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Wiki User High School/Campus/Lunch

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The lunch room. The food is suspicious.


{Jared pulls out a turkey and lettuce on rye sub. He starts to eat.}

{Ch'mera saunters in and acquires a plate of fries. She sniffs at them suspiciously, then shrugs before walking over to the table Jared is at. She sits down at the opposite side of the table, pointedly ignoring him as she devours the fries regardless.}

JARED: Hey, I'm Jared. Nice to meet you.

CH'MERA: {Looks up from her plate at Jared, mouth full.} What do you want?

JARED: Uh, never mind, "sir". Hehehehehe.

CH'MERA: {Her expression goes even sourer, moments before she wordlessly snatches Jared's sandwich and roughly shoves it in his face. She then returns to eating as if nothing had happened.}

JARED: Ow...

CH'MERA: {Raises an eyebrow at him as she finishes her last pawful of fries} Don't whine. It makes you look even worse.

{Zarel walks to the table, his head resting on his tray with his food, a Sandvich and a bottle of grape soda}

ZAREL: Boy do I love Sandviches...oop, need this to eat. {pops head back on}

CH'MERA: {expression switches from stoically grumpy to confused and slightly horrified} ...Hi.

JARED: He's scarier than you.

CH'MERA: {glares at Jared} Speak when you're spoken to, midget.

{Clover silently walks over, his headphones in and likely blaring, and sits down right next to Ch'mera, knees to his chest, with no hesitation. He has no food on his tray, just a small carton of chocolate milk. Jared takes it. Clover doesn't seem to notice, he's too busy singing to himself.}

CH'MERA: {Startled by, irritated at and admiring his nonchalance all at once, Ch'mera stares at Clover.}

CLOVER: {Noticing Ch'mera staring at him, he takes a headphone out and looks at her.} Can I help you?

CH'MERA: What's your name?

CLOVER: {grins slightly} The name's Clover. {He waits til Jared isn't looking, then takes his milk plus a small portion of Jared's sub. He grips the milk and immediately eats the sub-piece.} And you?

CH'MERA: {watches, then grins right back} Ch'mera. Ch'mera Toryn. Glad to meet you.

JARED: Jared Grabeel.

CLOVER: {He either didn't hear Jared, or is intentionally tuning him out. He seems to be staring at Ch'mera- not in a rude way, more of a contemplative way, as if he's trying to figure something out.}

CH'MERA: {Ignores Jared and leans toward Clover slightly, still grinning regardless} So, where did you come from?

CLOVER: {notices the leaning in and grins slightly more} I'll tell you later. I'd rather not have everyone knowing. {He offers an earphone to Ch'mera after showing her what the screen on his iPod says.}

CH'MERA: {looks curiously at the screen and raises an eyebrow appreciatively, inserting the earphone, which plays Mr. Self Destruct by Nine Inch Nails.} Y'know, I think I could like you.

CLOVER: {laughs quietly to himself} From what I can tell you already do. {He looks over at Jared} What'd you say your name was? Jacob or something?

JARED: It's Jared. Grrr.

CLOVER: Okay, Jared, tell me about yourself. {He folds his arms about his knees and looks intently at Jared.}

JARED: Well, I am from Hollywood, I'm 14, and I'm a Phantom.

CLOVER: {He stands up, removing the earphone and letting Ch'mera listen to his iPod. He walks over and sits next to Jared.} Oh, come on, you've got to give me more than that if I'm going to figure you out.

JARED: I'm a phantom. A ghost like person.

CLOVER: Yes, yes, I got that. {He nods and places a paw on his chin, thinking...} Well I'm a mongoose. I DJ, and I remix music. Now tell me more about you.

CH'MERA: {smirks and takes all that's left of Jared's food as well as Zarel's sandvich while neither are looking, eating them smugly. However, she stops at the sandvich, halves it and surreptitiously places half on Clover's plate}

{Jared turns invisible and steals a rich kid's steak. He comes back and eats it.}

{Ch'mera rolls her eyes and takes that too, without even bothering to wait for a distraction this time.}

{Clover, not bothering to get up, simply jumps over the table to his previous spot.}

{Jared posseses Ch'mera and punches herself in the face.}

CH'MERA/JARED: Hehehehe. {Jared leaves her body.}

CLOVER: {glares at Jared} You, madam, are officially on my s***list.

JARED: I'm a man. She's over there.

CH'MERA: {growling dangerously at Jared} He won't live long enough for that...

JARED: Hit me, wimp.

CH'MERA: {throws a heavy punch, claws out, in blind rage at Jared. It goes right through him.}

JARED: Grrr. You shouldn't of done that. {trys to hit her, hits Clover instead.}

CLOVER: {gets hit in the side of his face} What the hell was that for?! {he immediately stands up and draws his crowbar, seemingly out of nowhere}

{they all start fighting. Lexi walks in. She see's the commotion.}

LEXI: Detention! All of you! And I'm guarding the door.

CH'MERA: {growls and grumbles at the teacher, at Jared and life in general}

LEXI: Move it!

ZAREL: What'd I do?

LEXI: Oh, not you. Go back to eating, orangie.

{Clover glares at Lexi out of the corner of his eye and puts away his crowbar, not budging other than that.}

LEXI: {4 arms sprout out of her back.} Move.

CG: {bursts through door, knocking down Lexi} Oh, sorry, uh, {edges away}

LEXI: DETENTION! {two of the arms grab CG.}

FIRAKAN: {rushes in behind CG and Lexi, late as usual, looking bewildered at the commotion.} Oh dear...

ZAREL: {looks at Firakan, raises hands up} Wasn't me.

CH'MERA: {punches Zarel in the side of the head while glaring at the teachers} I'm not goin' anywhere.

ZAREL: {head flies off after the punch} Ooof! Hey! I just ate with that!

LEXI: {aura comes out of her hands} MOVE OR ELSE.

ZAREL: I'm getting out of here! {snatches his head quickly and runs}

CH'MERA: {apparently reaching the end of her courage, slumps and sidles where she is supposed to go}

{Zarel looks back at Lexi, Ch'mera and the rest, a look of sympathy for Ch'mera and Clover is on his face}

ZAREL: {quietly to himself} If that damn Jared didn't start everything, they wouldn't be in trouble.

JARED: {standing behind him} I heard that.

ZAREL: Will you just go away?! {walks away in a huff}

CH'MERA: {stands in front of Lexi, looking pathetic} please don't kill me.

{Dr. Jett enters the cafeteria and begins smoking}

{Duck materializes at the table. He has a banana and a jar of peanut butter.}

DUCK: quack

{Duck smears the peanut butter on the banana and takes a bite, skin and all. He winces and repeats the process multiple times before the banana is finished.}

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