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New Years Eve Celebration/Archive

From Wuw Archive

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Revision as of 19:09, 1 January 2009


HOST: Welcome to the archived Wiki User Wiki New Years Eve Celebration! Now, for a performance from the Plain White T's!

HOST: Remember, what you see is only here RIGHT NOW LIVE UNTIL WE ARCHIVE. Now for a break. We will be back around 2 PM.

At this point users posted who they want to perform.

HOST: Let me present Linkin Park!

HOST: Did you enjoy Linkin Park? I sure did. Now for business. in Kabul, Midnight is in 10 minutes! Happy New Year Kabul! Also, let me give a shout-out to Strong Intelligent! He is the one who requested Linkin Park to be here tonight. We will be back right after the break.

More Requests

HOST: Now for everyone's favorite man-woman, Michael Jackson!

HOST: We will be back after the break!

HOST: Here at the Wiki User Wiki, we support all our favorite fanstuff with the Fanstuff of the Fortnight award. So after the break, we will have a winning character of your choice preform on the show.

Here users were supposed to choose a Wiki Character to be on the show, but nobody responded.

HOST: Sorry, but no winning wiki character was able to make it to the show, except Biala, a girl with no brains. Give it up for Biala!

BIALA: {facing the wrong way} I'm not dumb! Just someone played a prank on me, and now I can't see.

HOST: Let me fix this... {takes out scissors and cuts Biala's hair} There! Can you see now?

BIALA: Yesw, but now I'm bal-

AMBER: {bursts out from under the stage, along with pablo, lewis, zoo, pinky, and andy, pushing biala off stage} Sorry we're late.

ANDY: Hey, where's biala?

HOST: You pushed her off stage.

PINKY: Two points! {writes something on a sfcore sheet}

ZOO977: Hey, a stage light! {begins climing up the stage to a stage light}

PABLO: I bet these floor boards are worth a pretty penny! {begins removing the floorboard}

ZOO977: {now hanging from a stage light} Look at me! {the stage light falls, causing the host to jump in the air from fright. biala's hair fly's out of his hand, and begins falling gently}

LEWIS: Hair rain!

HOST: That reminds me of another kind of rain... Give it up for Tay Zonday!


HOST: Welcome back! Let's recap on what we did earlier. We saw the Plain White T's, Linkin Park, and Tay Zonday, along with a WUW Character named Baila. Let's start this 5 PM show with a guest artist of your choice.

Users picked what they wanted next

HOST: OK, we have found some great performers already. But to start us off, Here is Sugarland performing "Who says you can't go home"!

Users told How they stay awake at night

HOST: Our winning way to stay awake is from Strong Intelligent, who drinks lots of Fanta!

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Orange, may I add!

HOST: Next we will have a man have heart surgery!

DOCTOR: {backstage} What do you mean I have to do this for the very first time on stage?! Fine. For the Wiki User Wiki. {comes onstage}

HOST: OK, I'm sorry to say that our doctor quit and will not do the heart surgery act with us tonight.

Users then submitted their fanstuffs to have a special appearance on the show.

HOST: Now here is the creator of the strange “Yahtzee style reviews”, here to have a live speech of some kind. Give it up for Strong Intelligent!

SI YAHTZEE: Okay, now, even though in real life I'm just chugging fanta and guzzleing twiglets, I ca close my eyes and just imagine this smarmy guy in a suit talking. So, I'm up here not playing video games and verbally assassinating them for whatever reason. Oh, wait, it's new years. Well, in fifty-six minuites I can say it's 2009 without nerds biting my hind quartars. So, in a rare out of character moment, may I say happy new year and if any good games come out this year I'll shoot myself in shock. G'night!

HOST: Looks like someone is almost in 2009! Happy New Years Strong Intelligent! Remember, at Midnight EST, we will have a celebration. Now we will see what the best game is going to be in 2009.

Nobody submitted any guesses for what the best game will be

HOST: Nobody guessed so here is the Safety Dance!

HOST: We will see you at around 11:30 PM EST for our celebration! Just so you know, I really liked this and am thinking about making many of these live fanstuffs for a new series that might be called, "Live shows you don't want to remember". If you think I should do this, tell me on the talk page. See you tonight!

Finale was delayed until the next day

HOST: Sorry about the wait! OK!

Happy New Year Wiki User Wiki!

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