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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/14

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< Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition
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Part 1: The New Teams for Now!

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: The campers were faced with the EXTREME trio of challenges. Bruce dove onto a sofa bed, while Ryan plummeted into the ground. Lucas had determined some serious skill on the moose rodeo, but I wouldn't say the same for his brother, whose plan to cause Tom to lose the challenge involved careening into a tree. Luckily he came out alive, but unluckily, Tex was the one voted off of Total Drama Island, but not without some time with Ashley and his brother.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: Looks like the two teams are getting better, but they're close for comfort. Why? Find out tonight on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Campground. Lucas and Elyssa are outside of the cabin}

LUCAS: Well, he's gone...

ELYSSA: Aw, don't worry. This'll give you a chance to avenge him. Fight to the end! Keep the Aura name strong!

LUCAS: Thanks.

CHRIS: Campers! To the Mess Hall!

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

CHRIS: Campers! Today is your last day as teams. the Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers anyway. Instead, Tom and Lucas will be re-choosing their teams.

LUCAS: Okay! I want-

CHRIS: Woah there, man. Not yet. You will be choosing...out of a hat!

LUCAS: Oh...okay...

TOM: {pulls a name out} Bruce.

LUCAS: Hm. {pulls a name out} Foxx.

TOM: Dammit! {pulls a name out} Ryan.

LUCAS: Argh! {pulls a name out} Yes. Elyssa.

TOM: {pulls a name out} Ashley.

LUCAS: {pulls a name out and smirks} Jess.

TOM: What?! Dammit! {pulls a name out} Fenri.

LUCAS: Well, that leaves me with Kale then.

CHRIS: Okay! That means Lucas, Foxx, Elyssa, Jess, and Kale are Team Aura for today, and Tom, Bruce, Ryan, Fenri, and Ashley are Team Pyro. Congratulations, captains, you just picked your bunkmates!

TOM: You mean Jess and I won't be in the same cabin? Aw, come on!

JESS: Don't worry, Tom. We got the rest of the campground to spend time at.

TOM: Hm...well, you're right. So what's the challenge anyway? And where the hell is breakfast?

CHRIS: Oh don't worry. You'll be getting food soon. Hehehe...Well, Team Pyro will go to the Gopher Cabin, while Team Aura will relocate to the Bass Cabin. Okay, get moving!

{Outhouse Cam: Tom}

TOM: Spending the rest of my time here without Jess could be tough, but hey. I get to know the others more.

{Cut to Team Pyro's cabin}

BRUCE: Well, I guess Kale's not gonna be my top bunk buddy anymore...

RYAN: Well, good thing me and Fenri are still together.

ASHLEY: If it'll make you feel better, Bruce, I'll take Kale's place.

BRUCE: That'd be fine.

{Team Aura's cabin}

LUCAS: Okay, team. We have to be prepared for what Chris throws at us. So...well...get ready.

{Outhouse Cam: Jess}

JESS: This'll be fun with new people! Lucas seems like such a nice guy!

{Cut back}

KALE: Hey, Lucas. Got any snacks or something?

LUCAS: No...why?

KALE: I'm just hungry.

FOXX: Probably because we didn't have breakfast.

KALE: That's true... {stomach growls} Uurrgg...I'm seriously going to die if we don't get food.

CHRIS: {through intercom} Campers! It's lunch time! {snickers}

{Cut to the Mess Hall. Chris and Chef are chuckling to themselves}

ASHLEY: What's so funny, Chris?!

CHRIS: Nothing...

{The campers sit down on their respective side of the table}

CHRIS: Welcome to your challenge, campers! The good thing about this one is that nobody will get voted off! The winning team will spend the next few nights on a luxury cruise boat! The losing team stays here. Anyway, it's time for your challenge...the Brunch of Disgustingness!

ASHLEY: The...what?!

CHRIS: Why don't we give you a sample? Chef, bring on the first dish!

{Chef brings out a plate of what looks like large beans}

CHRIS: And now, your appetizer. Have some "meatballs." {chuckles}

BRUCE: Well, it can't be that bad... {eats one} Wait...these are meatballs?

CHRIS: Not...exactly. It was tough to get these...why don't I break the truth to you?

{Chris whispers something in Bruce's ear}

BRUCE: WHAT?! {starts to wretch and spit out his food} I'm eating...

CHRIS: Yup. Must be hard for you guys to do this...

