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Court Records

  • CASE NAME: Turnabout Over Coffee
  • CASE DESCRIPTION: A prolific artist is killed in a coffee shop... but where are the witnesses?
  • JUDGE PRESIDING: The Honorable Judge Judge Sr.
  • VICTIM: Warren Holland
  • DEFENDANT: Nicholas Beatty
  • PROSECUTOR: Yog Sothoth Bellstrom
  • DEFENSE: Badstar Strunner
  • WITNESSES: Jon (detective), Sam "Joe" Adams, Mira DeSilva
  • VERDICT: Undecided


  • Defense Attorney's Badge - Same as it's always been. It's been losing its luster lately.
  • Nicholas' Testimony - "Gunshots pierce the silence- one, two!"
  • Holland's Gun - Found at the crime scene. Belonged to the victim.
  • DeSilva's Gallery - Contains many Warren Holland originals.
  • Bullet Shells - Found in DeSilva's art gallery.
  • Gun - Found in DeSilva's office. Owner unknown.
  • Locket - Shows a picture of DeSilva and Andrew Holland. DeSilva cannot remember Holland without it.

Court Transcript

{Fade in: a coffee shop. Two men are sitting at a table--the first, Warren Holland, an elderly man with white hair. The other is but a shadow.}

???: Now, then... Mr. Holland. You'll be giving me that painting, correct?

HOLLAND: N-n-never!

???: Really? Now, why would you refuse so many times?

HOLLAND: I already told you! This is my work, and I will never let anybody have it besides me-

{Suddenly, the shadowed man fires a shot from a concealed pistol. Holland takes the bullet in the gut, and falls out of his seat.}

???: ... Very well. Let's make this easier on both of us.

{The man gets up and walks out of the coffee shop, laughing. Fade to black.}

{Fade in: the Offices of Strunner & Co.}

BADSTAR: {Thinking: It's been about two months since my last trial. I haven't taken a case since. I still need a little more time to get over Stan's leave.}

{Jon walks in.}

JON: Hey! Pal! ... The office is lookin' a bit dusty. Why not clean up a bit? After all, the clients want to see a sparkly-clean office for a sparkly-clean lawyer, heh!

BADSTAR: Haven't I told you, Jon? I'm not accepting clients right now...

JON: Oh. ... Really? You sure?

BADSTAR: Yes, I'm positive. Maybe, by next month... but I'm not sure.

JON: 'Cause we've got a real big case and the client's begging to see you, Mr. Strunner.

BADSTAR: I don't know... it has been a while...

JON: Yeah, you're right. Well, if you change your mind, come see me...

{Jon leaves.}

BADSTAR: {sigh} I should probably do it... Isn't that what being a defense attorney is about? Helping people when they have nobody else to go to? ... {Sigh} ...I'll go hear this guy out. {Pulls lawyer's badge out of pocket. Blows dust off}

{Cut: Detention Center}

??????: ... Welcome. To my private little banquet of chaos.


??????: I see you don't recognize the works of Luke Atmey, do you?

{The man at the seat adjusts his beret and straightens his goatee.}

BEATTY: Beatty. Nicholas Beatty. I'm an artist, poet, and romantic, if you will. Perhaps, a quote from the poetry of Claurice Armstrong...

BADSTAR: Err... nice to meet you? Are you my client for this case?

BEATTY: If I were not trapped within these confining walls, I suspect I wouldn't be... Alas! Alack! I've been imprisoned, and I beseech, sir Lawyer, that you help me in my time of crisis!

BADSTAR: Okay, can you start by telling me what happened?

BEATTY: Allow me, if you may, to recite a poetic description of the day in question...

{Nicholas takes a book from somewhere and begins to read from it.}

BEATTY: Gunshots pierce the silence- one, two! A man, he gasps! Staring in my coffee, I turn to see- OH! One, dead! Other, gone... Running, sprinting--getting help! Alas, I was too late... Men in blue arrive to see- AH! Him and I, same table... but this is not true! Help me, lawyer sir! Free me... free! Me! Of! These! Chains...

{Nicholas puts down his book and bows.}

BADSTAR: Err... that was... very nice.

BEATTY: I do have a flair for the dramatique, if you will.

BADSTAR: What time was the murder?

BEATTY: Yes, yes, the time--'twas about five past five, if my watch is to be trusted.

BADSTAR: Could you tell me why you were meeting the victim?

BEATTY: Me? I was meeting the victim to discuss a display for the local museum. He and I were to collaborate, if you will, on a pop-art masterpiece. However, our meeting concluded before the murder, and, alas, I wasn't aware he had been expecting another person...

BADSTAR: Another person? You mean the shooter?

BEATTY: Exactly. This man... I knew him not, but he must have harbored some animosity toward Mr. Holland.

BADSTAR: Did you notice anything about the murderer?

BEATTY: I had my backed turned to the table, but after turning around, I noticed a man with graying hair and a red blazer... he was also facing the opposite direction as me, for he was trying to escape! Alas, he got away...

BADSTAR: Hmmm... okay, I'll take the case.

BEATTY: As I suspected! Sir lawyer, do not let me down... the repercussions may be terrible if you do. Expect a nasty poem about you if you lose.

{Beatty leaves the room for questioning.}

BADSTAR: ...Snob.

{Cut: the Raven, an upscale coffee shop. The crime scene is as the killer left it--tape lines the area where the body was found, at the table. Blood is on the ground near the scene as well as on the table. A man is behind the counter, cleaning glasses.}

BADSTAR: {Thinking: B-Blood... damn my squeamishness.... hey, somebodys here!} Um, excuse me... sir?

BARTENDER: {sounding dejected} Mm? Whaddya want...?

BADSTAR: I'm Badstar Strunner, ace attorney. {Thinking: Hmm... ace attorney. I like the sound of that!} I'm here to investigate. Could you please answer a few questions?

BARTENDER: Sure... why not?

BADSTAR: First of all, whats your name?

JOE: Joe. That's my name.

BADSTAR: Joe? Just... Joe? ...Okay, then. Were you here when the murder occured yesterday?

JOE: Yes sir. I'm always here.

BADSTAR: Do you think you could tell me what you saw?

JOE: Yessir. I saw a man get killed just yesterday. 'Twas a sight to behold, I reckon.

{pan out slightly to show Yog looking in through the window. well, technically he isn't looking, since he has a face}

YOG: Hmm... {writing things down}

BADSTAR: Did you see who shot him?

JOE: Yessir. I saw the man with my own two eyes.

BADSTAR: Who did this person look like?

JOE: Well, my memory's been hurting a bit lately, but I reckon it was a stripey man in a funny hat. At least... that's what I saw.

BADSTAR: Wait, stripey man? Funny hat? Oh, thats my client.

JOE: Really? Tough.

BADSTAR: What do you mean? I honestly don't think he did it...

YOG: Hehehe. By the sound of things, I've already won! MWAHAHAHAHA-{the window shatters} ...MEEP! {darts off}

BADSTAR: ...What the...!?

JOE: ... Huh. Don't see that every day.

{Suddenly, Jon walks in.}


BADSTAR: Oh, hi Jon.

{a $1,000 bill flies in from the broken window and in front of Joe. It has a note attached to it reading "This'll help pay for it. -Guy who broke the window"}

JOE: Huh. I reckon that's the nicest shady-man I've ever seen.

JON: ... Shady-man? Oh, no...

BADSTAR: Whats wrong, Jon?

