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Free Dinoshaur

From Wuw Archive

Revision as of 22:32, 14 March 2009 by Brerose (Talk)

We all know Dinoshaur. We all love Dinoshaur. Girls love Dinoshaur. The evil sysops who want to censor our free speech HATE Dinoshaur. Even you dirty thirdies love Dinoshaur.

But, lately, the young Mr. Shaur has been violated by the system. He simply brought his culture into the forum in hopes of cultural diffusion, and the young boy's posts are now moderated. What next? Maybe something that will cause Dinoshaur to leave, and that would make TheCheese's face look like this ;____________________________;.

So in honor of our glorious Dinoshaur, I have strung together this petition, in hopes that this tyranny will finish, and we will get back to doing good things with power, such as blocking third gens for disagreeing with us.

Signatures are fine to post, by the way. I just don't use mine.


  1. TheCheese
  2. Melon Demon
  3. NachoMan
  4. Chaosvii7
  5. Strong Intelligent
  6. 20eric06
  7. Homestar tiger
  8. Nebs
  9. Girrbyte
  10. Bluebry
  11. Ryan Bluefox
  12. The Noid
  13. John Boehner
  14. Homsar44withpie
  15. Barack Obama
  16. Sephiroth
  17. The thing
  18. StrongRad
  19. Ninja Pom Pom


i am a dirty thirdie and i want him on the scaffold

  1. JeRM
  2. Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay
  3. Hilary Clinton
  4. Ron Paul
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