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Yahtzee Style Reviews/Onky

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Revision as of 13:13, 21 February 2009 by Strong Intelligent (Talk)
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SI flies over to nintendo to play Super Mario Galaxy.


I have recently stumbled on one of the most overated peices of game ever. If it weren't for EA and Oxfam, I could be reviewing two games which might be much better.

The first is The Sims three, a game I spent sixty pounds preordering on only for it to be delayed, lets just say after tons of hype there was atleast one assassination and tears.

The secong is Theif Two, a game I went as far to install before the phrase "insert disk two" appeared. I nearly resorted to placing a nuclear bomb near my local charity shop for selling me such blastphemy.

So in the end I have no choice but to review Galaxy, featuring the return of everyones favourite racist stereotype; Mario. This time he's gone into space, somehow, judging by the lack of space helmets and being able to jump from planet to planet with no more than a hop. So here's the plot summary; Princess Peach has been kidnapped AGAIN by Bowser who is faced by a anti-climactic final showdown on a conviently placed bridge suspended above lava AGAIN by Mario who runs around the universe collecting stars, AGAIN.

Honestly, I could compare the Mario series to me with an obsession judging by the repetition. I feel rather stupid describing the plot summary seeing if you don't know it you must obviously have been locked in a cave since nineteen-eighty-three.

The only thing changed from previous Mario titles is the gimmicks, something the universe can unanimously agree on. There is a level, which is completely and uttlery pointless and contrubutes less to the story than the geniuses behind, well um, the Mario series. In this level you ride a Manta-ray. Now, Mario is a plumber, who still hasn't be knighted, and can do the follwing in a day: Ride a Ball, scratch a bee's back, paint a planet yellow, hijack a manta-ray, get high on 'shrooms, save a Princess, before talking his brother into doing the same. Something makes me doubt he has time to unclog a few toilets.

Maybe I'm complaining too much about the lack of realism, forgetting that the game is aimed at flipping seven year olds. But seriously, I'm not exactly recomending this game until a gun is popped out by this overweight racist.

-Go away Sephy

SI Yahtzee

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