump onto Nebulon. Then they jump off him}

NEBULON: Please tell me you guys are gone!

{Crickets chirp}

NEBULON: Crap! I failed!

{Cut KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat falling towards earth}

KICKCHEAT: So that's how you jump off the moon!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Nebulon approved!

{They fall until they reach the pink cloud zone}

STINKOMAN: Here is where capsule number three is!

{They fall onto some clouds}

KICKCHEAT: That was wicked!

{Some pink clouds turn black}

STINKOMAN: An evil force is causing this!

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah! We need to find that third capsule quick!


{KickCheat, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Strong Bad, Homestar and The Cheat walk offscreen. Cut to Tampo's lair}

TAMPO: So Stlunko. What is the curent status of the capsules?

STLUNKO: Nebulon is now blind and the second capsule has been taken by those guys.

TAMPO: Nuts! I though we had 100% death up on the moon!

STLUNKO: They somehow lived through all of the traps.

TAMPO: Brody! Where are they right now?

BRODY: The pink cloud zone.

TAMPO: Ah, The Liekand will get them!

BRODY: As long he doesn't go into his salesman routine.


BRODY: Sorry.

{The paper comes down}

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