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Aruseus Emails/moreq

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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Fiona

Places: Room 232

Computer: SkyPod

Date: February 17th, 2009


{Cut to Aruseus' Dorm, Aruseus and Fiona are walking in}

ARUSEUS: ...and this is my Skypod, where I do my email checkery.

FIONA: So you have your own show? Wow. How long has this gig been going on?

ARUSEUS: I'd say 2 years or so. I started in 2 years.

FIONA: And which episode number is this?

ARUSEUS: 108. Well, it's time to crack this one down.

{Aruseus opens up the email}

ARUSEUS: Oh {bleep bleep}.

subject: questions

Hello. I have a FEW little questions. Do you play the kazoo? Did you kill Cyrus? Has your head snapped into 50 pieces by Sylar yet? Did my dog lick you? Do you pick your nose? Have you cried? Do you watch Scrubs? Do you smell a Molotov Cocktail yet? Do you play with explosives? Have you seen a shark? Do you think on painting your house? Am I crazy? Do you go on 4chan? Have you played Habbo? Do you ever think about girls? Have you kissed? What are your dos and don'ts? What was it like in Kindergarten? Have you been sued? Have you graduated highschool? Do you like smelling? Have you licked anything? Are you single? Do you smell like pancakes? Do you have a head? Have you kissed a girl and liked it? You you wear lipstick? Do you listen to Linkin Park? What happened when you passed gas in public? When was the last time you took a shower? Goodbye. -Tommy Tom Tom Picklesonerson

{Aruseus doesn't read the email at all}

ARUSEUS: Okay, what's with you people sending me every damn question this world has to offer?! And what's your obsession with Tom? What are you, real-life Cutgirl or something?! Who sent this load of crap?

subject: questions

- SENDER: Lemon Demon43

ARUSEUS: Oh. Lemon Demon. Well, I'll be at your house or whatever later to give you the poundings! But first, you have I'll answer every little question you have. Okay, first off...Do I play the kazoo? No. Did I kill Cyrus? No. Has y head snapped into 50 pieces by Sylar yet? Who the hell is Sylar? Er...Fiona, you mind reading these?

FIONA: Not a problem. {takes the Skypod} "Did my dog lick you yet?"

ARUSEUS: Unless your name was TheCheese than no.

FIONA: "Do you pick your nose?"

ARUSEUS: Not anymore.

FIONA: "Have you cried? Do you watch Scrubs? Do you smell a Molotov Cocktail yet?"

ARUSEUS: Before, love the show, and no.

FIONA: "Do you play with explosives?"

ARUSEUS: {sly look on his face} Sometimes...

FIONA: Oooooookay... "Have you seen a shark? Do you think on painting your house? Am I crazy?"

ARUSEUS: Yes, not really, and you sure are crazy enough to send me so many goddamn questions. What is this, a freakin' survey or something?

FIONA: "Do you go on 4chan?"

ARUSEUS: {bleep} no.

FIONA: "Have you played Habbo?"

ARUSEUS: What the hell is Habbo?

FIONA: "Do you ever think about girls? Have you kissed?"

ARUSEUS: Hey, can I take it from here again?

FIONA: Fine. {returns the Skypod}

ARUSEUS: Time to skip to the important ones. "Have you graduated highschool?" WELL NO {bleep}ING DUH.

FIONA: We are in college.

ARUSEUS: "Are you single?" Er...not anymore.

FIONA: Ehehe... {blush}

ARUSEUS: "Do you have a head?" Who do you think I am, Napalm Man or something? You know what, screw this, I have money.

FIONA: You just deleted the email? Talk about lazy...

ARUSEUS: Blame the writing staff!

{The Paper}

Fun Facts

  • Aruseus mentions Doggie.
  • Napalm Man is a Robot Master from Megaman 5 who, like previous Masters such as Air Man of Megaman 2 and Needle Man of Megaman 3, and future Masters like Megaman 9's Magma Man, has no visible form of a head or mouth but rather eyes on a large torso area.
  • Julia (real life Cutgirl-chan) is a big fan of Tom for his pretty hair, as she states.
  • Aruseus' double bleep at the beginning of the email is censored for "Oh s***f***" which is the opening to the Reel Big Fish song "Hate You." (A link to the song: WARNING. CONTAINS LANGUAGE OF EXPLICIT TYPE NOT SUITABLE FOR WHINY BABIES)
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