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The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!/3

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< The Amazing Strong Intelligent Does Stuff Show!(Difference between revisions)
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A spider Lama is real? Right?


{Open to SI's house. In the background, the song "what a day" plays. A shot of Si talking appears along with "Strong Intelligent played by cheesy" is subtitled. This is the case with the rest of the characters exept Jontof, where his name is scribbled out and it say's (in appaling handwriting) eMO Guy. And Motherbot (who doesn't appear at all). Cut to a close up of a teacher at school. The teacher is talking}

TEACHER: many of you have fond memories? I know mine was of getting a gun...

{Cut to a close up of SI who raises his hand. Cut back.}

TEACHER: Please anyone else?

{Zoom out to show noone else is there. Crickets chirp}

TEACHER: Fine...

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Once, there was a guy...

{The screen flickers, and changes}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: He was called...Jontof. He's my brother. A cool one at that. So, anywho, he likes gaming. He's an Xbox fan, and as you probably know, Xbox, use gamertags, not astonishingly long numbers that they expect you to remember so...

{As he says so, it changes to a young Jontof, infront of a "Gamertag, please" screen.}

JONTOF: {High pitched} Ooooh! I choose....TargetZ101!

{He types it in. When he presses enter, the screen changes too "gamertag no longer avaliable, please make avaliable gamertag}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: So he searched the internet for two weeks until...

JONTOF: I've got it! A Spider Lama!

STRONG INTELLIGENT: So it worked. Jontof grew more and more attached to the figure. He drew it at school.

{Cut to Jontof at lunch with a guy that has hair that sheilds his eyes and speaks in a strong Irish accent}

JONTOF: This is my gamertag.

{Zoom in on a piece of paper Jontof holds up. It shows a lama with six legs}

FRIEND: Noice. Oi, you want to go to the movies after school?

JONTOF: Nah, I'm gonna play Halo.


{Cut to Jontof playing halo}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: He was winning...

{Master chief gets assassinated}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Until the last miniute, when victory was stolen from him like a guy outbidding you at the last second on ebay when your trying to buy Pokemon Emerald.

{Cut to a close up of Jontof's face. His eye twitches and turns red.}


{A spider Lama slowly fades in}

A SPIDER LAMA: No you didn't.

{Strong Intelligent walks in. Cut to SI's viewpont. He doesn't see Spider Lama, only Jontof hugging nothingness}

JONTOF: I didn't fail you...

STRONG INTELLIGENT: It actually happened, you admitted that you like Dad.

JONTOF: No, I'm talking to Spidlama.

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah.

{SI walks out.}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: {Voice over} So, one day, Oreo took us to the lab.

{Cuts to a lab. Hiccup, Jontof, SI and Oreo are all strapped in little pods. Oreo is holding a switch}

OREO: So, I bought this of a guy in a back alley, and he says, we'll all swap brains for a day, so we'll be in eachother's bodies. It should work!

{Oreo pushes the button. Electricity flows in all. Mother bot lowers from the ceiling, holding a tray of biscuits}

MOTHERBOT: Cookies...anyone?

OREO: Nooooooo!


OREO: No! it's not that, it's that your magnetic force is making the machine malfunction! Atleast that's what it says on the box!

JONTOF: When did you become an evil genius?

{The machine in the middle explodes. All fall out their pods}


OREO: Aghh, man...

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Jontof? Who's that cow with six legs?

JONTOF: What? You see him?


JONTOF: It's Spider Lama...I've got it! The machine made all our minds mix! So now you've all got sight of my imaginary friend!

HICCUP: Well, it said on the box that if that happened we'd become vegtables.

{Zoom on the box. A picture of a tomatoe is on the box. The screen flickers back to the classroom. It is night tme outside and the teacher is asleep}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: So, that's how it happened. The, end. Hello? Anyone?



  • Hiccup only has one speaking line, and it is also her first ever minor role.
  • Targetz101 was Si's real life brother's original gamertag.
  • When wanting to change his gamertag, SI's real life brother did spend a day looking for a new gamertag, but came up with A spider Lama himself.
  • The Irish kid is real. I know him.

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