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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/12

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< Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition
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Part 1: Be Prepared, Maggots!

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers had to go through one of the hardest challenges of their lives, trusting one another. As we could see, the Killer Bass were already a bit shaky with the Aura brothers constant fighting. Campers had to eat poisonous blowfish, shoot apples off their partner's heads, swing on a trapeze, and race down a dangerous hill, all blindfolded! Geoff's biggest mistake was judging Lucas, Tex, and Elyssa on their performance, and it was Geoff that took the plunge.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: So, what's next in store for our campers? Will this be any easier than the last challenge? I think not, but you can find out tonight, at the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet, on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Bass Cabin, many campers are asleep, Lucas is, however, awake, punching a pillow with Geoff's face on it}

LUCAS: Can't trust me, eh? Well WHO'S CAPTAIN NOW, HMMMM?!

ELYSSA: {waking up, tired as heck} Lucas...keep it's over already.

ASHLEY: {also waking up} What's Lucas so pumped about?

ELYSSA: He's team captain now, remember?

ASHLEY: Oh yeah, that's right. Goodbye fame and fortune.

RYAN: Oh come on, Lucas probably isn't that bad, is he?

{Flashback to several moments in previous episodes; Lucas fighting with Tex over Elyssa, Lucas about to feed Tex to a bear, Lucas and Tex fighting over the pizza, and Lucas punching Geoff in the face}

{Cut back to the Cabin, Ashley and Elyssa are staring at Ryan in disbelief}

RYAN: Oh. I must've been mistaken.

CHEF: {Over intercom, yelling} Campers! To the Dock IMMEDIATELY! LET'S GO GO GO GO GO!

{Cut to the Dock, the remaining campers are all there with Chef, donning an army uniform.}

CHEF: Okay, you little worms. I'm giving the challenge today, which means I call the shots! These next few challenges will be hell, so if you need to be a wimp and drop out, go to the dock and ring the bell over there!

{Pan to the dock, Im a bell is standing there}

IM A BELL: Oh, hey there.


{Pan more to the right to see a bell on a pole with a string on it}

CHEF: I'm going to be pushing you remaning campers to the limit! I'm calling the shots here! I'm the Master Chief!

BRUCE: {snickers} Master Chief...

CHEF: You think that's funny?!

BRUCE: No, sir.

CHEF: Alright. Everyone to the beach NOW!

{Cut to the Beach, there are canoes lied there}

CHEF: Alright, you little crickets! You see those canoes? You gotta hold them over your head for as long as you can. When someone lets go, their team loses! Also, lunch will not be served until one of you drops out! Let's go! COME ON!

{Cut to the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass, straining to hold their canoes, which have Chris on one and Chef on the other}

LUCAS: Let's do this right, team. Don't mess up!

TOM: Come on, Pter. You just can't hang there.

PTER: {sarcastically} Oh, sorry, Grand Master.

TOM: Pter, we have to win this.

KALE: I...I-i-i-i can't take it!

{Kale collapses}

CHRIS: And the first round goes to the Killer Bass!

CHEF: And that means to the mess hall! GO GO GO GO GO!

{Everyone runs to the mess hall}

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

CHEF: Okay, campers. Before night training, you gotta eat. And guess what I served up...

ASHLEY: Oh, Holy Lord...

CHEF: Don't worry, kitty. I served the best meal for you...

{Chef hands Ashley a rather moldy bowl of...ya know, slop.}

ASHLEY: Me and my big mouth...

FOXX: I really don't need this. {throws his bowl at Bruce}

BRUCE: Hey! Ooh, more food. {wolfs it down}

TEX: Ashley, I'll eat that if you can have mine.

ASHLEY: Really, Tex? That'd be great of you.

TEX: Hey, I like helping people. Now give me that!

{Tex takes Ashley's food and downs it}


TEX: {hands his bowl of food} Here ya go.

ASHLEY: Well, it can't be as disgusting.

{Cut to everyone outside at night, following Chef's movements, which appear to be dance moves}

PTER: Wow, something here that's remotely fun.

TOM: Okay, just because you fly doesn't mean you shouldn't get tired from this.

PTER: Look, I got no legs to move, so I get a break.

CHEF: Hm...okay. That's should be enough. The music was getting really annoying anyway...

Part 2: The Worst of the Worst

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

FENRI: What's this? More eating?

CHEF: Nope. Writing. You gotta write a 300 word essay on me and my greatness.

PTER: Someone's a little narcisictic...

CHEF: What was that?! Well, aren't you the lizard full of snappy comments...

PTER: It's my job, so are we going to write or what?