{Search - Core 2002}

JON: Yog Bellstrom. He's only one of the greatest prosecutors in the district, pal! His tactics are unparalleled, his strategies are unbeatable... he's a monster in court! You can't mean to tell me you're going up against him?!

BADSTAR: W-WHAT!? YOG BELLSTROM!?!? ...Awwwwwwww crap!

JON: ... So it is true...

BADSTAR: ...Huh?

JON: Well, no matter! We'll beat him, right? I know, I'll help you investigate the crime scene!

{pan up to show Yog's on the ceiling}

YOG:{to himself} I highly doubt you will... {falls to the ground} ... {jumps through the broken window}

BADSTAR: ...How did he...?

JON: Hey! ... That jerk.

YOG:{offscreen} You're saying that like it's a bad thing!

JON: ... No matter. We'll still investigate. What say you, Strunner?

BADSTAR: Yep. Its been a while since I've done this, but I can handle it.

JON: A-ha-ha-halright, then! Let's get crackin'!

JOE: I'm glad somebody enjoys his job.

BADSTAR: Now, lets see here... wait, heres the murder weapon! {Picks up a gun, carefully as to not erase any fingerprints} {sigh} Why is the murder weapon always a gun?

JON: It's not the murder weapon.


JON: This gun was owned by the victim, Warren Holland. He carried it with him pretty much all the time. After all, being a famous artist and all... you'd probably need to take some precautions, you know?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... this could be important... somehow. {Adds to court record}

JON: Good move, Strunner! ... Oh! You should talk to the bartender. He saw something, definitely!

BADSTAR: I did. He said he saw Mr Beatty do it.

JON: Well, just ask him some more questions, already! We aren't getting much of a lead, here...

JOE: I swear, I can tell you all about it...

BADSTAR: Okay, then. Tell me about everything you saw.

JOE: Well, I saw the stripey-shirt guy sit with an old guy... he looked pretty old, I mean. Then they talked for a bit... and then, I saw it. The old guy was shot, and the stripey-shirt guy ran away.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Well, that wasn't a big help}

JOE: Sorry... I know I'm not that helpful...

{Suddenly, Jon's phone rings.}

JON: Oh! What the- hold on, let me get it...

{Jon steps out for a bit.}

JOE: If you want, I can answer some more questions... but I don't think I can help.

BADSTAR: Well, since you think that my client shot the victim, did you actually see him with the gun?

JOE: ... I did see Mr. Holland with the gun. Honest.

BADSTAR: You saw Mr Holland with the gun? But... he's the victim. I'm asking if you saw my client with the gun.

JOE: Oh. Well, I-

JON: {from outside} STRUNNER! Come here!

BADSTAR: Err, excuse me for a moment. Sorry. {Runs outside} What is it Jon? You didn't need to yell...

JON: No, I do! Just... just take the phone!

BADSTAR: ...Okay? {Takes phone} Errr, hello?

STAN: {on phone} Strunner... no, Badstar... it's been a while, hasn't it?

BADSTAR: S-S...STAN!!! ...Y-yes, yes it HAS been a while. About two months.

STAN: {on phone} I know, I know. Listen... Jon told me about the case. ... You're in a pretty tight spot, aren't you?

BADSTAR: Well... yeah.

STAN: {on phone} The best thing to do right now is find witnesses. With the lack of evidence as is, I'd try to look for somebody else who was there. ... Anyway, that's all I can help you with. Oh, and Badstar?


STAN: {on phone} Try to pick up some Snackoos for me. They don't have them over in Britain... bye, Badstar!

{Stan hangs up.}

JON: ... So?

BADSTAR: {Gives back to Jon} He says I should look for more witnesses. ...Oh, and he wants some snackoos.

JON: Oh! I'll go get some at the corner store--you can ask around to see if anybody else was there. See you later, pal!

{Jon runs off.}

BADSTAR: Okay, now lets see if anybody is here...

JOE: Uh... I am. You can... you can ask me.

BADSTAR: Oh, yeah! Could you finish what you were saying before I had to go talk to Jon?

JOE: Uhh... I can't remember, exactly, what I was saying. But about the witnesses... I know somebody else was in the shop.

BADSTAR: Somebody else?

JOE: I... uh, I can't remember. But there was somebody!

{Jon runs in, holding a bag of Snackoos.}

JON: Here are the Snackoos! We should mail these to Stan, pronto!

BADSTAR: Uh, we should probably do that later. I kinda have a job to do right now...

JON: It is getting late, though...

JOE: Yeah... the time sure has gone by.

JON: Maybe we should continue this in court tomorrow...

BADSTAR: Yeah, we probably should... well, lets go.

{Fade to black.}

{Cut: Courtroom Lobby.}

JON: Yo, Strunner! You ready?

BADSTAR: Yep. ...Well, at least I think I am. I gotta admit, this is gonna be tough...

JON: Yeah... the case is pretty weird, if you ask me.

BADSTAR: Yeah, a little...

JON: Oh! We should get into the court--it's about to start!

{Cut: Court}

JUDGE: Court is now in session. Is the defense ready?

BADSTAR: The defense is ready, your honor.

JUDGE: Good. Is the prosecution ready?

YOG:{warps in} Yes, your honor.

JUDGE: Yog Bellstrom... I've heard of you.

YOG: Is that so? What have you heard?

JUDGE: ... Impressive things. At least... I've heard these things. I've yet to see them, of course.

YOG: Oh, you will. Trust me.

JUDGE: Of course... I hope you don't let me down, Yog. ... Would you care to make an opening statement?

YOG: Yes, your honor. I am sure that Mr. Beatty is guilty. And I DO, in fact, have proof. I won't reveal it JUST now, since I like suspense. Oh, and, don't worry, I didn't use any of my powers to find out the culprit, since that would be cheating.

JUDGE: Let's hope not. You're also a bit infamous for skewing the facts, if I remember right...

YOG: Not ALL the time...

JUDGE: Right... would the prosecution like to call its first witness?

YOG: Yes, your honor. I would like to call... Wait, do we even know his last name? Guess not. I would like to call the victim, Warren Holland to the stand.

{a coffin appears}

YOG: No, I'm just kidding.

{the coffin disappears}

YOG: I would REALLY like to call Joe to the stand.

JUDGE: ... We usually start by having the detective tell us about the crime scene, Mr. Bellstrom.

YOG: Oh. Did I say Joe? I mean Jon. {thinking: Or at least, as far as YOU know...}

JUDGE: Alright, then. Would Detective Jon please take the stand?

{Jon walks up to the stand.}

JUDGE: Please state your name for the court... or not. We all know who you are.

JON: They sure do!

JUDGE: Now then, you're in charge of the case, correct?

JON: Mm-hm!

JUDGE: Then you can testify, correct?

JON: You bet!

JUDGE: Then go on already! Don't keep us waiting!

JON: ... Okay, sir.

{Examination - Moderate}

JON: When we found the body, it was at the table the victim sat at, naturally. Mr. Holland died of a gunshot to the chest--around the heart or somewhere near. According to witnesses, he was shot by an unknown assailant at his table--and over what, we're not sure. Kind of a weird case, huh?

JUDGE: ... That's an awful short testimony.

JON: Well, we didn't have much to work with, so...

JUDGE: Quite alright. The defense may begin its cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Please repeat the testimony, detective.

JON: You know, I just said it, so-

JUDGE: Repeat the testimony, detective!

JON: Ahem... When we found the body, it was at the table the victim sat at, naturally. Mr. Holland died of a gunshot to the chest--around the heart or somewhere near. According to witnesses, he was shot by an unknown assailant at his table--and over what, we're not sure. Kind of a weird case, huh?

