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< Objection!
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Sylar releases Judge Raggonix - Chwoka calls foul.

INVOLVED PARTIES: Sylar, Skullbuggy, Chwoka



CHWOKA: Earlier, Sylar - or should we say Raiku? - whatever the deal with his name, he created a courtroom drama. Now, this man has been stealing ideas fro a fair amount of time now, but now I believe he has gone too far. His excuse was that it was "Based off Judge Judy", but I can't see how it makes things different. Now, I don't know how Skullbuggy feels about this, but with the HRFWiki down, I have nothing to do

SYLAR: I like Judge Judy.

CHWOKA: Is that your entire defense, or do you wish to elaborate?

SYLAR: Lots of people like stuff about courts and stuff, like Judge Judy and Phoinex Wright. They should all be able to make something based off that if they want to. Badstar made Objection! because he likes Phoinex Wright and Court stuff, and I made Judge Raggonix because I like Judge Judy and court stuff.

NOID: {watching a small portable TV} Oh Johnny Test, you're wacky. Anyways, uh, Honda,

CHWOKA: Sylar, we cannot tell intent, but I sniff a blatant idea snatch. Had Objection! not been around, you would not have made Judge Raggonix likely. Correct?

SYLAR: I might of.

CHWOKA: The might of what? 1000 men? Your honor, I plead irrelevancy.

SYLAR: I should still be able to do Judge Raggonix.


CHWOKA: Why do you cling on so hardly to your stolen ideas? It's not like you can do anything special with them - it's not like it's good. Why? Do you feel excluded? What is the reason Judge Raggonix should be allowed to exist?

SYLAR: Because it's a fanfiction, made by a fan of Judge Judy.

CHWOKA: Ah! But this wiki is not for fanfiction - it is for proliferation of self-inserts! I rule that I rule.

NOID: Yeah, you rule. Is this case over yet? My Mom is making pizza.

SKULLB: Ahem. If I may make a statement for the court?

CHWOKA: Is your name listed above? The questions are one and the same.

SKULLB: I'm afraid not, but since this involves my text fiction, I have a right to make a statement, do I not?

CHWOKA: No, I mean under "Involved Parties".

SKULLB: Oh, right. Alright, then. May I make a statement, then?

CHWOKA: Noid's offline. Just go ahead and say what you want to say.

SKULLB: My statement is as follows... The defendant, Sylar, has blatantly copied the format of my text fiction--I am the one who made Objection!, after all. He has copied it right down to the setup of the episode page. Now, it is true that Objection is based off of the Phoenix Wright series, and Judge Raggonix is based off of the Judge Judy program. But this must be ignored when looking at the scope of things. For months, Sylar has been copying things off of many users--primarily from me, but I digress. If this continues, I'm afraid we have no choice but to take action. Do you agree?

CHWOKA: I agree.

SKULLB: And what about Sylar? Do you not admit you have, in the past, blatantly plagiarized the works of so many Wiki Users, hmm? Well? ANSWER ME!

SYLAR: I have, but so have you and other users.

CHWOKA: Sylar, there is a line between inspiration and stealing. Conshow -> SkullB Show is inspiration, while SkullB Show -> Raiku Show is theft.

SKULLB: Exactly. The Conshow and The SkullB Show are distinctly different, while the line is blurred when you step in! Riddle me this, Heroes boy! If I'm blatantly plagiarizing--WITHOUT ADMITTING IT, mind you--show me proof!

SYLAR: I admit it. When asked. Unless I really have a reason.

SKULLB: No further questions. The defendant is clearly plagiarizing, and must be punished!



Sylar must make some original content in the next year or I'll be all up ons.

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