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Anime Wiki '08/T20

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Revision as of 23:33, 3 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to class. I am Professor Chaos. And I'm here today to tell you about the miracle-formula... T20!!!


What is T20?

  • T20 is the highly advanced formula to becoming a moderator of Anime Wiki '08! The equation is as follows:

Transcription X Transcription + Overlooking=MODERATOR!

It's as easy as that! Now, let's look over the key parts of the formula.


  • This is defined as "Adding into a story, Fanfiction, Fanstuff, or game." Now, there isn't anything wrong with the amount of transcript work, but doing two times the load you can possibly handle comtributes to the formula.


  • This may seem strange, but Overlooking is defined by "ME" as "Viewing over any part and addingto it, if permitted." Doing this also finishes the formula


The "LifeStream" is a term and nothing more than that. It is just an incredibly gussied up word meaning "Can't live without the other." And, it is true, in most a way, because without overlooking, you wouldn't be able to follow out Transcription.

Get it? Got it? Good. Class dismissed.

Head back to the convention

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