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Ultra-late Decemberween Gift Exchange

From Wuw Archive

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Here are the gifts, the delay were due to my lack of an internet connection since December 25. -20eric06t-AES 23:03, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

NOTE: The sign-ups are closed. For those who are participating, the names have already been sent, check your inboxes. -20eric06t-AES 12:20, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Gah! It's December! I hadn't realized I completely missed the gift exchange sign-ups!


So what is this?

The Decemberween Gift Exchange is a common event on the Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki, organized by Super Sam around the middle of the year for people to make stuff (such as images or any other thing sendable through the internets) to send as gifts for other users.

I, 20eric06, had forgotten about such event this year, and, as Bluebry enlightened me that said event's sign-up date had already passed, decided to organize one on the WUW.

I realize it's already December and such event rushed this late is likely to fail, but I believe it's possible given the users involved contribute with their parts up to the 24th.

How I'm going to work it out

On a non-rushed situation, usually there's about a month for signing up and another for you to make your gift. We don't have that much time, but I think the time we have until the 24th is enough. Presents are to be delivered to me until the 24th, 12:00 PM GMT-3, meaning you have 9 days to make it. If you don't send me your gift until the 24th, your name will be ruled out of the list and the gift destinated to you will go to the person you should've made a gift to. All gifts will be released here on the wiki for all to see on the 25th. If you want your present to remain secret and be delivered just to whom it was destinated to, you must say so when sending me it.

Further instructions, I quote Super Sam.

A basic description of how this thing works:
   * Each person gets the name of another person to make a present for, however, they don't know who they are getting a present from!
This makes it much more awesome. Names are generally revealed about half way through the next year.
   * Previous years have shown that participating is fun and awesome so you should all JUST DO IT.
   * Remember: it's not about quality, it's about thought and effort: nobody will care if your sprite comic looks like crap,
but if you obviously put effort into it (and didn't just slap something together in 5 minutes, although if you can do that and end up with
something high quality, go for it), everybody will be happy.
   * This may be subject to cancellation if I get a lack of people signing up but that probably won't happen.
   * All contact will be via the PM system or email: feel free to get your present to me by whatever means necessary.

To send me your email address or gift, send an email to

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page.

What do you need to sign up

You'll need three things.

  1. An email or any other secret way for me to contact you;
  2. Being able to make a gift;
  3. Have fun.

Finally, the sign-ups.

The sign-ups have closed. This now acts as a list of the people participating.

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