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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/4

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Part 1: Total Dodgeball Island

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers ran, campers ate, and campers had competed in the Awake-a-thon. We did all we can to bore them to sleep, and they did all they can to stay awake! Sooner or later, the Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers dropped like flies, until Fang was left! In the end, it was Cyrus that walked the Dock of Shame and became the second one to lose!

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: The score is tied here; Bass and Gophers are both at 1 win, 1 loss. So, do the campers have the guts for this week's grueling test? There's only one way to find out, and it's called TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Bass Cabin}

GEOFF: {waking up} Aah...good morning Killer Bass!

{Various Killer Bass campers mutter}

RYAN: Urgh...that Awake-a-thon really took a lot out of me.

AUSTIN: Fenri's lucky he didn't have to sit through it.

RYAN: I don't understand why I didn't stay up the longest! I rock at all-nighters and ate very little turkey salad.

ASHLEY: Whatever. I'm still a bit bushed...

{Cut to the Gopher Cabin, zoom in on Fang, who is asleep}

CHRIS: {over intercom} Campers! To the Mess Hall for breakfast!

TOM: Nice win, Fang. I'm gonna get some eats.

KALE: Fang...wake up.

FANG: Mrr...mrrpph...

FOXX: Come on, deadweight. We're getting breakfast. {kicks Fang's bed}

{After everyone leaves, 5 second pause}

CHRIS: {over intercom} Fang! To the Mess Hall for breakfast!

FANG: Urgh...coming...

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

ASHLEY: So what is it today, Chef? Slop again?

CHEF: It's good slop, okay?!

KALE: So, Chris...what's it today?

CHRIS: Campers, your next challenge is...dodgeball.

TOM: That's it? This will be a shoe-in.

{Flashback: Tom is seen in a gym}

TOM: {voiceover} I was a master at dodging those balls. Nobody hit me!

{Flashback Tom dodges various dodgeballs thrown at him, he then taunts at the screen}

FOXX: Oh yeah?

{Flashback: Foxx is seen in the same gym}

FOXX: {voiceover} I was one of the best hitters! I was the only one who ever hit you!

{Flashback Foxx throws a dodgeball. The camera switches to flashback Tom. He gets hit.}

{Cut back}

TOM: Which is WHY I'm glad you're on my team. But what about him?

{Zoom in on Austin, who is eating the food}

TOM: That guy's a brute! He'll knock our guts out for sure!

BRUCE: I can take him! I'm sure of it.

KALE: Ok, but it's your life on the line.

{Bruce walks up to Austin}

BRUCE: Hey there, toughie. You think you're gonna win this challenge? Think again. The Gophers will tread all over you and your stinking team!

KALE: Oh no...

BRUCE: So you think you're gonna win this dodgeball thing? Well, you're not gonna! The Gophers will make that victory fly right over you and your idiot team!

TOM: He did not.

{Austin snaps the spoon}

AUSTIN: What did you just say?

BRUCE: You heard me! You know you heard me. So bring it, bonehead.

TOM: Oh crap...

{Austin cracks his knuckles and then grabs Bruce by the neck}

AUSTIN: Oh...I will bring it.

{Austin punches Bruce into a wall}

KALE: Bruce!

BRUCE: H-h-h-hey there, big guy! I was just kidding! You look very smart...y-y-y-you do!

AUSTIN: Too late, fox.

ASHLEY: Austin, stop! Someone get the medical crew! I think he's got a concussion!

{Bruce faints}

Part 2: Red, Rubbery Spheres of Death

{Cut to the Dodgeball Arena. The teams are organized in the bleachers. Bruce is lying on a stretcher}

VAN: I hope he's okay...I've never seen someone hurt this bad...

CHRIS: Campers! It's time to decide your teams!

TOM: Okay. I nominate myself, Kale, Van, Fang, and Megan.

MEGAN: Alright! Let's roll!

GEOFF: Ok, me, Ryan, Fenri, Ashley, and Wolf will go.

WOLF: Let's whack some Gophers.

{Chef blows the whistle}

TOM: Here it comes! {throws his ball at Fenri, hitting him}

RYAN: Alright, kid. Wanna go?

{Ryan tosses his ball at Kale, but Kale dodges it}

FANG: Here goes nothing...

{Fang throws the ball at Geoff, but Geoff dodges it. Geoff is then hit with another ball}

{Ashley and Van throw their dodgeballs and hit each other}

{Ryan is hit with a dodgeball}

CHRIS: Round 1...Gophers!

GEOFF: Ok, Bass. Let's do this!

{Geoff tosses a ball at Jess, Tom jumps in front and blocks it}

JESS: Woah! Thanks!

{Cut to shots of Megan, Fenri, Ashley, and Pter all getting hit}

KYUBII: This is it...

{Kyubii tosses his dodgeball at Elyssa. Elyssa catches it; Kyubii is out}

CHRIS: Round 2...Bass! This is the final round. Bring out your best.

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Jeez. Now we're gonna lose. Bruce is down, and they're picking Austin. Goodbye, fame.

{Outhouse Cam: Austin}

AUSTIN: When that red fox wakes up, I'm going to bludgeon him to next year!

{Cut back}

GEOFF: Austin! Go!

TOM: Foxx, you're in.

{Cut to a shot of the arena. Foxx, and Kale are left on the Gophers, and Austin and Fenri on the Bas. Foxx and Austin are locked in a staredown. They chuck their dodgeballs at each other, but the two balls hit each other and start bouncing all around the arena. Fenri is hit with one, Foxx with the other.

KALE: Oh, crap!

{Austin is glaring at Kale}

AUSTIN: You're next, meat.

{Bruce starts to wake up}

BRUCE: ...unh...

{Bruce limps onto the court and takes a dodgeball. He chucks it full-force at Austin, and hits him}

{Chef blows the whistle}

CHRIS: The winners...the Screaming Gophers!

{The Gophers all cheer. Bruce limps over to Kale and leans against his shoulder. Bruce smiles at Kale}

Part 3: "Waked" Out

CHRIS: Okay, Bass. It's time to vote.

{Outhouse Cam: Ryan}

RYAN: You can bully your own team, and evem give them concussions, but when you do it to the that's not fair.

{Outhouse Cam: Ashley}

ASHLEY: I really thought I could get to know you, well, now I do. You're nothing but a monster.

{Outhouse Cam: Fenri}

FENRI: Well, I am a hulking giant, but at least I have a heart!

{Outhouse Cam: Tex}


{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: The votes are in. Whoever does not get a marshmallow must leave. That's right. Walk the Dock of Shame, catch the loser boat, and never come back. Ever. Now...our first recipiant is...Lucas.

{Chris throws a marshmallow to the following.

CHRIS: Elyssa...

ELYSSA: Yes! {hugs Lucas}


TEX: Woohoo! {hugs Lucas and Elyssa}

CHRIS: Wolf. Geoff. Aruseus. Ashley. Ryan.

{One is left}

CHRIS: One of you two "hulks" will be walking home. And the winner of the final marshmallow is...

{Austin is not phased at all, Fenri's a nervous wreck}

CHRIS: Fenri!

AUSTIN: What?!

CHRIS: Sorry, Austin! You gotta go!

AUSTIN: I will be back. And when I come back, you will hide in fear!

{Austin is sailed away}

GEOFF: Now that he's gone...we're safe.

{Cut to Austin on the Boat of Losers}

BOAT DRIVER: So I hear you got booted off for being you.

AUSTIN: Yeah...It sucks.

BOAT DRIVER: Same here. We can so relate to each other.


{Fade out. Credits roll}

Fun Fact

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