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Chrionroar somehow breaks space and time, causing Conchris and the gang to hang out in the white void as the Writer goes to fix it


{Open to Space, Chrionroar flies by, drunk, and hits several stars and destroys several planets along the way, he then collides with the sun which makes it implode somehow and then the scene starts to glitch up, cut to the white space, Conchris, Cruroar, Cieeia and Forest pop in and Chrionroar crash lands in}

CONCHRIS: Isn't that just peachy? Someone broke the space time again!

CHRIONROAR: {whistles innocently}

CRUROAR: Well, while we're here, why don't we share some character history?

CONCHRIS: WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN BREAK THE FOURTH WALL?! Oh wait, the universe is frozen in time anyway.

CIEEIA: Can't we play the intro first?


{Cue introduction}

{Open to the white void, Cruroar and Cieeia are in a heated duel in Chess with Conchris watching}

CONCHRIS: Oh man! This chess game is epic!

CRUROAR: Nngh... she's got my queen in a pickle here...

CIEEIA: Go on... make your next move...

{Forest butts in}

FOREST: Wait a minute, weren't we supposed to tell character histories?

CIEEIA: In a minute, I'm about to win here!

{Cieeia moves a rook onto the same set of squares as the king. Realising that he has no moves left, Cruroar flips the board}

CRUROAR: Checkmate. Damn it.

CIEEIA: Don't feel too bad.

CONCHRIS: Ha ha ha, you got beat by a girl!

CRUROAR: Are you going to haunt me with that for the rest of the episode?

FOREST: Yes, he will.


CONCHRIS: So anyway, insulting beside. Who shall tell of their history first?

FOREST: How about I tell the story of how I was created and destroyed the world?

CONCHRIS: I thought Zorc destroys the world?

FOREST: Screw Zorc, I have money!

CONCHRIS: How about Cieeia? The writer is just itching to get that mysterious Xavian somehow knows Cieeia thing out to the masses.

CIEEIA: Er... okay.

{Several chairs suddenly appear out of nowhere, Conchris and company sit down on them, except for Chrionroar, who is busy chomping on the chair legs}

CRUROAR: Yeah! How did you know about Xavian in the first place?

CIEEIA: Well, um... Xavian originally used to be a good guy.

CONCHRIS: Generic teamswitcher!

CIEEIA: SHUT UP! So anyway, {the scene fizzles away to reveal a park, all characters except the ones that aren't Conchris, Cieeia, Cruroar, Forest or Chrionroar or are labelled "Young" are voiceovers} I met Xavian when I was young, about 10 to be precise.

CONCHRIS: You met him at a park?

CIEEIA: Yeah, I used to live near where the park is, but I had to go with supervision from my parents. One day, some bullies came into town and started terrorising everyone.

CRUROAR: As in, {as Cruroar mentions stuff, the bullies have the items mentioned} flamethrowers, molotov cocktails and guns, right?

CIEEIA: No! {The stuff on the bullies disappear} They went around punching innocent kids and stealing their money, the adults didn't seem to notice them, so it got ugly. I tried to run but I was caught by one of them and they were about to beat me up until a rich looking boy calmly walked in.

YOUNG XAVIAN: You guys are pathetic as bullies! You go around punching people in the gut and make them pay you? This is ridiculous! This isn't going to stop them from coming back! You're all fired, I want you all to be out of the park within TEN minutes! {the bullies scutter off, scared. Young Xavian turns around} Are you okay, little lady?

CONCHRIS: Wow, he sounds like Kaiba!

CIEEIA: Yeah, he used to joke about that. He can screw the rules because he has money.

CRUROAR: That doesn't make him look more like a good guy.

CIEEIA: Well, he did save me.

YOUNG CIEEIA: Thank you! What's your name?

YOUNG XAVIAN: My name? Why, I never had someone ask for my name before, they were all scared about how rich I am, not even a girl as beautiful as you.

CRUROAR: {with a hint of jealousy} He's just flattering you.

CIEEIA: I know. I know.

CONCHRIS: They always say that to try and pick up girls.


CIEEIA: So anyway...

YOUNG CIEEIA: He he he. You're funny. But seriously, what's your name?

YOUNG XAVIAN: The name's Xavian. I'm the local rich boy here, my parents live in the best flat for miles, unfortunately.

