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Kirbychu's Vacation/0

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< Kirbychu's Vacation
Revision as of 03:21, 5 December 2008 by Kirbychu HR'D (Talk)
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{Cut to Kirbychu sitting in his computer playing a rom of Super Mario World.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I know that ROM's are illegal, put this is fun! I think I'll check my e-mail.

{Kirbychu quits SMW and opens Outlook Express.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Yay! My time share has been confirmed! I gotta go call Kirby!

{Kirbychu picks up his cell phone and dials a number. The screen then splits to show Kirby on the other line.

KIRBY: {picks up phone} Hello?

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Hey Kirby, I just got a time share in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and I was wondering if you and your brothers wanted to go.

KIRBY: What's in Colorado?

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Hot Springs, golf, the 4 corners, plus it wouldn't take that long to reach arches national park or the grand canyon. They also have good food and...

KIRBY: Okay we'll go. I'll go tell the others.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Okay, bye.

KIRBY: Bye. {hangs up.}

{The screen un-splits to show just Kirby.}

KIRBY: {yelling} Hey guys? Could you come here for a sec?

{Red Kirby and Green Kirby run in.}

RED: What?

KIRBY: Where's Yellow?

GREEN: He's still angry at you for eating his pudding pop.

KIRBY: Oh. Well anyhow, Kirbychu's taking us on a road trip to Colorado!

RED AND GREEN: What's in Colorado?

KIRBY: Good food.

RED AND GREEN: Okay, we'll go.

{The scene changes to a montage of both Kirbychu and the Kirbies packing. after a while, both are done. The scene changes to just the Kirbies, who are sitting at a table, exhausted.}

KIRBY: That took a while.

GREEN: When are we going, anyways?

KIRBY: In 2 days.

RED: Wait, if we leave in 2 days, why did we do all out packing today?

KIRBY: I'm not sure.

{The scene changes to Kirbychu, who is sitting on the floor of his living room next to an end table that his suitcases are on.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: All done! Now I don't have to worry about rushing around trying to pack tomorrow! YAY!

{Kirbychu accidentally punches the table rejoicing, causing a suitcase to fall on him.



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