CHEF: That's 500 words for you!

PTER: What are you, my English teacher?

CHEF: Don't make me make it 750...

PTER: Pfft. Fine.

{Cut to some of the campers writing. Tom and Lucas are writing, while some like Ryan and Foxx are slacking.}

{Two hours later}

CHEF: Hm...

{Cut to a shot of, not an essay, but rather a bunch of doodles, one of them being a :well: face, one of them being a drawing of a stick figure with a chef hat saying "OM NOM NOM", get the point.}

BRUCE: Do ya like it?

{Chef stares at the camera in defiance}

{Outhouse Cam: Bruce}

BRUCE: I really suck at writing about people. But hey, that's me.

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Bruce has done stuff like that before...I remember my first Algebra class with him.

{Cut back}

CHEF: Tch. Anyway, everyone rest, tomorrow meet me for the next challenge at 0500 hours!

{Cut to the next day, Revelie starts to play}

CHEF: {screaming} Let's go everyone! TEEEEEEN HUT! LET'S GO!

{Everyone walks out of their cabins tired}

CHEF: Okay, cockroaches! It's time for an obstacle course! Let's get it done, now!

{Everyone starts running and going through the various obstacles. Some scenes include: Tom climbs up the rope wall as if it was nothing, Bruce getting stuck in a tire, Foxx going up to Bruce's tire, grunting, and punching him out}

{Pter is seen just flying over the whole thing}

PTER: This is the easiest thing I've done in my life.

{All of a sudden, Pter is grabbed with a plastic grabber claw much like this one. He is pulled toward Chris and Chef}

PTER: Hey, what gives?

CHRIS: Sorry, man. You gotta go through the course.

CHEF: And you're disqualified!

{Chef tosses Pter into the Boathouse}

CHRIS: {jokingly} Woah, man! Go easy on him! {snickers}

{Cut to the final part of the challenge}

CHRIS: We are at the end of this challenge, with the Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers tied. Whoever can survive this last test will win it for their team.

CHEF: Okay, kiddies, into that tree!

{The five remaining people, Tom, Jess, Tex, Elyssa, and Ashley are hanging from a branch}

TEX: This is it? Hanging from a tree

TOM: Aw...crap.

JESS: What?

TOM: As a kid, I had the worst grip on the monkey bars...I never actually made it through. Ever.

JESS: Well, if we don't win, don't worry. You're not in any danger of elimination... {glares at Pter}

{All of a sudden, Jess loses her grip and falls on her butt}

CHEF: That's one out!

TEX: Oh...oh damn it... {falls off}

CHEF: Two!

TOM: can do this...

ELYSSA: What's the matter, prettyboy? Afraid you'll lose it for your team?

TOM: What...did you just say?

ELYSSA: You heard me, Nick Jonas!

TOM: That's it!

{Tom holds on with one hand, using the other to punch Elyssa off. He ends up, however, losing his grip and falling himself, landing on Elyssa}

ELYSSA: back.

CHRIS: And our lucky winner is Ashley! That means the Bass win.

{The Killer Bass all cheer}

CHRIS: I must say, Gophers. You put up quite the fight. But...the Bass had came out on top. That's Campfire time!

Part 3: The Blonde Lead the Blind

{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: Campers, your votes have been cast. Whoever does not recieve a marshmallow must walk the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and you cannot return. Ever. Anyway, the first marshmallow goes to...Kale.

{Kale recieves his marshmallow}

CHRIS: Bruce.

CHRIS: Foxx.

CHRIS: Jess.

{Tom looks in shock. Jess is worried}

CHRIS: This is the last marshmallow. Whoever does not recieve it will go home tonight. And the final recipient is...

{Tom has an expression of shock on his face. Pter looks positively smug.}


{Tom catches the marshmallow and lets out a sigh of relief.}

PTER: Well, whatever. I hardly even liked it here.

TOM: Next time, don't make snappy comments to your general. What else can I say?

{Cut to a shot of Pter leaving on the Boat of Losers}

PTER: Goodbye, crappy summer camp, hello, home.

TOM: Another day done...I'm starting to lose it...

JESS: Don't worry, Tom. You'll get through this. You'll fight to the end.

{Cue credits}

Fun Facts

  • When Kale brings up his comment about Bruce's essay, he references this comic of Furthia High.
  • "The Blonde Lead the Blind" is the title of a Streetlight Manifesto song.
  • The whole Nick Jonas comment is really embarrassing. It's because when my hair grows out enough, I actually look like Nick Jonas. Personally, like every other people, I hate the Jo-Blows.
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