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Unbridled Rage/eps11

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< Unbridled Rage
Revision as of 21:04, 28 May 2009 by Killer Queen (Talk)
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The number 10 is skipped. Which means there is little continuity in this after all!

Stuff Being Parodied

  1. Some people (i.e. me) are too lazy to tell what happened before. Some fanfic writers don't even regard continuity!
  2. What DOESN'T happen after someone ends up spat out of a sea monster.
  3. Genie from Aladdin and how decent of a character he is compared to 99% of the Kingdom Hearts characters not-related to Disney or Organization XIII.
  4. Since when did pistol-whipping snowmen become a pastime?
  5. DiZ and Homsar being married is another parody of terrible shippings.
  6. "I'm the barrel in the shotgun!" is a parody of Homsar's weird speech. At least he's in-character.
  7. DiZ is being parodied for... what was it again? I'm not even sure DiZ is parodiable.


{A sign saying "Previously on Unbridled Rage"}

NOXIGAR: {offscreen} Wanna know what happens before this? Guess what? You won't find out, will you?

{Cut to a hospital, where Strong Bad is awake}

STRONG BAD: Urggh, where am I?

{Strong Bad looks to see he is in a hopsital room. He also notices he has robotic attachments to his legs. A doctor arrives}

DOCTOR: Strong Bad, you were found outside a swimming pool. Your legs got eaten, so I installed new robotic versions.

{Strong Bad checks his robotic legs out, noticing he is taller}

STRONG BAD: Woohoo! I'm taller!

DOCTOR: But we figured out you have many pants problems.

{Strong Bad falls unconscious again. Cut to Lexon in Namine's room from KH2}

LEXON: Here is the map!

{Lexon shows Noxigar a map of the entire Wiki User Wiki}

NOXIGAR: My my, what a huge map!

LEXON: Why did you want it again?

NOXIGAR: Directional simplicity.

LEXON: Oh. Anyway, should I rub this lamp?

{Lexon takes out the lamp from Disney's Aladdin}

LEXON: It's quite dusty!

{Lexon rubs the lamp. Genie arrives, yawning}

GENIE: My my my! I have been here for like..... 1000 years? IT FEELS THAT WAY! Whooee! {Looks at Lexon.} Hey Seph!

LEXON: Who's Seph?

GENIE: You know, Sephiroth? Tall guy with blue hair.. Gold armour? Right?

LEXON: Doesn't ring a bell.


LEXON: Give my regards to this "Seph" guy then..

NOXIGAR: Genie, welcome to your new home. Meet Crashman.

{Crashman rises from Namine's couch}


LEXON: Say, when is Namine coming back? She's been gone for a week, when she said she was going to get groceries...

{Namine walks onscreen with twenty bags of groceries}

NAMINE: Sorry, had to pistol-whip a snowman on my way out of Traverse town.

CRASHMAN: Need help, ma'am?

NAMINE: There are more grocery bags in the trunk.

{Crashman walks offscreen}

LEXON: Righty ho then. Wait.. I still have this! {Gets out Namine's sketchbook and draws something in it quickly. He then gives it to Namine.}

NAMINE: Thanks! How much did you draw though?

{DiZ arrives, as does Homsar}

DiZ: Enough to make Homsar be my husband.

HOMSAR: AAaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaa I'm the barrel in the shotgun!

LEXON: Heheheheh... I also made Xemnas a transvestite.

{Xemnas comes in, wearing a dress.}


HOMSAR: You brought the done back to do their laundry!

DiZ: I seem to be unsure as to how Homsar is even close to being compatible with me. AT ALL!

LEXON: {Still lauging at Xemnas.} Namine, whatever you do... Please don't change Xemna's back! That was hilarious! You can change DiZ back though. Unless you like them that way...


HOMSAR: AAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaa need a day off.

{Xemnas comes back.}

XEMNAS: Now deary, why must you be so uncomfortable with the fact that you and Homsar are a couple?

HOMSAR: I think the blender broke. It must be why I'm a side of fries.

{Namine draws DiZ and Homsar being golf partners, but not marriage partners}

DiZ: Thanks, Namine. I feel a lot better.

HOMSAR: I got a vaccination for my birthday!

XEMNAS: I can't stick around too long darlin's! I gotta go trade beauty tips with Marik from Yugioh! {Leaves.}

{Noxigar's eyes enlarge}

NOXIGAR: I didn't see that sketch.

HOMSAR: Do you propose we slay the Superior?

NOXIGAR: Homsar! You finally make sense!

HOMSAR: I fall with style!

{Noxigar facepalms}

DiZ: Just kill Xemnas again. I remember the last time we let him out of six-feet-under. We had to rebuild an insane asylum. He's a good guy, but he's too mentally unstable. He's the only Nobody that I'm glad Riku killed.

LEXON: Alright. I'll do it. Fetch me a shotgun.

{DiZ grabs a shotgun and gives it to Lexon}

DiZ: Thank you for doing the world a favor.

{Cut to the Beauty Salon. Xemnas is there with Marik, and they're both getting a pedicure.}

XEMNAS: Oooh darling! I love how you made your nails multicolored!

MARIK: I know... BINKY BOY!!

{Lexon bursts in, wearing a leather jacket, sunglasses, and holding the shotgun in 1 hand.}



{Cut to the outside of the Beauty Salon. A huge bang is heard and the windows are covered in blood. Cut back. Lexon walks back in with bloodstains on his jacket.}


NOXIGAR: Thanks... anyway... do we have any particular thing to do other than wait for another conflict? I'm going to go make a Red Baron Pizza.

{Noxigar walks offscreen}

LEXON: Ummm... {Lights up a cigarette and puffs it. He then starts gasping and he puts the cigarette away.} Maybe not..

HOMSAR: You should start watering the magic dragon.

LEXON: I am not turning to drugs! LSD maybe... BUT THAT'S IT! God!

HOMSAR: I gotta find the Bacon Man and steal his weapon!

{Homsar walks offscreen}

GENIE: You know, you still have 3 wishes...

LEXON: In due time my friend...

NAMINE: Well, I'm gonna go somewhere.

LEXON: Where?

NAMINE: I dunno. Somewhere. {Leaves.}

LEXON: Well, I've got nothing to stay for.. {Leaves.}

DIZ: Oh, it's just me. Oh bother.

{End 'Sode.}

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