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Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/Records of Bell

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< Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000
Revision as of 01:58, 7 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Host Segment 1

{The cast is on the theater floor, asleep.}

DR. BRAINFREEZE: {offscreen} Oh, great. They conked out barely over an episode through.

{Assistant walks in and slaps Chwoka around a bit.}

ASSISTANT: Wake up, you!

CHWOKA: {wakes up} Huh what?

{Dr. Brainfreeze walks onscreen}

DR. BRAINFREEZE: Did we say you could fall asleep?

CHWOKA: Did you say we couldn't?

ASSISTANT: {to Dr. Brainfreeze} Did we?


ASSISTANT: Well we did get them to fall asleep, so maybe that-

DR. BRAINFREEZE: No, you fool! How are we supposed to rule a world filled with sleeping people!

ASSISTANT: Pretty easil-

BLUEBRY: {waking up} Shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep!

SKULLB: {wakes up, yawns} I taste blood and tears.

DR. BRAINFREEZE: It's become clear that the last fanstuff was a bit too... harsh?

SKULLB: I feel like a part of me is missing.

DR. BRAINFREEZE: So, instead of prolonging the torture, we're bringing you another fiction by Im a bell!

SKULLB: Oh, the irony!

CHWOKA: That's not ironic at a-

SKULLB: Shut up, I'm tired.

ASSISTANT: This time around, we've got a series starring the great characters of the Bellverse!

SKULLB: Oh, Christ-

ASSISTANT: Follow their wacky adventures in Japan and other places!

DR. BRAINFREEZE: Hm! Yes, it's fitting, in a way.

SKULLB: Why would you do this to us again?

DR. BRAINFREEZE: Why not? I'm an awful, awful person! I do this kind of thing to people who aren't evil!

ASSISTANT: That's what villains do!

SKULLB: Oh, God, then just get it over with.


{The evil pair leave}

CHWOKA: Wait, don't we get a breakfas-

ASSISTANT: {offscreen} EVIL!

{end segment}


The following is a still-active fanstuff. The revision shown may not be up-to-date. This is the revision that was on the page at 18:55, 14 March 2009 (UTC), with red links deleted.

Temporary banner

CHWOKA: From left to right: Skullbuggy, A Flasher, Goku, Anatomically-Incorrect Female, Angry(?) Samurai, Skullbuggy.
SKULLB: Those are some handsome robots. That could just be me talking, but...


  • I have a case of writer's block! If you have any episode suggestions, please tell me on the talk page!
CHWOKA: Bell and friends get run through a woodchipper!
SKULLB: Don Skull explodes!
BLUEBRY: Sarah turns out to be a man!
CHWOKA: Ducks peck out Tracy's eyes!
BLUEBRY: Bell develops a sense of humor!
SKULLB: Woah now, Bluebry, that's a bit farfetched, don't you think?


  • All episode names are written like proverbs that loosely relate to the episode itself. Don't count on an episode title foreshadowing anything.
CHWOKA: I don't really see any of them as proverbs - too specific. Aside from Episode 1, that is.
  • Seasons have six episodes each, like the British comedy Black Adder.
  • All season names are Frank Zappa/Mothers Of Invention album titles
BLUEBRY: ...Couldn't you have used, like, something with artistic merit?

that seem to relate to the seasons themselves(but don't). I will explain the titles, for you may not understand the puns

    • Season 1; Bell meets three new friends. They have a lot in common with him.
    • Season 2; The entire season takes place on a cruise liner.
BLUEBRY: Gimmicks
    • Season 3; Bell and co move to Japan, which is much more advanced.
BLUEBRY: Gimmicks
    • Season 4; Nothing changes. AT ALL.
SKULLB: Something about this is good? No way.
    • Season 5; This is the third time the cast had to change where they are currently living.
BLUEBRY: Gimmicks again.
  • Any birthday special is open to the public, but I can and will kick out any guests I want, if they are considered ruining the party. (read: All of Raiku & Zoo's characters)
SKULLB: So it's not your characters that have god mode constantly on. No, it's some kid and a Pokemon. Okay, sure.


CHWOKA: Doesn't seem like a very good proverb to me.

Season 1: The Perfect Stranger

  1. Episode 1: The Pain Of Loss Can Drive Even The Most Cold-Hearted Insane
SKULLB: In which Bell loses his animes and kills a man

bbb2. Episode 2: When Trashing A Robot, Remember To Destroy It Completely
bbb3. Episode 3: When Dating, Don't Say You Live With Your Mom
bbb4. Episode 4: Never Wikipedia Your Opponent. All The Info Will Be Removed Because Of No Notability
bbb5. Episode 5: It's Best to Get Demon Possessions Checked Out Ahead of Time
bbb6. Episode 6: Never Bring Embarrassments On Cruises With You

Season 2: Cruisin' With Ruben & The Jets

  1. Episode 7: Always Retroactively Retcon All Retcons
  2. Episode 8: Never Battle The Dead Or The Immortal, Because Either Way You Can't Kill Them
  3. Episode 9: Old Concepts Never Die, They Just Disappear
  4. Episode 10: Always Make Sure Godmodding Enemies Can't Come Back
  5. Episode 11: Never Let A Weak-Hearted "Collins" Read About His Ancestry
  6. Episode 12: Never End A Relationship With A Clingy Girlfriend In A Knife Shop
Host Segement 2

Season 3: Ahead Of Their Time

  1. Matrimonious Episode 13: Confuscious Say: Man Go To Bed Drunk With Woman Wakes Up With Wedding Ring
  2. Episode 14: Always Check And Make Sure You Have No Rivals Living There Before You Move
  3. Episode 15: No Matter How Many Times You Deny It, His Power Level Is Always Over 9000
  4. Episode 16: Never Postpone A Purge Lest There Be A Riot
  5. Episode 17: Do Not Keep Feral Forms Of Yourself In The House
  6. Episode 18: Always Inform Your Superiors That You're Moving Halfway Across The World Lest They Find You

Season 4: You Are What You Is

  1. Episode 19: Never Leave Your Power Suit At Home When Battling Game Enemies
  2. Episode 20: Never Get Writer's Block and Stay Home
  3. Episode 21: Don't Make Obvious "Fast and Furious" Parodies Lest They End In Shame
  4. Episode 22: Soundboards Make the Dumbest of Jokes Seem Like Comedy Gold
  5. Episode 23: Maybe I'm the One Who is a Schizophrenic Psycho/Never Try To Talk To Your Own Soul. He's a Total Prick
  6. Episode 24: Always Bring A Game Guide With You

Season 5: Civilization Phase III

  1. Episode 25: When Making Secondary Main Character-Based Episodes, Choose Them Carefully
  2. Episode 26: Never Get A Popup Blocker Named "blok ur popupz for FREEEEEEE."
  3. Episode 27: Never Buy Your Wife "Super Football Bros." For Christmas
  4. Episode 28: Confusing RPG, The Genre, With RPG, The Weapon, Can Get You Imprisoned
Host Segement 4
  1. Episode 29: Deletion is Not Something To Be Taken Lightly
  2. Special 1: Never Throw Out A Live Hermit Crab
  3. Birthday Special 1: Never Give A Vegetarian Fried Chicken For Their Birthday


Host Segement 5
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