YOUNG CIEEIA: Thanks again, Xavian!

{Young Cieeia pecks Young Xavian on the cheek and skips off}

CRUROAR: {with a hint of jealousy along with mumbling} Urge to kill... rising...

CONCHRIS: Whoa there! There's no need to resort to violence! We still have a story to kill, I mean, tell.

CRUROAR: Fine! Continue with your stupid story!

CIEEIA: It's not stupid! Ahem, years later, we went to school together. Xavian was richer then and he became king of the playground.

{The scene shifts to a playground, Young Xavian is standing on top of the monkey bars with a make-shift crown on his head}

YOUNG XAVIAN: From here on out, we shall have a series that involves some troublemakers making trouble at school and in the playground. Also, I will be hoisted around by agent children on my sofa of glory! Any objections?

{A hand raises from the crowd}

YOUNG XAVIAN: You there, geekboy!

GEEKBOY: Thanks, uh... how did you...

YOUNG XAVIAN: Times up! {pulls a chain that came out of nowhere and Geekboy is thrown into a pit, he is then heard screaming} My time for ruling has come!

{Cheers are heard across the playground}

CRUROAR: He became the king of the playground?

CIEEIA: Where else did he get his leadership skills from?

CONCHRIS: So? What happened next?

CIEEIA: Well, then...

CHRIONROAR: Koopa football players grabbed the princess! {Two Koopa football players run into a make-shift castle and pull out a young girl dressed as a princess}

CIEEIA: No. {The scene suddenly rewinds back to the cheering} Well, then a new kid came into school. One guess as who it was.

CONCHRIS: The idiot?

CRUROAR: Err... Pass.

CIEEIA: It was you, Cruroar!


CIEEIA: Ha ha! So anyway, Xavian began to go mad with power and started treating everyone as slaves and soon, the playground became a warzone.

{The playground slowly shifts into a make-shift warzone}

CIEEIA: There were a lot of paper planes, chalk and even make-shift bombs thrown about. It wasn't safe to come out. I ran from the castle as quickly as I could and jumped behind cover before they could get their sights on me. {Young Cieeia runs out of the castle and starts dodging the thrown items being thrown, she then ducks behind cover} That was when I saw one of the bullies assaulting Cruroar.

BULLY: I'm going to pound you and you will like it!

YOUNG CRUROAR: Err... Umm... Please... don't... don't hurt me!

{The bully punches Young Cruroar in the gut, making him keel over}

BULLY: Too late! {notices Young Cieeia} Oh! You want some too, princess?

YOUNG CIEEIA: Very funny. {slaps the bully hard in the cheek, causing him to be scared}

BULLY: Yipes! I can't fight a girl! I don't believe in gender equality! {runs away crying}

{Young Cieeia walks over to where Young Cruroar is}


YOUNG CRUROAR: Ooh... yes...

{Young Cruroar starts coughing, making him spit up blood}

YOUNG CIEEIA: No you're not! Look at you! You're a mess... come on... let me help you...

{Young Cieeia picks up Young Cruroar and slowly walks off with him}

CRUROAR: That was the day when I met you, Cieeia.

CIEEIA: Yeah, you kept referring me to your guardian angel until I properly introduced myself, and then you didn't even leave my side!


CRUROAR: Hey! I offend easy!

CONCHRIS: Wussy McWussington.


CIEEIA: Let's skip ahead a year, the great playground war was over when we all left school, the janitor that day had a rather nasty fit involving a lot of cussing.

JANITOR: {bleep}ing kids and their damn {bleep}ing wars and their {bleep} {bleep} {bleeeeeeeeeeep}

{The scene shifts to Young Cieeia's house, a doorbell rings and the door opens to reveal Young Cruroar, he walks in}

YOUNG CIEEIA: Cruroar! Good to see you!

YOUNG CRUROAR: Hey, Cieeia. How was your day?

YOUNG CIEEIA: Boring, as usual. You?

YOUNG CRUROAR: I tried to learn how to fight.

YOUNG CIEEIA: He he he! Don't worry, I can help you with fighting.

CIEEIA: We both started to learn fighting. Little did we know that it will have a major role in high school.

CONCHRIS: That's when you met me, right?

CIEEIA: Something like that. Anyway, the years passed and Cruroar became more and more sociable each year, I was sort of proud of him for doing that.

