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The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!/number one

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< The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!
Revision as of 12:52, 8 February 2009 by Strong Intelligent (Talk)
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Si wants to write a book. Oh, shizzle.


{Open to SI's house. In the background, the song "what a day" plays. A shot of Si talking appears along with "Strong Intelligent played by cheesy" is subtitled. This is the case with the rest of the characters exept Jontof, where his name is scribbled out and it say's (in appaling handwriting) eMO Guy and Motherbot (who doesn't appear at all). Cut to SI in Jontof's room. Jontof is playing video games whilst SI is talking to him}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: So, the zombies...aren't really zombies?


STRONG INTELLIGENT: But...that makes no sense. Why is it a "zombie game" if they're not zombies?!

JONTOF: It's a game Ess-I. Don't argue with game land. It's a magical place.



STRONG INTELLIGENT: FIne then. Wait, that's it! I need a kit kat... {leaves}

JONTOF: Don't even think about bringing it in-

{The door slam on Jontof as SI bursts in, holding a kit kat}



{Fade out}

{Fade to SI on the Bicee. MS word is open.}

STRONG INELLIGENT: Okay, so possible explinations for Left 4 dead bieng zombies.... hmmm....

{A wavy thought bubble begins. In it A man walks up to tree. A bomb saying "tree bomb" falls. The Tree grows fangs and eats the man. It waves back to SI}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Nah. {Picks up a piece of paper saying "ideas" "Psycotic tree" is written on there four times. SI writes it down again.} I've got to think of something. YES!

{It zooms in on Si's head before transtioning to a white background.}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: {Voive over} First, there was a guy. {A man appears} and... a sqirrel. {A sqirrel appears} a rabid one! {Squirrel turns rabid} infact... IT'S RABID HICCUP! {The sqirrel becomes rabid hiccup} She bites that guy {Too shay} and he becomes rabid. Thay all go rabid, and bite people. {They run off and it switches to a map of the world. The word INFECTED appears on each continent} Fat guys become boomers, socialites hunters, smokers smokers, bodybuilders tanks and emos wicthces! {Each of the said appear}

{Zoom out}



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