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The gang in the grave/4

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{Cuts to pinky's bedroom. pinky is packing up her stuff. pablo walks in}

PABLO: What are you doing?

PINKY: You know the apartment complex?


PINKY: Me, amber, biala, the terrels, and lewis got rooms 305 through 309.

PABLO: Isn't that everyone whos graduated from college plus biala?

PINKY: She hasnt?

PABLO: No, but she sent in her aplication. Also, do you know why the terrels aren't letting me into their experiment room?

PINKY: No. Something about a kirby addiction.

PABLO: So, did anyone else get apartments?

PINKY: I think someone else, but I don't know who.

{cuts to in front of an apartment complex. pinky, biala, the terrels, amber, lewis, and Spanish Guy are there, everyone with a few bags. a moving truck is here.}

AMBER: It's great to get out of a stuffy college dorm.

BIALA: Speaking of college, I hope my aplication gets accepted!

LEWIS: Where have you been staying?

BIALA: At an apartment smaller then the apartment I got recently.

SPANISH GUY: I'm not sure why we have five star rooms with unlimit room service and you still choose a run down flat.

AMBER: So, who's getting which room?

LEWIS: Here. {takes six flash cards out of his pocket. writes 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, or 310 on each one. he shuffles them, and tosses them around, keeping one for himself.}

AMBER: {looks at her card} 308.

BIALA: {looks at her card} 310.

LEWIS: {looks at his card} 306.

SPANISH GUY: {looks at his card} 307.

ANDY: {Looks at his card} 305.

PINKY: Leaving me with room 309.

LEWIS: Any objections to these rooms?

SPANISH GUY: I prefer room six six-

SPOT: {Offscreen} NOOOOOO!


AMBER: There are only four floors. Also, we're on the top floor.

SPANISH GUY: I'm gonna talk to Mr. Luke about that.

{Spanish Guy flips out a cellphone}

LEWIS: I highly doubt he will make three more floors for one person.

SPANISH GUY: Awwwww, ommelets!

{As Spanish Guy puts the cellphone away, Strong Dumb walks in}


BIALA: We don't if I got the spot in college or not.


AMBER: Let's check the mailbox once we get inside.

{cuts to the mailbox's inside. the nine walk in. ambver opens six with 6 different keys on a key ring. only one has a letter in it}

AMBER: It's for you! {hands the letter to biala. biala takes the note, and opens it}

BIALA: {reading the note quietly and inconherably. stops and looks up, joyfully} I've been accepted!

LEWIS: Congrats! You'll be able to get a better job than a fry cook at greasebombers!

BIALA: That is an unfortunate fast food place name!

SPANISH GUY: Ever been to fatburger?

LEWIS: Good point.

AMBER: So, what job did you want to get?

BIALA: I always dreamed of being a chocolatier.

ANDY: Well, you don't have to stay at a college dorm!

MANDY: He said when he was in college, his smelled like cigar smoke.

PINKY: ...ew.

SPANISH GUY: When I was in college I got a part time job at some plays which sold fried chicken and said they got it from Kentucky. When I looked on channel "Year 2378" on the TV, Kentucky was now called New York.

AMBER: Well, lets get our bags!

{everyone leaves the room. cuts to a hallway. the doors are widely spaced. the nine walk in. lewis opens his door with a key, and looks inside}

LEWIS: Woah! Look at the room!

{cuts to inside the apartment room. there is a wide space for the living room, and a small hallway with four doors. a fifth door is on the end of the hall. a coat rack sits next to the door. a small kitchen can be seen. everyone but the terrels walk in}

AMBER: Do all our apartments look like this?

SPANISH GUY: Hopefully.


{Cut to a small spaced room filled wiht flies and covered in dirt and grease.}

VOICE: That's ya room, bums.

AMBER: Why did you just throw us into room 106?

LEWIS: Yeah, we got the keys to rooms 305 through 310.

BIALA: Or, the rooms we were just in.


LEWIS: We payed the full price for a first class room. You can ask my friend at the counter.

AMBER: You knew clark before?

LEWIS: I met him in elementry school! We've been friends even since.

SPANISH GUY: Man, I ouhta teach this acne man a lesson...

{Rolls up sleeves}

LEWIS: Look, you can ask him yourself. We payed full price. We go the room keys. There wasn't a mix up. We win. You lose.


LEWIS: Crap. Back to fight in a bit. {runs off}

{cuts to the lobby. lewis runs in. biala is there,as is a letter.}

LEWIS: What's wrong?

BIALA: I got a...letter...from a friend.

AMBER: Not him, anyone but him...

BIALA: Jeremy...

LEWIS: Oh, that's not good.

BIALA: He was my childhood bully.

LEWIS: Okay, here's what you do: First, you take a steak knife and a catapult. And an actual steak.

BIALA: Sorry, I'm a vegetarian.

LEWIS: Oh. Then I guess it's your problem!

{Funstar Player walks in.}

SPNIASH GUY: My welcome senses are tingleing.

LEWIS: It's been a while since I've seen you, funstar! Did you get an apartment here?

{Axel crashes through the ceiling}

AXEL: Wait...where am I?

LEWIS: Where the buffalo roam.

AXEL: {looks outside a window} Wait...I actually made it to heaven?!

AMBER: Apparently!

AXEL: Well, so...I guess I'm dead. Great.

AMBER: It's not all bad. Have you ever tried the cookies from the pastry shop next door?

LEWIS: Best cookies you will ever have.

