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I Love The 2nd Gen/2

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For interactives gone bad, trolls, and Wikihood

Keep out of reach of small children. Do not microwave. I Love The 2nd Gen is not liable for any deaths as a result, directly or indirectly, of this episode. Made in China. Copyleft 2008.


SKULLBUGGY: This was one of three WUEs I ever read in my life, and probably the best. Ah, but the good die young, at but 66 episodes. 'Tis a shame.

X ON FIRE: Thatkidsam and iCreature {or whatever the capitalization is} became characters in SSXMails, my far less successful WUE.

THE MU: Oh no, it's me. I... never read any email shows back in the day. I guess I missed out.

NOID: thatkidsam.muffin was great. He was an assassin and ran around having adventures with an eye...or something.

SKULLBUGGY: I don't know which one was my favorite. Probably them all!

BLUEBRY: Gah, whenever I make negative stereotypical generalizations about WUEs, someone always mentions that this one actually didn't suck.

CHWOKA: He had, like, a game console for a computer. That was unheard of before EVERYBODY did it.

SHADOW SCYTHE: Oh, I read one about presidential calamities. This show needs a "Do not try this at home" warning.

THATKIDSAM: Oh, man. thatkidsam.muffin. Some of these were pretty good despite being made by a ten years old boy! I should definitely bring this series back someday.

THATKIDSAM: I realized that most of the characters were pretty awful and had no development. At least Icreature went on to become a cult icon on the scale of Che Guevara at my school.


SKULLBUGGY: I can't figure out for the life of me why this guy's cow was stolen. But boy was he angry about it.

X ON FIRE: We can only wonder just who was behind the wheel of these thousand or so accounts.

THE MU: Oh gee. I had sorta-left at this point, while the attacks were happening. I still remember it, though.

NOID: I was there when this stuff happened, down to the minute. I saw some stuff go down, man.

SKULLBUGGY: This same man also stole somebody's bike, but that's another story.

THE SPANISH INQUISITION: I have a confession to make. I joined the wiki after the NSMC attacks.

BLUEBRY: Grr this is what prevented me from making an account. I had to wait.

THATKIDSAM: Many of the stories told about this guy are greatly exaggerated. But he was still a major pain in the {bleep}.


SKULLBUGGY: Wow, was this popular! I mean, I don't ever recall being on it, or, you know, {quietly} reading it {normal voice} but still!

X ON FIRE: Despite Supra Sam's best efforts, it just. Never. Dies.

THE MU: I never did realize how they updated and made episodes so fast. Was it magic? Anyway, I wasn't part of it.

NOID: I think I was in some crappy Wikihood knock-off...but then again, how much lower than Wikihood can you go?

SKULLBUGGY: And now, get this! They're doing it agian on the Wiki User Wiki! Only this time it's not so good.

CHWOKA: I was heartbroken when Wikihood 2 ended. You know, like they say, Wikihood is always more fun to play than to read. I suppose that's true of the new one, too... maybe I should stop being so negative towards them...


SHADOW SCYTHE: Oh yeah, this was fun alright. Animating that short was a valuable waste of a Sunday afternoon.

THATKIDSAM: I never really saw any of this, I just thought it was annoying. That little animation Shadow Scythe did pretty much sums up my opinion of it.

Homestar High

SKULLBUGGY: Ahahaha this. This is what caused the war, wasn't it?

X ON FIRE: Did we ever actually do any learning in the game?

NOID: Homestar High was high school if highschool had no mandatory classes and was a dating simulation. Kinsey and E-102 included!

SKULLBUGGY: Things were said, feelings were hurt, and everyone came out of it confused.

BLUEBRY: lol wiki war

NOID: I wish my school was like that. Imagine getting in a karate battle and being set on fire during lunch!

SHADOW SCYTHE: I think some Princess Homestar tried to drag me into the mess. This may be the only time I look back positively on skipping classes. Not that I, you know, plan to do it anyw time else. Nor have I ever done it before. Ever.

CHWOKA: DonZabu was all mad over losing his laptop, so I did it the easy way: I got him a new one. That made it so that he needed to feed his drama elsewhere, so he made X On Fire "kill" him and he turned into a ghost with a taste for vengeance.

SKULLBUGGY: So, let me get this straight. E-102 said some nasty stuff about Princess Homestar, and... a war? Really? Stuff like this happens all the time and we don't see people readying their nukes! Though, this is the internet. Should I be surprised?

THATKIDSAM: I can't believe something this frivolous made so many people leave. The wiki is a fragile, fragile place.

DINOSHAUR ON BEHALF OF WITCHESBREW82: Yeah it was cool we made a band called Purple Korn and I think you guys are missing the point of Homestar High and that was teen drama. Dinoshaur played bass in the band. I remember it all and you don't so does Dinoshaur.

20X6 Explorers

SKULLBUGGY: This was honestly one of the best comics on the Wiki. And original, too! You know, before everyone and their dogs started making Stinkoman Comics.

X ON FIRE: This comic was extrememly consfusing. At least, it was for me.

THE MU: Ah, the first great comic. It's still an interesting read.

VANHOCK: It lost, like, half it's readership-


{short pause}

VANHOCK: Essentially, yeah.

SKULLBUGGY: Are- are they still doing this? No? Shame.

THATKIDSAM: I was reading this back in the days it was called User:Ekul/Comic! It was really complex but it was more understandable than most. One of the wiki's greatest.

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