CRUROAR: No need to lord all the glory on me.

CIEEIA: Anyway, I think I met Conches at lunch sometime before high school ended for us.

YOUNG CONCHRIS: {reading the blueprints with Xavian} Hmm... if we build this right, then we can create a robot that can act as our assistant!

YOUNG XAVIAN: Yeah man! High five!

{Young Conchris and Xavian high five each other, Young Cruroar and Cieeia come to sit down}

YOUNG CONCHRIS: Hey, check out the two lovebirds over there.

YOUNG CRUROAR: For your information, we're not lovers.

CONCHRIS: But you eventually did! Ha ha! I owned you!

CRUROAR: Seriously, just shut up.

YOUNG XAVIAN: Ah! Pleasure to meet you, mister?

YOUNG CRUROAR: Cruroar. What's yours?

YOUNG XAVIAN: My name is Xavian. Wait a second... {glances at Young Cieeia} She seems familiar...


YOUNG XAVIAN: Gasp! After all these years, I finally meet you again!

YOUNG CIEEIA: What happened?

YOUNG XAVIAN: You know, parents moved, I was forced to switch school and whatnot. But then I could move back now and now I can finally be here.

YOUNG CONCHRIS: Me and Xavian are best buds when it comes to creating robots!

YOUNG XAVIAN: You can say that again!

YOUNG CONCHRIS: So, you two are called Cruroar and Cieeia?


YOUNG CONCHRIS: {glares at the two for a few second} I like you two... so you can feel free to sit at this table for now!

CIEEIA: When we finally got out of high school, Xavian invited us to his flat to show us Forest.

{The scene suddenly shifts to a flat}

YOUNG XAVIAN: We both worked on Forest, but now, we have finally created a humanoid robot. {pulls the cover off Forest} Meet Forest! I did the coding, Conch man did the hard work!

YOUNG CONCHRIS: Forest was built for assisting me in my works.

CONCHRIS: Unfortunately, the steel girder accident rendered both my memory and Forest's original personality chip useless.

YOUNG XAVIAN: We shall now activate her! {pushes a button on Forest's back} Arise robot! You are free to live and breathe! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

{Forest suddenly jolts to life}

YOUNG FOREST: System online. All functions are operating at 100% efficiency. Activating human mode. {eyes suddenly switch on} Hello? Where am I? Who are you?


YOUNG FOREST: You must be my designated master, nice to meet you, sir. My name is Forest.

YOUNG CONCHRIS: The name's Conchris!

FOREST: I learned your names a little while afterwards, they were all stupid.

CIEEIA: Ahem, so anyway, something happened that led to Xavian moving away again.

CONCHRIS: That would be the argument that we had about building eight other robots, he got mad when I said that I won't help him and he bolted off with the plans to SD-32131-F, Forest's male counterpart and robotic brother.

FOREST: I was going to have a brother?

CONCHRIS: Yeah, but unfortunately, I only have his chip right now. Sad tale.

FOREST: I sure hope you don't screw him up, but since your human memory is scrambled, it probably will.

CIEEIA: Yeah. Conchris went and bought a house with the money he earned with building little support robots for working with humans and we were invited to move in.

CONCHRIS: Yeah, I was kind enough to let my friends move in.

CRUROAR: That is until the steel girder accident happened and that scrambled Forest's personality and your memory pretty badly.

CONCHRIS: Yeah, I can't even remember what 2 + 2 is.

CIEEIA: It's four.


CIEEIA: And that's how we all met.

FOREST: That was a terrible story! Maybe you should write a book about how terrible it was and then sell it on wBay, I'm sure some bored imbecile will be willing to buy it.

{The scene suddenly shifts to The Streets, Conchris, Cruroar, Cieeia and Forest are standing there, Chrionroar is munching on a stop sign}

CONCHRIS: Hey! He fixed it!

{Cue credits}

{Cut to Writer's House in Wiki User City, he is writing about how terrible his character's story was, he lifts up the finished product and kisses it}

WRITER: It's perfect! Now to sell it on wBay!

{The scene suddenly cuts to a webpage which is similar to eBay but with the w replacing the e, the page reads}

How terrible is my character's story?
By Conchris


The story my character told was probably terrible. I'm hoping that some imbecile buys it and somehow enjoys reading it...

Original story in the back.
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