TOM: Come on guys, the other team is almost done...

FENRI: Well...I guess it can't taste that bad... {eats a "meatball"}

RYAN: Ick...that came from a bull's... {leans over to the other side and pukes} Ew...I can see last night's dinner now...

ASHLEY: Come on, team! We have to finish these!

{Cut to Team Aura's side}

JESS: What's the matter? It's only meatballs.

TOM: But there's less emphasis on the "meat" part.

RYAN: Okay guys...if we want to win there's only one way out. They've got two left to eat, and we have a lot more. Well...bottom's up...

TOM: No! Ryan you won't survive! You have a weak stomach!

RYAN: Might as well go out with a bang... {downs the whole plate of "meatballs"} Oog...I feel really sick...

{Outhouse Cam: Ryan}

RYAN: {puking in the toilet} Oh...Oh man I can't believe I ate that...I mean seriously! What man would eat... {turns around and pukes some more}

{Cut back to the Mess Hall, Ryan walks in, sick}

CHRIS: Nice one, Ryan. You got Team Pyro a point. On to the next dish! PIZZA!

KALE: Aw, yeah! I love pizza!

CHRIS: So you can eat pizza with live anchovies, jellyfish, and live grasshoppers, right?

KALE: W-w-what?

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Okay, I can eat anchovies on pizza, but they have to be dead first.

{Cut back}

JESS: Don't worry, Kale. Here...I'll eat one first.

{Jess takes a slice and eats it. She nearly pukes, but she keeps it down}

BRUCE: I know this won't be good...

TOM: Bruce, don't worry. We've got Fenri. He's got a strong stomach. He'll survive.

FENRI: Yeah! It can't be that bad, can it?

{Fenri eats the slice hesitantly}

FENRI: See? {gag} Not bad at all.

BRUCE: {gulp} Here goes...

{Bruce eats the slice}

BRUCE: Ick...well, let's hope I can keep this down.

CHRIS: I see you two are enjoying your meals...

ASHLEY: Just shut up and let us eat!

{All of a sudden the grasshopper on Ashley's pizza jumps into her hair}

ASHLEY: Aaah! AAAH! GET IT OUT! {starts running}

RYAN: {chasing after Ashley} Hold still, dammit!


{A belch is heard}

FOXX: {offscreen} Done.

TOM: ...lose.

CHRIS: And that's one more point for Lucas' crew!

{Everyone on Team Aura cheers}

TOM: {sigh} Bring on the next dish.

Part 2: More Gross Dishes?!

CHRIS: Your next dish, is... {puts on a Luigi hat and fake moustache} Lotsa spaghetti!

{Chris puts a tray down on the table. It's full of worms covered in snail slime}

LUCAS: I can tell you right now that is not spaghetti.

CHRIS: Good observation, Lucas. It's actually earthworms covered in snail slime. Dig in.

ELYSSA: Okay, I can eat escargot, but that means I eat the snail. Not the slime.

CHRIS: Well, too bad! Hehe...

ELYSSA: Urg... {takes a bite, gags, and pukes all over Jess' dish}

JESS: Elyssa! What gives?!

ELYSSA: Sorry...

CHRIS: Ohoho. Bad luck for you. Now you have to not only eat the spaghetti, but also what Elyssa regurgitated.

JESS: I...I can't do this. Sorry, I don't eat puke.

CHRIS: Well, you have to decide before the other 5 finish their dishes.

LUCAS: Jess...I understand...but think. You'll never have to do this EVER again.

TOM: It's just worms. What's so bad about it?

RYAN: I ate worms as a kid!

FENRI: Eeech. Well, this can't be too bad.

{Fenri and Ryan finish their dishes}

RYAN: That was...actually good. I can has more?

{Ryan snags Ashley's dish and downs it}


TOM: Hmm...Bruce. Give Ryan your dish.

{Ryan takes Bruce's dish and downs it}

RYAN: Mmmmm.

BRUCE: Eeeew.

TOM: And now for the finale. {Tom begins to hesitantly eat his dish} Ah, screw it.

{Tom presses his foot on Ryan's foot. Ryan's mouth opens up like a garbage disposal, and Tom dumps the food in}

LUCAS: Come on! That's cheating!

CHRIS: Hey, they did finish their dishes.

LUCAS: But...BUT...

CHRIS: On to the next course!


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