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Yahtzee Style Reviews/Wii

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SI got a Wii. Xbox gets cometition.


On the strange, near pointless holiday we people call "Christmas" I was fortunate ebough to be getting a Nintendo Wii from my distant family members. Now, I was rather confused as earlier that day I'd rummaged through my stocking to be finding Prince of Persia and Gears of War two. I also got a line-up of mediocre games in Wii sports, Bully Scholarship and House of the Dead.

Seeing as Bully and House of the dead a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to mediocre, the former nearly reducing me to tears, I'm just gonna stay with Wii sports and a recent addiotion to "games I have" in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Starting with Wii Sports, the game seemed to be created specifically to show of all the new capibilities of the wii: Motion sensing, nunchuck, Mii, bad graphics, repetitiveness and arm strain. The rules are simple: you get given a a stick and a have to wiggle it around to simulate various sports, ideally, tennis, baseball, bowling, boxing and golf. Despite the simpleness of the game it still insists on teslling you how to do it, you think we would've got it by now nintendo.

Simarlarly, the game tells us to make sure the room was clear before we began, when I first played it, the things in the room were a Christmas tree, my yound cousin, my dad, my mum, my aunt, my uncle, my brother, a table, a cat that will scrath even the slightest movement it sees and a TV. How am I supposed to move all that?

Now, moving on to brawl. This game is addictive, a bit to much as it was about halfway between a big fight between Kirby, Mario, Bowser and Wolf when I realised the game is actually pretty not great, but couldn't stop playing as when my cat leapt on to my lap I found myself grasping for the "A" button. I was hooked, and I couldn't do anything about it. However, the one thing that ticks me off is character unlocking. Brawl, I want to play as Luigi, so let me. I don't want to have to complete story mode, beat a hundered games or barbecue a racoon to do so.

So, in all, thw Wii is fairly annoying. But lovable. I'm a hardcore, shooter lover, but I can still enjoy the qick break from gritty realism to men with oversized heads. Hey, if they finally make a good shooter game, it may give my Xbox a run for his money.

-Awaiting abuse,

SI Yahtzee.

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