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Revision as of 05:17, 6 December 2009

{Cut: The Playground's asphalt area. The scenery is like most Decembers, bare trees and dry grass, with a grey sky. Tucker and Jimbob are kicking around a partially deflated red dodgeball. Tucker steps on the ball after about a minute of kicking.}

TUCKER: Alright, I'm bored.

JIMBOB: Well, what do you want to do?

TUCKER: I dunno.

{The two sit down. Jimbob pulls out his gameboy and starts playing.}

TUCKER: Can I play?

JIMBOB: Uh, you tried to pile drive me yesterday. No.


{Suddenly, a light sprinkle of snow falls. Tucker gives Jimbob a little push.}


TUCKER: Check it out! It's snowing!

{Jimbob puts away his gameboy the two get up, and activity among the rest of the kids increases. Shouts of "Yay!" and "Snow!" are heard.}

JIMBOB: Let's catch snow on our tongues!

{Tucker and Jimbob stick out their tongues. Jimbob gets plenty of flakes on his tongue, as does Tucker. A bird passes with a chirp, and bird poop lands on Tucker's tongue.}


JIMBOB: Aw, nasty!

TUCKER: Eugh, I'm gonna need something to get that taste out of my mouth.

{Tucker pulls a bottle of Mountain Dew out of his backpack and drains the whole thing in a timely manner, and starts breathing loudly after the bottle is emptied.}

JIMBOB: That's not that healthy...


JIMBOB: That's the third bottle this week!


JIMBOB: It's a lot!

TUCKER: Whatever, I'm still-{belch}- fine.

{Tucker's gut juts out a bit from his shirt and starts to shake. Tucker releases another loud belch. The snow starts coming down harder, and the asphalt is getting whiter. Garry walks and meets the two.}

GARRY: Really coming down, huh?

JIMBOB: Yup. I'd play my gameboy, but... {looks up}

{Snow starts to gather on the brim of Jimbob's hat.}

TUCKER: It's getting cold...

{The snow starts coming down even more. Garry pulls his beanie down to cover his ears from the cold. The three's cheeks and ears start to get red from the cold.}

JIMBOB: J-j-jeez!

GARRY: We need some cover from this weather! {shivers}

{The trio run to the doorway, which is covered by a part of the building jutting out. The wind starts to howl, and the wind blows the snow towards the trio.}

TUCKER: {shielding eyes with hand} THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

JIMBOB: Cmon! We need to find shelter or we'll freeze!

GARRY: We should do it the eskimo way! Y'know, igloos and stuff!

{The view goes to Jimbob's pondering face. His expression is blank. The background changes from the snowy scape to a family of plump eskimos wearing blue parkas on an iceburg. The background then shifts to a polar bear eating a penguin... on an iceburg. The background then changes to a map of Alaska before shifting back to reality. Jimbob is zoned out.}

TUCKER: Well? Let's start! {Shakes Jimbob a bit}

JIMBOB: Wh- Huh? Oh, right, Alaska...

{The trio walks to the snow-blanketed asphalt area. Gary grabs an arm full of snow and shapes it into a block. He repeats the process a couple more times, and the others catch on. A timeswipe reading "10 minutes later" appears over the screen briefly, then fades away. A large pile of snow blocks has amassed, ready for assembling and Jimbob, Tucker and Garry lay in the snow, tired. The snow comes to a sudden halt.}


{The sun brightens up as the clouds clear, revealing a blue sky with little clouds. Warm sunlight is cast on the snowy scene.}

JIMBOB: Sonofa...


GARRY: All that work...

{The three get up look down at the now-melting snow blocks. A sharp whistle sounds.}

GARRY: Well, time for lunch! See ya. {walks off.}

{Tucker and Jimbob sigh angrily.}


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