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Puffbat Emails/other species

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Current revision as of 23:52, 3 January 2010

{open to black. Fade in. the camera zooms in on a map of the land of Gwid, towards the "Ponnor Forest", past that to a large forest, then inwards to a series of large stone turds. The zoom slows up as it comes towards one of many small, pear-shaped openings in the turd, which is labeled "417". Fade into the inside of the opening. Puffbat is looking through a book of different paint colors, and trying to decide which is right for the walls. Suddenly, a ding is heard from his computer. Puffbat waddles over to the computer and winds it up, and then sits down to check his email.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} There's an email for me, and it's looking to be, A NICE ONE! {brings up the email}

subj: species

Dear Puffbat,
Are there any other species in Gwid?
- Fat Albert Einstein

{Puffbat reads the email, muttering to himself, then begins to type.}

PUFFBAT: {panting as he types} Hey, hey, hey! It's Fat Albert! Dear Albert, there are many strange species of animals in Gwid. You've heard of some of them - falcons, foxes, big cats, chickens, snakes - but a lot of them are completely unique to this continent. So... let's go safari! {grunts wildly}

{cut to a map of Gwid. A red dotted line appears, tracing from the Puffbat colonies to another area inside the Ponnor forest. The screen wipes to see Puffbat in a pith helmet, with a net, sitting in the brush and scrub on the ground, behind some bushes. He pulls out a pair of binoculars. Cut to the view from the binoculars. A white blob is eating something. The next scene is all through the binoculars.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Here we have David, an unknown species, but we call him David. He's white and blobby, and if you see his feet, they're like a bear's feet. Oh! He's turning around!

{"David" turns around and stares at Puffbat, revealing giant, green, volcano-like nipples and his two distended eyes, looking away. He has orange hair on his head like a mane, and one of his ears has a radar tag on it that looks like a ring. He has buck teeth and walrus-hand-type flippers.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Ah, there we go. Notice David's wild mane, it has some insects in it. Oh, he's munching them. And also take note of that radar tag. Some scientist has tagged him for data. That's all okay. He appears to be an omnivore, and he seems to be very heavy, judging from how deep his footprints are. Look at those teets. Others of his species have been reported, but not documented, so perhaps both the male and female nurse the young.

{David hoots a bunch and then lays an egg, which is maroon and striped with thin white lines.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Oh, no. It turns out "David" is really "Davina" or something.

{"Davina" picks up the egg and scampers away. Cut back to Puffbat. He puts the binoculars down.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} I guess that's all we'll see of him slash her. Let's find something else.

{cut back to the map. Wipe to Puffbat, sitting behind some cat-tails by a lake. Cut to Puffbat's view. The view of the lake is empty of life.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} No sign of it yet...

{suddenly, a green swan swims by slowly, from right to left}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Aha! There it is! The fabled green elephant-swan. {pause} What's so elephant about it, you ask? {pan down to the swan's reflection. It appears to be an elephant, with the legs formed by trees in the distance.} That's what's so elephant about it. Its reflection. {pan up. The swan starts to wiggle.} What's this? {the entire swan rises out of the lake, and is revealed to be strapped to the back of a green elephant} I knew it! It really is an elephant! Haha!

{Puffbat puts the binoculars down. Cut to Puffbat. He gets sprayed by a jet of water, presumably from the elephant. Cut back to the map. The dotted line continues across the continent, spelling out "hi" in the process, into the red area marked "Reservation". Wipe to Puffbat, sitting in savannah-like tall grass, looking through the binoculars. Cut to Puffbat's view. A tiger is snarling at a lion.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Ah, the tigers and lions I told you about. Truthfully, they're rather different than your lions or tiger, Albert.

{the tiger and lion lunge at each other, and start fighting raucously. Suddenly, a talon taps them on the shoulder, and they stop fighting, paused in mid-action. Zoom out, a redbreasted robin is peeping at them. The lion and tiger run away in fear.}

PUFFBAT: {giggles} {subtitles as he pants} Hahaha! That was funny, because, see - they're tiny! Yeah! Hahaha!

{the robin comes towards Puffbat menacingly.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Uh-oh.

{cut to Puffbat being pecked on the head repeatedly by the robin. Cut back to the map. The red dotted line travels a short distance south before ending at the "Boat to Marl". A boat icon appears, and it travels up with the red line to about half-way between Marl and Gwid. Cut back to Puffbat, on the deck of a ship. He whips out his binoculars and looks through. Cut to Puffbat's view. The water is mild and rather slow.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} I'm on a ferry boat now, taking a trip to Marl by the way, looking for any creatures around here. I don't see anything yet... hmm...

{Out of the blue, a huge blue object bursts forth from the sea. It continues extending upwards for several seconds. Cut to Puffbat, craning his neck to see the top. He then looks back down. The lower side of the creature is visible, stripey and lighter blue. He looks around, spotting several blowspouts in a row on its back, a huge grinning mouth like a carwash entrance, and finally finds a huge, highly-detailed and complex eye, with three pairs of eyelids. The eye blinks at him. Puffbat puts the binoculars down. Zoom out to see the creature by the boat. It is fifteen as long as the boat, and three times as tall. Cut back to Puffbat.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} Oh, let's see... {pulls out a black book and rifles through it} we go. The Bloop. I wonder why they call it that.

{ cut to several dutch angles of the Bloop. The Bloop gradually opens its mouth, taking a deep breath of air, and then lets out a head-shattering noise, while expelling steam and water from its spouts and its eyes bulging at the pressure...}


{the Bloop quickly dives back down into the ocean, faster than it came up, with a sound like a falling elevator. Cut back to Puffbat. His head shatters and the pieces fall into his body. His legs then break and the head-bits leak out. His body gets out a dustpan and broom, and sweeps up the head-bits, pouring them back onto his neck.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} That was amazing and heart-stopping at the same time. {falls over, and a flatline is heard. Cut back to the map. A siren with a plus sign goes over to the boat and jiggles it, and the boat continues with the red dotted line up towards Marl. Cut to Puffbat, who has an intravenous sticking into his wing. He is looking over the edge of a deep chasm in the dry desert ground. He pulls out his binoculars, with one cracked lens, and stares into the dark abyss. Cut to Puffbat's view.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants} There should be some pretty strange species in the Janna Chasm of Marl. {a faint light is seen} What's that?

{cut to a view from across the chasm. An eel the size of a subway train rushes up like a roller coaster and goes back down just as fast, accompanied by a subway train noise. It has a little dangly glowing appendage on its forehead, and a massive maw with two pairs of jaws.}

PUFFBAT: {subtitles as he pants, echoing across the chasm} Oh my... aaaawwwweessoommmee! {starts dancing around and humming to himself}

{Cut back to the map. As if a tape was reversing, the red dotted line and all go backwards, towards the Ponnor forest once more. Cut back to Puffbat's computer. Puffbat sidles up and sits down.}

PUFFBAT: {typing as he pants} Well, Albert, those are some of the many different species in the land of Gwid. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I didn't some of them. Thanks for watching, everybody!

{lettering fades in over Puffbat's head, saying "Click here to email Puffbat!"}

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