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! What time was Mr Holland shot and what time did the police arrive?

JON: It was about 1 o'clock that day. The police came by only two minutes later--somebody was quick!

BADSTAR: I see. Go on detective... {Thinking: That didn't help...}

JON: Ahem... When we found the body, it was at the table the victim sat at, naturally. Mr. Holland died of a gunshot to the chest--around the heart or somewhere near. According to witnesses, he was shot by an unknown assailant at his table--and over what, we're not sure. Kind of a weird case, huh?

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! So nobody actually saw the shooter's face?

JON: Well... nobody's certain. Most could identify the killer by his unique clothing.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... alright. Continue... {Thinking: I'm getting nowhere! I have to find something!}

JUDGE: {bangs gavel} That's enough. I believe we've gathered sufficient information from the detective's story.

JON: Thanks, sir!

JUDGE: You may sit down. Now, what have we learned, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: W-well, from the information given to us, we do not know the true identidy of the killer.

JUDGE: Exactly. We need another witness, don't we, Prosecutor Bellstrom?

YOG: Huh? Oh, right. I call Joe to the stand.

{Joe walks up to the stand.}

JUDGE: Please state your name for the court.

JOE: ... Joe.

JUDGE: Your full name, witness.

JOE: That is my name, sir. Joe.

JUDGE: ... Please, for all that's holy--tell us your real name!

JOE: Alright, alright... My name is Sam Adams, but everybody calls me Joe, on account'a I serve coffee all day.

JUDGE: Very well, Mr. Adams. Please testify for the court what you saw that day.

JOE: Very well.

{Examination - Moderate}

JOE: It was about one in the afternoon. I was in the back room, fetching a bag of coffee beans when suddenly--BANG! I heard a gunshot and ran to the front, and wouldn't you know it... that stripey-shirt guy was standing right beside the victim! It was him, I know it.

JUDGE: Mr. Adams! This is quite revealing!

JOE: Sorry, sir...

JUDGE: Oh, don't be sorry at all! ... Oh! Yes! The defense may start its cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Witness, repeat the testimony please. {Thinking: Okay, for the sake of your client, Badstar... FIND A CONTRADICTION!}

JOE: It was about one in the afternoon. I was in the back room, fetching a bag of coffee beans when suddenly--BANG! I heard a gunshot and ran to the front, and wouldn't you know it... that stripey-shirt guy was standing right beside the victim! It was him, I know it.

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! Are you positive it was him?

JOE: Listen, I know that guy when I see him. His shirt stands out pretty badly, I reckon.

JUDGE: He's right--that garish shirt of his is pretty unique.

BADSTAR: Well... that may be true, but how can you tell just by the shirt?

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, this is getting irrelevant. Please return to the testimony.

BADSTAR: Y-yes, your honor... witness, please continue. {Thinking: This isn't looking good. I've gotta find that contradiction!}

JOE: It was about one in the afternoon. I was in the back room, fetching a bag of coffee beans when suddenly--BANG! I heard a gunshot and ran to the front, and wouldn't you know it... that stripey-shirt guy was standing right beside the victim! It was him, I know it.

BADSTAR: OBJECTION! Standing besides the victim, you say?

JOE: Yessir. Wh-why?

JUDGE: Agreed. Why, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Well you see, I found that very hard to believe. You see, I visited Mr Beatty at the detention center today he said and I qoute, "Running, sprinting-getting help!" Which means he ran to get help! So... HOW COULD HE BE BESIDES THE VICTIM!?

JOE: ... Oh, my.

JUDGE: Mr. Adams! Explain this, please!

JOE: ... Alright, then. I'm sorry to be such a nuisance.

{Examination - Moderate}

JOE: I had just heard the gunshot, you see--and I was right near the doorway. So I peeked in and saw the stripey-shirt guy right as he was about to leave. It's then that I call the cops, see? So he wasn't really trying to call the cops--he was prolly just tryin' to run away...

JUDGE: Really? So then the call?

JOE: I made it, sir.

JUDGE: My, you're a quick one! Mr. Strunner, you may begin the cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Witness, repeat the testimony.

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, you need not ask them to repeat it. After all, it was just a second ago!

JOE: No, no, I'll repeat it... I had just heard the gunshot, you see--and I was right near the doorway. So I peeked in and saw the stripey-shirt guy right as he was about to leave. It's then that I call the cops, see? So he wasn't really trying to call the cops--he was prolly just tryin' to run away...

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! This door you peeked through... where in the cafe was it located?

JOE: Right behind the counter. I reckon I had a pretty good look at the table they was sittin' at--it was right near the front.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... I see go on.

JOE: No, no, I'll repeat it... I had just heard the gunshot, you see--and I was right near the doorway. So I peeked in and saw the stripey-shirt guy right as he was about to leave. It's then that I call the cops, see? So he wasn't really trying to call the cops--he was prolly just tryin' to run away...

BADSTAR: OBJECTION! The gunshot? So you only heard one gunshot?

JOE: Yes, sir. I reckon there was only one gunshot...

BADSTAR: You couldn't have! Once again, I go back to my meeting with Mr Beatty. He said... THERE WERE TWO GUNSHOTS!

{Objection 2007}

JOE: Wh- really?

BADSTAR: Yes. Really.

JOE: ... Oh, my...

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner! How can you explain this turn of events?

BADSTAR: Well, I have two guesses as to why Mr Adams said he heard only one gunshot. First of all, he could have simply forgotten. The second, and most likley... is that he didn't witness anything at all.

JOE: B-but-

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, I don't know what to say... it looks like, at this point, we must prolong the trial for another day. What say you, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... I agree, your honor.

JUDGE: Yes. If we don't have a reliable witness.... we can't reach a verdict, now can we? Alright, then. Court is adjourned for today. {gavel slam} The case will be resumed tomorrow, when we have a little more info.

{Cut: the defense lobby.}

{Defense Lobby}

JON: Oh... oh, boy. This is bad.

BADSTAR: What do you mean, Jon? We have some more time to investigate, right? ...That look on your face tells me something bad is going on.

JON: We don't have any witnesses, pal! Of course something bad's going on! ... Look, the first thing we need to do is find a witness, okay? Without one... the case is over.

BADSTAR: You're right. We have to get to the cafe!

{Cut: The Raven}

BADSTAR: Okay, now all we have to do is look for somebody who may have seen something.

???: Hm? Who is it?


{Badstar and Jon turn to see a well-dressed woman with long blonde hair, done in a ponytail. She is sitting at a table near the back.}

???: Oh, hello. I didn't see you there.

BADSTAR: Err... hello. I'm Badstar Strunner, defense attorney. And you are...?

???: ... Defense attorney? Sir, if you're here for that recent murder... I don't know a thing. Sorry, but I can't say anything to help.

{The woman gets up and leaves the store.}

JON: ... Oof. Rejected.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... that was a little suspicious.

JON: She probably didn't know a thing!

BADSTAR: Maybe... but still, how would she even know there was a murder?

JON: It's all over the news, pal! Everybody knows!

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Then why... did the percieve aura appear?}

JON: Hmm... maybe we should ask the defendant... he might know who was there that day! Come on, pal!

{Jon runs off toward the detention center.}

{Cut: Detention Center}

BEATTY: Why... the defense attorney and his sidekick have returned! Tell me... where do I stand, right now?

JON: Not good, pal... you're still a suspect...

