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Public Suggestion Box

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Revision as of 22:03, 17 October 2009 by Im a bell (Talk)
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Here, people can add ideas for various fictions, characters, and plots. Please, if you do not want someone like myself, Raiku, or Ninja Pom Pom to use anything suggested, do not post it here. (No offense, Rai & NPP)


Character Ideas

  • An eldritch abomination that can shapeshift into a normal human. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • A cat that can shape shift into a eight-feet-tall horrible monster. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • An 50-60 year old retired pilot, who has a hard attitude, but a heart of gold. Also a smoker. Killer Queen 23:24, 10 October 2009 (UTC)
    • Who can shapeshift into...? Honestly, if you're not going to think through your characters at least this much, you might as well give up. — ChwokaTalk
      • It's just something that came from the top of my head. Killer Queen 16:51, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • A slightly-insane guy who thinks he can shapeshift into anything he wants, but really can't. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 00:50, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • A giant, floating ball of eyes. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • A block of dry ice, which a scientist stored Walt Disney's brain, heart, and muscles inside, but the dry ice soon turned into Walt Disney, only in dry ice form. Melon Demon 05:00, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • A guy who thinks he's a power ranger and tries to stop bad guys but always gets beat up. Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay 05:16, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • The tough-as-nails linebacker for the college football team who can shapeshift into a cougar
  • your mum StrongIntelligent
  • SI's ugly-as-hell mum ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:09, 17 October 2009 (UTC)

Character Names

  • Joey McCheesemonger ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • R'eangth M'woex ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • Ohebqvqv Gjryirlzna (Pronounced O-hayb-kwave-kwave last name = Gujree- irl-zeena) Melon Demon 05:11, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • Stupidio Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay 05:16, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
  • Kunta Kinte/Toby
  • Plabt Gummper Man-o-Man:0
  • your mum StrongIntelligent
  • Hairpin Trigger ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 22:03, 17 October 2009 (UTC)

Fiction Ideas

  • A cosmic horror living a normal life on Earth ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • MOLE INVASION - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 03:57, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
  • One man... one woman... and he want's it back...
  • Bell's life OH WAIT :well: Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay 15:06, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
  • your mum's adventures in two pounds per person land StrongIntelligent

Episode Plot Ideas

  • The main characters go to a shopping mall on another planet, and hilarity insues. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • THe characters blow up and police investigate! =O O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling.
  • your mum meets a new pimp StrongIntelligent

Place Ideas

  • Hawaii, but everything's all tie-dye, and everyone has Russian accents. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞
  • Bell's attic that can shapeshift into a magic webcomic world
  • LOLLYPOP WORLD O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling.
  • your mum StrongIntelligent

Place Names

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