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NachoMan Drops A Hot Steamy Load On Your Chest

From Wuw Archive

Revision as of 04:28, 3 December 2009 by TheCheese (Talk)
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{Cut to a junkyard. NachoMan is behind the controls of a massive crane, moving around clumps of garbage}

NACHOMAN: Man this life is monotonous

{NachoMan moves the arm of the crane over to a large pile}

NACHOMAN: {wiping his forehead} It sure is hot out here

{NachoMan lifts a particularly large load with the crane}

NACHOMAN: Hey what is that in the way of my load

{Zoom in to reveal it is a treasure chest engraved with a name on it}

NACHOMAN: Oh well, I guess it's meant to be underneath my hot steamy load

{NachoMan drops the hot steamy load on the chest}


NACHOMAN: also i have to poop

{NachoMan poops on your chest}

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