BEATTY: Oh, my... that is rather tragic, wouldn't you say?

BADSTAR: Yeah, a little. Nobody witnessed the crime.

BEATTY: Oh, untrue, untrue!

JON: ... ! What did you say?

BEATTY: Why, there was another in the room, I swear it upon my life!

BADSTAR: Somebody else? What did this person look like?

BEATTY: Ah, she was a silver fox... her long dress flowed in the wind like a flag, flying high above the ground... and such was her beauty--unfit to touch the ground we mortals stand upo-

JON: Cut the crap! Give us names!

BEATTY: ... Mira DeSilva. That was her name.

BADSTAR: So she witnessed the murder?

BEATTY: Yea, she was there, I believe. My memory is a bit foggy, but I could remember her any time!

JON: Were... you actually paying attention to her?

BEATTY: Yes, I had my eyes on her from the moment she walked in... quite the looker, she was...

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmm... maybe...} Say, this woman didn't happen to have blonde hair, did she?

BEATTY: Quite right! Her hair was a glimmering gold, flowing in the wind...

JON: Urgh... this is too poetic for my tastes.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Then... that woman... she was lying} Excuse me, Mr Beatty, but we have to go. Goodbye.

{Cut: The Raven}

JOE: Oh... hey.

JON: Hey! Nice to see you again!

JOE: ... {whimper}

BADSTAR: Errr... are you alright?

JOE: I'm sorry, Mr. Lawyer, sir... I didn't know I would do so bad in court...

BADSTAR: Thats okay, but why did you lie? Why didn't you just tell me you didn't see anything?

JOE: Because... I didn't want to incriminate her.


JOE: That pretty woman... Mrs. DeSilva.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: The witness!}

JOE: What... do you know her?

BADSTAR: Not exactly, but I do know that she is an important witness.

JOE: Well... I guess she is, given that she was there. You should ask her about it... but she ain't here.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Aw, crap...}

JON: I guess we should find out about where she lives, right? Maybe that beatnik knows...

BADSTAR: Maybe. Well, back to the detention center...

{Cut: Detention Center}

BEATTY: Back so soon?

JON: Listen, pal! We need info on Mira DeSilva!

BEATTY: Ah... I know about her!

JON: So where is she?

BEATTY: At the museum. She is, after all, the curator.

BADSTAR: Where is the museum located?

BEATTY: I'll give you some directions...

{Beatty writes down some directions and hands them to Jon.}

JON: Well! We should get going, then!

{Cut: the DeSilva Museum of Fine Art.}

BADSTAR: Well, this is the place.

???: Hm? Who's there?

BADSTAR: Oh! You must be Mrs Desilva.

DeSILVA: Why, I am. How did you know my name, Mr. Lawyer?

BADSTAR: The bartender at The Raven told me. By the way... any reason you lied to me back at the cafe?

DeSILVA: Lied? ... About what?

BADSTAR: You told me you didn't know anything about the murder when it turned out you witnessed the murder.

{Cut: Badstar's POV. The aura appears around Desilva.}

DeSILVA: I'm being honest, sir. I've no idea about the murder! ... Though you can take a look at my gallery, if you'd like.

JON: Speaking of which, that's a neat painting over there! What is it?

DeSILVA: Oh, it's just a Holland original. I've got a couple, but I'm missing one. Too bad that the guy died, eh? Perhaps if he had lived just a bit longer, I could have bought it. What a shame...

BADSTAR: Mrs Desilva, you lied to me. I know you witnessed the murder.

{The aura appears around Desilva again}

DeSILVA: Really, did I? Do you have proof?

BADSTAR: Yes, I do as a matter of fact!

DeSILVA: Hmph. Let me see it.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmm... now what do I have? Oh, yeah! I think I have the meeting recorded in my notepad!} Okay, heres the proof! Take that! {Presents the Notepad Of Justice} Turn to the seventh page.

DeSILVA: Oh, alright. ... !

BADSTAR: {Smirks} Notice anything? Maybe a certain... conversation?

DeSILVA: Y-y-yes. I do. But... that doesn't prove a thing. Word of mouth is flimsy evidence, Strunner.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Well maybe I could prove it by, say... act of habit?}

{The aura appears around Desilva}

DeSILVA: Why are you still here? I've already answered your questions.


BADSTAR: Mrs Desilva, you're lying to me and I know it. You saw the murder!

DeSILVA: Really, now? Did I? Or are you grasping at straws?

BADSTAR: No, I'm not! You're lying, and I won't let this go until I get the truth!

DeSILVA: Tell me... do you know where I was that day?

BADSTAR: Yes, i do! You were in the cafe at the time of the murder. You were in a table nearby to have seen the murder!

{Badstars POV: The aura fades a bit.}

DeSILVA: Really, now? Well, then, if I saw the murder, I would have seen the man who did it. Which I didn't.

BADSTAR: If you didn't see the murder... how would you know a man did it?

DeSILVA: ... Mmph!

BADSTAR: And Joe at the The Raven also said you witnessed the murder! Theres no use trying to hide it, Mrs Desilva!

{The aura fades completly}

DeSILVA: ... Good job, Mr. Lawyer! I'm surprised! ... So I was there. And I witnessed the murder. That's a fact. ... So what are you insinuating, then?

BADSTAR: Err, nothing really. All I'm saying is that you witnessed the murder and you have to take the witness stand in court tommorow.

DeSILVA: ... Alright, then. That sounds good. Tomorrow, district court?

BADSTAR: Yes. I'll see you in court. But first... why were you hiding the fact that you saw the murder?

DeSILVA: I just really didn't want to get caught up in this.

{No aura appears.}

DeSILVA: Goodbye, then. Have a nice day.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmm... I think I may have an idea of who the murdurer is!

{Cut: Courtroom lobby}

JON: I have a good feeling about today, pal!

BADSTAR: Yeah, I think I do too.

JON: Just think--today's the day this is all over!

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Or at least I hope it'll be all over...}

{Chwoka walks in, horribly dressed. Obviously he has no money in the world left.}

CHWOKA: {Cheery somehow} Stan says hi, what do you say to Stan?

BADSTAR: GAH! ...W-what?

CHWOKA: I was talking with Stan last night, and he says "Hi".

BADSTAR: Uh, okay? {Thinking: Well, I'm weirded out!}

CHWOKA: Well, bye!

{Chwoka walks out the door and collapses asleep.}

JON: ... Poor guy. He looks tired.

BADSTAR: That... was kinda creepy.

JON: Well... the trial's about to begin. C'mon, pal.

{Jon walks into the courtroom.}

{Cut: Courtroom}

JUDGE: Court is now in session. Is the defense ready?

BADSTAR: The defense is ready, your honor.

JUDGE: And is the prosecution ready?

YOG:{is reading the book House of Leaves, looks up} Ah! Y-yes, your honor, the prosecution is ready.

JUDGE: Please, Mr. Bellstrom, put the book away.

YOG: Whatever. {throws the book at a person, knocking him out}

JUDGE: ... Would the prosecution care to make a statement before we begin?

YOG: Sure, I guess. Um, I still am sure Beatty is guilty, and... I just realized I don't have any proof now. Guess I won't be needing THIS. {pulls a TV camera out of his head, throws it at the man, who is just getting back up, knocking him out again}

JUDGE: Very well. Would you care to call a witness?

YOG: I call Jon to the stand.

JUDGE: ... Care to call a new witness?

