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KPSRTV/PS3 creates Ewiki Pack?!

From Wuw Archive

Revision as of 23:46, 3 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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{Cut to NPP, SR, and Raiku playing Littlebigplanet}

NPP: Let's look at jonesey's levels.

{They all gasp}

NPP: [staggering} hE....m-m-m-Ma-d-D-E..... {happily} THIS!



SR: What is it?

NPP: Outfits of me, you, and Raiku. Hey, where CRYPTO?! CALL MY LAWER!

{cuts to court, NPP, SR, and Raiku are next to Badstar}


NPP: Dude, it hasn't even started.


CLOVINGTON: {in the judge's seat, banging gavel} Order in the court!

NPP: Wait, why are you the judge?

CG: Because of BRITISH, obviously.



CG: Salright now folks let's do this thang

CLOVINGTON: Er, can we just get this dim witted imbecile out of here? Jury?

{cut to the jury. Utarefson, Solseri, KP, and Homcat are playing Clue}

{cut to NPP}

NPP: So, we gonna start?

CG: I dunno I dunno I dunno.

SR: Don't we need to call a witness?

NPP: K. Badstar?

{cut to Badstar}


CLOVINGTON: Pardon, what does he have to do with your case?

BADSTAR: They created the evil products without Crypto!

{Suddenly, the door is kicked down, and a lone figure is revealed in the shadows.}

???: Chu Chu Chu Chu. (I belive I'm the one that needs to be here. I'm jonesey's lawyer. The name's... Jam.) {Dun Dun Dun!}

NPP: Oh yeah! Hey dude!

JAM: Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu. (So let's get this over with. State your case)

NPP: They didn't put Crypto in a EWIKI PACK!

JAM: Yeah, so?


JAM: Correction! That was his less insane 4th-2nd-3rd-4th cousin thrice removed, Homsar Smith! See?! {holds up a photo of NPP, Raiku, and SR, along with Crypto in a poorly-constructed papier-mache SKHS costume, ala Strong Bad's Homestar costume in SBCG4AP.} Clearly not Cryptopher!

CLOVINGTON: That is pretty convincing evidence...

NPP: Well, then they didn't add HIM!

{Suddenly, the door is kicked down again, by...}

SKHS: Jam what the hell you doing. I hear you're tryin t'take down my cousin again, using me as a ploy.

CLOVINGTON: {banging gavel} Order in the court! Mr. Smith, please be seated. Mr. Pom, please continue.

NPP: What else is there to add?

SKHS: I got an idea. We call... ... ... ...

CLOVINGTON: Get on with it, man! It's teatime!

SKHS: We call jonesey to the stand. {Dun Dun Dun}

JONESEY: I'm sorry! I can't make it cause I couldn't make him without it being ugly!

CG: Wait... make something.... Hey, I thought this was about me hacking into some random website again... Something "burger" or somethi- OH HOLY FRAG {runs out, very quickly}

{cut to NPP at his mailbox, looking through letters. He opens one and glances at the text, which reads}

Hey NPP,
Things are just fine here at the penitentiary. The judge even says he'll cut my sentence, providin' I still help with their taxes and such. How're things on the other side of the walls? Do you have the birthday cake baked yet? Don't forget the secret ingredient!
See you in the next 5-10,
Crypto G.

NPP: I better find a jackhammer!

{runs offscreen}

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