AXEL: Hm...I might just give them a try. Oh, and random question, what would happen if someone died while in heaven?

LEWIS: They go to either hell or heaven 2.

FUNSTAR PLAYER: Heaven 2? I don't want to know. Anyway, after my email show abruptly went out of business, I killed myself out of depression. That's how I ended up here. I should have killed Strong Bad first for stealing my viewers, though.


BIALA: Are my ears slowly going insane?

AXEL: Um...I' the pastry shop. For cookies.

LEWIS: Don't get the everything donuts!

SPANISH GUY: I still regret eating obsessino...

LEWIS: I'm gonna go make sure there wasn't a mix up with the room keys. {walks towards the counter.}


LEWIS: I'm looking for clark.

COUNTER MAN: Fourth floor, guy with no self-esteem and is listening to Linkin Park on his iPod.

LEWIS: That's not clark!

COUNTER MAN: Oh, yeah, that's me. Now what?

LEWIS: Clark's the guy who sold me the room keys.

CLARK: 'Kay, lemme see them.

LEWIS: Was there a mix-up on the keys you gave me?

CLARK: Chances. Yeah....tell this "Biala" guy that she just gave me her mastercard.

BIALA: I'm a girl! Also, I did?

LEWIS: Something tells me you're not getting a degree at uni, Biala.

CLARK: Now excuse me as I find a ATM.

{CLark walks off}

LEWIS: How did you even get in?

BIALA: I was always here.

LEWIS: I meant into college.

{Cut to Axel at the pastry shop}

AXEL: Here I am at the pastry store...for cookies.

{Cut to Axel, dashing at a high speed with a psychotic expression on his face. Heavy metal music accompianes this.}

{cuts to back inside the apartment complex. biala and lewis are still arguing}

LEWIS: Zombies eyes aren't ever green!

{axel rushes by at full speed}

LEWIS: Perhaps I should have told him how much sugar was in the cookies.

BIALA: You mean the suger-coated, sugar-flavoured peices of sugar? Yeah.

LEWIS: I'm gonna go make buy an ultimate hot chocolate. {walks off}

BIALA: I'm going to cut to a scene of my first day in uni.

{Cuts to Biala, The Terrels and Spot in one dorm. Zachary is playing his porto falcon obssessivly}

ZAZHARY: Take that King Dedede!

BIALA: De de de! (Hey!)

ZACHARY: De de. de de dede? (Hey. Do you know how to finish this level?)

BIALA: De de. (I can't see it.)

ZACHARY: De. De de de de. (Oh. Right.)

BIALA: De de deede dede deeeeee. (???)

{zachary bursts out in laughter}


{Spot holds out her lone arm, as if asking for an injection}

AMBER: Um... biala, do you want to visit the university?

BIALA: Dee! I meam, sure!

SPOT: And thus the sub-plot begins. {Laughs maniacally}

ZACHARY: I think andy can help you with that.

SPOT: Why'd you have to ruin my fun?


SPOT: I was busy laughing maniacally!

ZACHARY: Ok... Dee! I mean, sure!

SPOT: I'm going to listen to My Chemical Romance.


SPOT: You pobably listen to to Soldier Boy, foo'.

ZACHARY: I'ts Souljia boy, and his musics crappy!

{amber and biala walk away}

SPOT: Much like your face. OOOH, BURN.

ZACHARY: {sarcastically} A face joke. How mean.

SPOT: I'd like to see you do better!

ZACHARY:' {Sighs}

{Cut to Amber and Biala walking down the university hall. They bump into Funstar.}

FUNSTAR: You two need to watch where you're going!

AMBER: Oh, yeah, well you need to get some vision installed!


AMBER: Sorry, forgot you don't know how to comb your hair.

BIALA: You know that someone superglued it in place like this while I was asleep.

LEWIS: {Offscreen} WASN'T ME!

BIALA: Anyways, what's my first class?

AMBER: ...It's saturday.

BIALA: But...but...that's a weekend...

FUNSTAR: Um...yeah. Now if you excuse me, I have a meeting to go to.

{Funstar walks offscreen.}

SPOT: So, you're screwed if you can't take it. Anywho, I'm off to Media Studies.

BIALA: Where?

SPOT: One-four-seven. You've got science.

BIALA: Good. I'm great at science. Now, do you mix the cotten balls with the hypoteneuse?

SPOT: ...Bye. {walks off}

AXEL: I'm back with the cookies!

BIALA: {waving the wrong way} Hi!

AXEL: I'm not over there.

{cuts to a science class room. biala walks in, and sits down}

BIALA: {yelling way too loud} I'M READY!


BIALA: I was in a state of deep no-thoughts.

MR.G: Okay, Ms. Lemon. Now does anyone know where kitten juice comes from?

BIALA: Salt!

MR. G: Wrong. Mr Freeman, what's the main cause of indigo proph-


MR. G: Is your name Freeman?

BIALA: It may be somewhat related to a portion of a letter of that name!

AXEL: {rolls his eyes and sighs}

MR. G: Anyway, todays lesson is over. Brush up on your subjects, like, a bunch. That means you, Ms. Lemon.

BIALA: Just pass me a duster and I'll get started.

AXEL: {sarcastic laughter} AHAHAHAHA! AHAHA IT'S A PUN!

BIALA: {pulls a duster out of her desk, whacks axel on the head with it} You know I hate puns!

{Axel grumbles. The screen then uses a Batman-esque transition screen to show Lewis and Amber argueing.}

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