YOG: Huh? There's a NEW witness? I've been here since y'all left. Okay, I call... {thinking: Okay, let's see here. Who's new? Um... Ah! There! Now, who is that? Hmm...} I call... DeSilva? to the stand. Is that right?

{Mira DeSilva takes the stand.}

JUDGE: ... Oh, my! You're quite... classy, ma'am.

DeSILVA: Thank you, sir. I'm glad to be here.

JUDGE: Would the prosecution care to make a statement?

YOG: ...I just did, I believe.

JUDGE: ... About the witness? Perhaps, her place in all this?

YOG: Oh. I'm sorry, but in the future we handle things a little differently in court. Um, I think that Ms. DeSilva has absolutely nothing to do with the murder, and is just a fan of Holland's work.

DeSILVA: It's true. I own many of Holland's originals.

BADSTAR: OBJECTION! She witnessed the murder and all witnesses are important.

YOG: Note that I said "absolutely nothing", not "nowhere near". Stupid past-people and your bad logic and your repeating everything you say as if it was a badly written video game...

JUDGE: Mr. Bellstrom! Say another thing like that and you'll be held in contempt of court. ... Please testify, Ms. DeSilva, about the day of the crime.

DeSILVA: Alright, then.

{Examination - Moderate}

DeSILVA: I was at the scene of the crime that day. Yes, I did witness Mr. Beatty attack Mr. Holland. He took out his gun, and--bang! Two times, he was shot. I, of course, decided to run for it--after all, I was afraid he would get me next!

JUDGE: ... Very well. Mr. Strunner, you may begin the cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Witness, please repeat the testimony.

DeSILVA: I was at the scene of the crime that day. Yes, I did witness Mr. Beatty attack Mr. Holland. He took out his gun, and--bang! Two times, he was shot. I, of course, decided to run for it--after all, I was afraid he would get me next!

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! Where was the table you were sitting at located?

DeSILVA: I was sitting near the back--I had a pretty good view.

BADSTAR: And where were Mr Holland and Mr Beatty sitting?

DeSILVA: At a table near the front.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmm... I suppose she would have a good view.}

JUDGE: Continue the cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. {Thinking: Think. What else is there to press her on?}

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, if you've got nothing else to press her on, you may want to move on to another testimonial.

BADSTAR: Another testimonial, your honor?

JUDGE: Yes... but what about?

DeSILVA: Please... what else is there to say? Perhaps you'd like me to talk about my art gallery?

BADSTAR: How is that relevant?

DeSILVA: Well... I don't know? The victim was a famous artist, so... maybe you should! {giggles}

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner... should we really have her testify about this art gallery of hers?

BADSTAR: Umm... okay? I still don't see how its relevant, though...

JUDGE: Very well. Witness, please testify to the court about your art collection.

{Examination - Moderate}

DeSILVA: As most of you may not know, I do, in fact, own an art gallery downtown. I fill it with many paintings, most of them Holland works. I admit, I am quite the fan of his post-modern art! In fact, I've resorted to desperate measures to get them! I am a fanatic, aren't I?

JUDGE: ... Mr. Strunner. Do you find anything in this testimony of value?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... {Thinking: Wait, I found something I could press her on} As a matter of fact, yes. I did find that of value. I would now like to cross-examine the witness.

JUDGE: ... Very well. However, if I find this to be a waste of the court's time... you will be reprimanded for it. Be cautious. You may now begin your cross-examination.

BADSTAR: ...Y-yes, your honor. {Thinking: Lets hope this is the right thing to press her on...} Please repeat, witness.

DeSILVA: As most of you may not know, I do, in fact, own an art gallery downtown. I fill it with many paintings, most of them Holland works. I admit, I am quite the fan of his post-modern art! In fact, I've resorted to desperate measures to get them! I am a fanatic, aren't I?

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! Desperate measures? What kind of desperate measures?

DeSILVA: Well, I have been known to go around the country for some of these paintings--they're just too good to pass up! In fact... no, I don't think I'd ever do anything rash for a painting.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Crap, I honestly thought that would get me somwh-}

DeSILVA: There is, however... one painting I've yet to get. But... that's not important, is it, Mr. Lawyer?

BADSTAR: !!! Hmmm... about this painting. Didn't you say at our last meeting that you weren't able to get Mr Holland's latest piece?

DeSILVA: Correct. I've been looking all over for it! ... But I just can't seem to find it.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... your honor? I request the witness testify about this piece. It is indeed important.

JUDGE: A-a-alright, I guess. Though I don't see why this piece is so important...

DeSILVA: Don't worry. It's not.

{Examination - Allegro}

DeSILVA: The piece I've been looking for was a piece by Warren Holland. To be frank, it's an ugly picture. However, I just can't go without having every piece by him--I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I haven't been able to find a place that sold his original piece, so I'm in a bit of a rut.

JUDGE: ... Is that all?

DeSILVA: That's all.

JUDGE: Alright, then. Mr. Strunner, you may begin your cross-examination.

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Please repeat, witness.

DeSILVA: The piece I've been looking for was a piece by Warren Holland. To be frank, it's an ugly picture. However, I just can't go without having every piece by him--I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I haven't been able to find a place that sold his original piece, so I'm in a bit of a rut.

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! Couldn't you just ask him if he was willing to sell the painting?

DeSILVA: I did meet up with him once or twice, but he was very adamant. I decided to look elsewhere.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: What else is there to press her on? AHA!} I see. Witness, go on.

DeSILVA: The piece I've been looking for was a piece by Warren Holland. To be frank, it's an ugly picture. However, I just can't go without having every piece by him--I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I haven't been able to find a place that sold his original piece, so I'm in a bit of a rut.

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! A perfectionist?

DeSILVA: Yes. I'm afraid I've got a soft spot for modern art.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmm...}

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, just where are you going with this?

BADSTAR: Yes, I am suggesting something! Mira Desilva... I ACCUSE YOU OF THE MURDER OF MR HOLLAND!!!

JUDGE: ... Mr. Strunner. Explain yourself.

DeSILVA: You appear to be grasping at straws again, Mr. Lawyer... why would you accuse me?

BADSTAR: Simple, really. It appears Miss DeSilva is desperate for the painting! And also, earlier when I first met her, At first she said she didn't witness anything! Isn't that a little suspicous?

DeSILVA: ... Alright, I'll confess.

JUDGE: You'll... you'll confess?!

DeSILVA: I'll confess to my crime.

{Examination - Allegro}

DeSILVA: It's true, I was very desperate for that painting. So I met up with Mr. Holland on that day, that fateful day. I urged him, over and over, until... I snapped. I shot him right in the gut and walked away with my painting. However... that didn't kill him. So I admit it. I shot Mr. Holland.

JUDGE: ... You... you did?

DeSILVA: That's right. I've confessed my crime, now take me away.

JUDGE: But if so... you wouldn't be the murderer!

DeSILVA: Exactly. I shot him--I never said I killed him.

JUDGE: ... Mr. Strunner. Do you have an opinion on this?

BADSTAR: I think the trial should be held for one more day so I can investigate to find the real killer. For now, I think Mrs DeSilva should be arrested.

JUDGE: Agreed. We find Mrs. Mira DeSilva guilty of assault. She shall be held a trial tomorrow.

DeSILVA: Thank you... Mr. Judge.

JUDGE: Court is adjourned.

{Cut: the defense lobby.}

BADSTAR: This... isn't good.

JON: You're not kidding... What do you think we do? Look for the real murderer?

BADSTAR: At this point, its out only choice.

JON: That raises a question... where do we look? ... To be honest, we really didn't look through the museum enough. Since Mrs. DeSilva was involved with the murder, there's bound to be something there!

BADSTAR: You may be right. Lets go.

{Cut: Museum}

JON: ... Woah. This place is empty.

BADSTAR: Yeah. Nobodys here...

JON: Oh, well. Might as well look around!

{Suddenly, something catches Jon's eye.}

JON: ... Are those... bullet shells?

BADSTAR: Hmmm? Why would they be here?

JON: Something tells me... oh, no. Oh, no no no no. I'm gonna go look somewhere else, just put these in the evidence file!

{Jon runs off.}

BADSTAR: Umm... okay? {Puts bullet shells in court record}

{Search - Core 2002}

JON: {offscreen} Hey! Come here!

{Cut: Mira's office. Jon is rummaging through a desk.}

JON: You won't believe what I found!

BADSTAR: And that would be...?

JON: A... a... a gun! ... D-do you th-think...

BADSTAR: Desilva must've used it to shoot Mr Holland.

JON: EEEK! ... We need to take this to forensics. I'll take the gun and shells to the precinct--you chat with DeSilva and see if she knows anything else.

{Jon runs off.}

BADSTAR: Oka- ...Hm? {Notices a purse} Usually, I would never take a woman's purse, but this kind of an emergency, so... {Takes purse. Puts it in court record.}

{Cut: Detention Center}

DeSILVA: ... You. Here to laugh at me, Strunner?

BADSTAR: No... I'm here for information.

DeSILVA: What else is there to know? I shot Mr. Holland.

BADSTAR: Yes, I know... but I have something to ask you. While searching your museum, we found a gun in your office. Was this the same gun you used to shoot Holland?

DeSILVA: Yep. That's it.

BADSTAR: Thank you, mrs Desilva. That is all. {Thinking: I should get to the precinct to check on Jon.}

{Cut: Precinct}

JON: Hey, pal! ... We don't have any proof yet, sorry. But... I heard somebody was at the museum. I think... he wants to talk to you.

BADSTAR: Somebody wants to talk to me? ...Okay....

{Cut: Museum}

???: Ah! You've arrived!

BADSTAR: ... {Thinking: I said it once, and I say it again} Huh?

{An old man with a cane stands in front of Badstar.}

CURIE: Good day. My name is Arthur Curie--delighted to meet you.

BADSTAR: Um... hello. So, why did you want to meet me?

CURIE: I've brought you here because of an on-going case I've got wind of. It involves a friend of mine... Andrew Holland, was it?

BADSTAR: Warren Holland, actually.

CURIE: Oh, right... my mistake. Anyway, I have some information that I can share with you, if you'd like.

BADSTAR: Oh, thank you. Could you please give me this information?

CURIE: Well, I was here at the time. I saw Mrs. DeSilva walk into the museum, holding a gun and covered in blood. From there, she fired it off several times--presumably to get rid of the remaining bullets. I'll tell you, if I was seen, she would have killed me...

BADSTAR: Hmmm... thanks for the information. But, covered in blood? Why would she be covered in blood if he only shot him once?

CURIE: I saw her hold her hand to her side--my guess is that she got attacked.

BADSTAR: A-attacked?

CURIE: Yes... that's what I believe.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... thank you, Mr Curie. {Thinking: I think I have something else to question Desilva about...}

CURIE: There is a court proceedings tomorrow, correct? ... If so, I'll be testifying. I arranged with the kind prosecutor...

BADSTAR: Hmmm... alright, Mr Curie. I'll see you in court...

{Cut: the precinct}

JON: Hey, pal. You okay?

BADSTAR: Jon... we have a new witness.

JON: Really? I hope they'll help in court tomorrow! ... Oh, yeah. By the way... I found out some information about some of the people involved...

BADSTAR: Really? What kind of information?

JON: Warren Holland... apparently, he had a son.

BADSTAR: A... son?

JON: Andrew Holland. He's apparently pretty famous in Europe... But he's been gone a while. Nobody's heard from him in a while.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: That name sounds familiar...}

JON: They say that he's never been able to really achieve the same sort of success as his father... and I heard he's pretty sore about it. Or... so I've heard. I mean, I've never seen the guy! ... Maybe you should talk to people who might know him?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... Desilva might know about him.

JON: Probably. You can head down to the detention center and ask either DeSilva or Beatty--they're artists, right?

{Cut: the detention center.}

BADSTAR: {Walks to Beatty's stall/or whatever its called}

BEATTY: Ah, Mr. Strunner... you're back.

BADSTAR: Mr Beatty, I have a question. Have you ever heard of Andrew Holland?

BEATTY: ... No.

{The perceive aura appears.}

BEATTY: I'm afraid I can't help you with that.

BADSTAR: Hmmmm.... {Thinking: Alright! Here I go!} Mind repeating that Mr Beatty?

BEATTY: I don't know who Andrew Holland is.


BEATTY: ... Hm! What is this? ... ZVARRI! You must have a question for me, correct?

BADSTAR: Mr Beatty, are you aware of a certain... habit?

BEATTY: What, pray tell? My poetic manner of speech?

BADSTAR: I was talking about something else... like how after you said you didn't know who Andrew Holland was... YOU FIDGETED WITH YOUR GLASSES!!!

BEATTY: ... And that matters how? Pray tell, lawyer, what is so odd about that?

BADSTAR: Simple. Tell me you don't know who Andrew Holland is.

BEATTY: I don't. That's all I'm saying, sir lawyer.

BADSTAR: You did it again! You do it everytime you say you don't know who he is! Now... TELL ME THE TRUTH!

BEATTY: ... And here is where I propose something, sir lawyer.

BADSTAR: ...Propose something?

BEATTY: I propose you show me evidence connecting me to Mr. Andrew Holland. If I am lying, I would, in fact, see the proof. ... So, sir lawyer?

BADSTAR: Ummm... I kind of don't have any evidence.

BEATTY: ... As I suspected. Sir lawyer, I must ask you to leave if you continue to pursue this line of questioning.

{Beatty leaves for questioning.}

BADSTAR: {Sigh} Crap...

DeSILVA: I'm still here, lawyer.

BADSTAR: Huh? {Turns to next stall} Oh. Mrs Desilva, do you know who Andrew Holland is?

DeSILVA: Of course I do.

BADSTAR: You'll probably say no, but can you please give me some information on him?

DeSILVA: ... Andy. I knew him once. ... But once was a long time ago.

BADSTAR: ! How did you know him?

DeSILVA: We... we used to...

{The perceive aura appears.}

DeSILVA: I... I can't say. I'm very sorry.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Hmmmm... two percieves in one day?} Mrs Desilva... are you positive you can't tell me? {Thinking: Okay, here I go...}

DeSILVA: ... I'm certain. I can't tell you. It's... it's too awful to think about.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Strange... it didn't work!}

DeSILVA: ... Mr. Strunner. Are you... trying to find out something?

{Ms. DeSilva sighs.}

DeSILVA: ... I'll tell you, if you want.

{The perceive aura completely disappears.}

BADSTAR: Please do...

DeSILVA: ... He and I were once together. If you... know what I mean by that. Until one day... he... he tried to... k-kill me.

BADSTAR: T-tried to... kill you? Is there a reason why?

DeSILVA: ...


DeSILVA: Andy... he was drunk. He couldn't stand being less famous than his father, even years after his art became popular. He wasn't ready to let his father become the one with all the fame... so he drank. A lot. I was his fiancee, and when he finally snapped... he shot me. In the arm, I mean... I still have the wound to show it. And, if you want, I can show you one more thing... a memento. Of Andy and I.

{Ms. DeSilva hands Badstar a locket. Inside is a picture of Ms. DeSilva and...}


DeSILVA: ... I knew he looked familiar.

BADSTAR: I-I'm sorry... but I'm going to have to keep this locket... temporarily... i-is that okay?

DeSILVA: That's okay... but I need it back. After all, this is the only way I can remember what Andy looks like.

BADSTAR: Y-yes, Mrs Desilva... goodbye... {Thinking: I think Beatty is done questioning...}

{Cut: Beatty's Stall}

BEATTY: Oh. It's you again... What brings you back?

BADSTAR: Your lie is what brings me back! You DO know who Andrew Holland is! And I'm ready to prove it!

BEATTY: Good. Prove it.

{The perceive aura appears once more.}

BADSTAR: Okay! Heres the proof that connects you to Andrew Holland! TAKE THAT! {Presents locket}

BEATTY: ... And who is that in the picture? The woman, I mean. Obviously, that's me, but how are we to know it's Mr. Holland in that picture? I may not even know this woman!

BADSTAR: Strange... I thought you recgonized... Mira Desilva! According to the information you gave you reconigzed the witness as Mira Desilva! So... WHY WOULD YOU NOT RECGONIZE HER IN THIS PICTURE!?

BEATTY: ... GHK! ... B-but, still... we have no idea who this person is in the photo. That may be Mira, but how do we know this is either me or Andrew Holland? If it were either me or Andrew, you'd see a similarity...

BADSTAR: ...Heh. Since when did I say anything about you being Andrew Holland?

BEATTY: ... N-n-n-n-n-n-noooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!

{The perceive aura disappears.}

BEATTY: You've got me... I am...

{Beatty takes off his hat and his glasses, revealing his true self.}

HOLLAND: I'm Andrew Holland. You win, Mr. Strunner.

BADSTAR: Now that I know who you are... this brings in some new questions. Permission to ask these questions?

HOLLAND: Go ahead, Mr. Strunner. I don't mind.

BADSTAR: First of all... why did you hide your identidy?

HOLLAND: I don't want to be associated with my father. That's all.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... alright. I think thats all I have for now. Goodbye, Mr Bea-...Holland.

HOLLAND: And goodbye to you, Mr. Strunner.

{Cut: Courtroom lobby, next day}

JON: ... So? What's up, pal?

BADSTAR: Well, I discovered a shocking detail... Mr Beatty... is actually Andrew Holland, the son of Warren Holland.

JON: Get out, pal! You can't be serious! ... How'd you find out?

BADSTAR: It turns out Mrs Desilva used to be Andrew's fiance. She showed me a picture of them both, and well... {Shows John the locket. Puts it back in court record after a few seconds.}

JON: ... Wow. Anything else you heard from her?

BADSTAR: Well apparently, Andrew drank a lot out of deppresion because of his father's glory. He eventually got so drunk, he shot Mrs Desilva in the arm.

JON: ... Well. We can't persecute her for that. By the by, you heard Ms. DeSilva's having her trial today? Poor woman...

BADSTAR: Yeah, I guess I do feel a little sorry for her... hey, I think courts beggining. I should probably get in there.

{Cut: the courtroom.}

JUDGE: Court is once again in session. Now, I suspect we've learned some new information, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Correct, your honor. I have all new information recorded in my notepad. You should take a look. There is some important info in there. {Pulls out notepad of justice. Gives it to the judge.}

JUDGE: ... I see! Well, if this isn't the oddest case I've ever seen! ... I suspect we have a final witness to call, correct, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor.

JUDGE: Then would Mr. Arthur Curie please take the stand?

{Arthur Curie takes the stand.}

JUDGE: Name and occupation?

CURIE: Arthur Curie, art enthusiast.

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, what is the significance of this witness?

BADSTAR: Apparently he saw Mrs Desilva after she shot Mr Holland.

JUDGE: Of course. Mr. Curie, I'd like you to describe what you saw for the court.

CURIE: Yes, Your Honor.

{Examination - Allegro}

CURIE: I was at Mrs. DeSilva's museum. It was late at night--I guess I forgot the time. It was then that I saw Mrs. DeSilva walk in, bloodied and carrying a pistol. She muttered something about "regretting not killing him", and emptied her gun of bullets. I'm guessing this was to keep investigators from suspecting her of shooting that man.

JUDGE: ... Alright. Mr. Strunner, do you see any problems with this testimony?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... Your honor, I would like to cross-examine the witness now. Witness, repeat the testimony.

CURIE: I was at Mrs. DeSilva's museum. It was late at night--I guess I forgot the time. It was then that I saw Mrs. DeSilva walk in, bloodied and carrying a pistol. She muttered something about "regretting not killing him", and emptied her gun of bullets. I'm guessing this was to keep investigators from suspecting her of shooting that man.

BADSTAR: OBJECTION! Late at night, you say?

CURIE: Yes. I'm afraid my car got a flat on the way to the museum, so I took a bit of time repairing it. Why would you ask?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... your honor! The defense requests the witness adds this to his testimony.

JUDGE: ... I don't see why-

CURIE: No, I insist! I was at Mrs. DeSilva's museum. It was late at night--I guess I forgot the time. Actually, my tire got a flat and I had to replace it, so I arrived later than expected. It was then that I saw Mrs. DeSilva walk in, bloodied and carrying a pistol. She muttered something about "regretting not killing him", and emptied her gun of bullets. I'm guessing this was to keep investigators from suspecting her of shooting that man.

BADSTAR: HOLD IT! How long did it take you to replace your tire and at what time did it get a flat?

CURIE: It took me about twenty minutes to replace the tire. I got the flat at about 9 o'clock and arrived at the museum at 10:05.

BADSTAR: Hmmm... OBJECTION! You got to the Mueseum at 10:05?

CURIE: Yes? There's a problem?

BADSTAR: Yes, as a matter of fact there is! You say you got to the museum at 10... but that would be 5 hours after the attack! So... WHY WOULD MRS DESILVA ARRIVE 5 HOURS AFTER THE INCIDENT!?

CURIE: Good point... I wonder why?

JUDGE: Mr. Curie! Can you explain this?

CURIE: I can.

JUDGE: You can?

CURIE: I neglected to mention my watch was out of sync... it's a few hours fast.

JUDGE: ... How?

CURIE: I had just come back from an art show in Tokyo, and I'm afraid I forgot to remedy the time difference. I'm very sorry, sir.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Damn! I was so close, to...}

JUDGE: ... From what I can see, there's nothing wrong with his testimony. I believe he is only testifying to what he saw, and nothing more. Mr. Strunner, do you have anything more to add?

BADSTAR: ...N-no, your honor... nothing to add.... {Thinking: DAMN!}

JUDGE: Mr. Curie, you're free to leave.

CURIE: Alright, then.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: W-wait!} OBJECTION!!!

JUDGE: Mr. Strunner, there'd better be a good reason for this.

BADSTAR: There is your honor! I realized that there is indeed something wrong with that testimony! May I please explain this contradiction?

JUDGE: You might as well.

BADSTAR: You see, telling from yesterday, Mrs Desilva was desperate for Mr Holland's painting. After shooting Mr Holland, don't you think she would've taken the painting afterwards? So, when the witness saw Mrs Desilva... SHE WOULD'VE HAD THE PAINTING!

CURIE: Oh, my... really?

JUDGE: That is rather odd. Does this mean anything, Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Yes, it does your honor. It means that maybe Mr Curie didn't see anything or... he's hiding something.

JUDGE: I don't think this man would murder.

CURIE: Heavens, no! I would never kill somebody--wait, is that what I'm here for?

JUDGE: It seems so.

CURIE: Well, I'm afraid I must leave. There's nothing I saw relevant to the case other than Mrs. DeSilva's arrival at the museum.

{Mr. Curie leaves.}

JUDGE: It seems like this case has no leads helping us. If the defense has any more witnesses to call up, call them now.

BADSTAR: N-no, your honor...

JUDGE: Very well. Court will take a 20 minute recess to let the defense think of any new ideas. Until then, court is in recess.

{Cut: the defense lobby.}

JON: Pal! We're getting nowhere with this...

BADSTAR: I know, I know! {Sighs}

JON: No leads, no witnesses, no evidence... we're doomed.

{Badstar's phone rings.}

{Badstar's ringtone}

BADSTAR: {Answers phone} Hello?

STAN: {on phone} Hey, Badstar. It's just me. Jon updated me on the case.

BADSTAR: Yeah... as far as I know, we're screwed...

STAN: {on phone} Well, I have worse news for you. After going over the case several times, there's only one person who could have killed Mr. Holland. His son.

{Hotline of Fate}

BADSTAR: W-what!? You mean... my client truly is...

STAN: {on phone} Guilty. Yes. ... Badstar. If you're going to continue fighting in court, I have to ask you something.


STAN: {on phone} Tell the judge that Prosecutor Bellstrom's being replaced. I have to go cancel my flight.

{Great Revival}

BADSTAR: !!! Y-you mean...

STAN: {on phone} We need to work together on this. ... Goodbye, Badstar. {hangs up}

BADSTAR: ...Holy crap!

YOG:{jumps down from the ceiling} ...Whatever. I never even likes this time. See ya, Strunner! Or not... {transforms into a dark flame, disappears}

BADSTAR: How did he...? Oh, nevermind! Jon! I need you to go to the detention center and get Andrew Holland! Don't ask why, I'll explain later!

JON: I already know, pal!

{Jon runs off.}

{Cut: the court room.}

JUDGE: Court is now in session. Mr. Strunner... where is Prosecutor Bellstrom?

BADSTAR: There was...errr... an emergency, your honor. Mr Bellstrom had to leave. Thus, somebody else will be replacing him as prosecution.

JUDGE: And that person is?

BADSTAR: S-stan, your honor. {Thinking: I wonder how the judge will react...}

JUDGE: ... Who?

STAN: Your Honor, please. You remember me, don't you?

JUDGE: ... O-oh! Pr-prosecutor Stan!

STAN: Yes... that's me.

JUDGE: But I thought-

STAN: Listen, I don't need anybody fawning over me or anything. I'm here to do one thing only... end this case. After that, I'm gone.

JUDGE: ... V-very well. Mr. Strunner?

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor?

JUDGE: Is there any reason why Mr. Stan is here, exactly?

BADSTAR: {Thinking: ...How the hell do I explain?} Well, er... you see, your honor... uhhh... {Thinking: I think Stan should help me with this... I should send him a signal.} {Taps desk almost silenty, thus somehow saying "HELP"}

STAN: I came here because Prosecutor Bellstrom had things he needed to do. Namely, he needed to go work on another, unrelated case. That is all.

JUDGE: ... Very well, then. Do you plan on calling a witness?

STAN: What I plan on doing is showing the court some evidence.

BADSTAR: ...Evidence? {Thinking: Stan never told me about any evidence...}

STAN: Yes... some evidence that will, in fact, incriminate Mr. Holland of murder.

JUDGE: ... Mr. Holland? Didn't he die?

STAN: Allow me, if I will, to call a witness to the stand to attest to this fact. The prosecution calls a Mr. Andrew Holland to the stand!

{Andrew takes the stand.}

JUDGE: You're... the defendant!

HOLLAND: That I am, sir.

JUDGE: Wait... Prosecutor Stan called you Mr. Holland! Prosecutor... explain this!

STAN: I'm afraid I can't... but I'm sure Mr. Strunner can tell the court about it.

BADSTAR: Well... this may sound strange, but... Mr Nicholas Beatty is actually Andrew Holland, the son of the victim, Warren Holland.

JUDGE: ... Mr. Strunner. How long have you known this?

BADSTAR: Since yesterday, your honor. I thought I had already explained this to you in my notepad.

JUDGE: ... Oh! Right, pardon my memory...

STAN: It did always leave something to be desired.

JUDGE: Still... it's confusing... that's all.

BADSTAR: Anyway, what is this evidence, prosecuter Stan?

STAN: ... This photograph.

{Stan submits a photograph to the judge.}

JUDGE: ... This is... a photograph of a watch?

STAN: Yes. It was taken at the scene of the crime... mere minutes after the murder.

JUDGE: ... And what is its significance?

STAN: Notice the time, if you will? ... 2 o'clock. An hour after the murder.

BADSTAR: Wait... the murder happpened at 5:05. The time would've been 6:05 an hour past the murder. So this watch must be broken!

JUDGE: ... I'm afraid we must call your memory into question, Mr. Strunner. The murder happened at 1 o'clock. Please, check the court record.

BADSTAR: But I heard the murder was 5 past 5...

STAN: ... Which brings me to my point. On that day... Mr. Warren Holland was shot. Twice.

JUDGE: ... Mind explaining this?

STAN: You see... The first bullet was fired by Ms. Mira DeSilva. That much the court already knows. When she shot Mr. Holland, it knocked him to the ground, and the fall jarred the watch. At two o'clock, obviously.

JUDGE: B-but... the court records say...

STAN: The murder did happen at 5 past 5. However, this watch was stopped at two o'clock. Therefore, we can safely say that, in that time, Mr. Warren Holland was murdered by Andrew Holland!

BADSTAR: ... {Thinking: Okay... what do I say right now? If I agree with Stan, my reputation as a lawyer may go downhill. Yet, as a lawyer, it is my job to destroy all lies! Wait... destroy all lies... THATS IT!} Ahem. I think before we make accusations we should hear from the defendant. {Thinking: In other words Stan, leave busting this guy to me!} Your honor, the defense requests the defendant testifies about what happened at the scene of the crime on the day of the murder!

JUDGE: V-very well. Prosecutor?

STAN: No objections here, Your Honor.

JUDGE: Okay, then. Andrew Holland will take the stand.

{Holland does so.}

HOLLAND: Yes, Your Honor?

JUDGE: ... Mr. Strunner, would you do the honors?

BADSTAR: Yes, your honor. Mr Holland, please testify about the day your father was murdered.

HOLLAND: ... Why?

BADSTAR: W-why? Well, err... {Thinking: C'mon, think of an excuse... Oh!} Well, we've already talked to everybody that has to do with crime, and you're the only one who has something to do with the case that we haven't already questioned, so you're the only person that remains un-questioned. Thus, since you obviously have something to do with the case, you must testify.

HOLLAND: ... I plea the fifth.

BADSTAR: The fifth...? Wait... doesn't that mean you don't have to testify if you don't want to? {Thinking: Please say no, please say no, please say no...}

STAN: It does.

BADSTAR: {Thinking: Aw, crap! Okay, this is gonna be harder then I expected. Wait... maybe I could present something to convince him to talk... or maybe, just maybe... I could say something} Alright, Mr Holland. Though... I do have just one question to ask you. Is that alright?

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