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Wiki User High School/Campus/Freshman Classes/Biology

From Wuw Archive

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Revision as of 16:59, 6 December 2009

This lab is more than a touch unconventional - the microscopes are stacked neatly enough, but the desk is a mess of practically everything. There's a tangled mess of plastic DNA snagged up with a small, pullstring wooden duck on wheels, a leaning tower of used coffee cups with geeky and scientific slogans of all kinds on them, a beach ball made to look like a cell, a set of D&D dice, and tanks containing mice, tropical fish, rats and a pair of guinea pigs.

There is also an extremely disgruntled-looking African Grey parrot on a perch in the corner. It bites first and swears later.


{Firakan rushes in, late as usual. He then sits down, feeling relieved that no one's there yet.}

{Jared walks in, and sits down. He pulls a prank by making the parrot disappear.}

{Firakan doesn't notice the parrot at first, then looks startled after spotting Jared over his copy of Wired.}

FIRAKAN: Oh, hallo! Isn't your name... Um... {He looks around nervously, then noticing the lack of parrot.} Sparky? Sparky!

JARED: Hehehehehe.

FIRAKAN: {glares} Do you have something to do with this?!

JARED: Maybe... hehehehehe

FIRAKAN: {Grumbles "I knew this job was a bad idea..." under his breath and sighs} I don't want to do this but I'll have to give you detention for that...

JARED: Ok... {leaves}

ZAREL: ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

{Zarel runs into the room, not to be late, but ends up crashing into the nearby wall}

ZAREL: OOOOFF!!! Oww... {falls apart} Am I late...?

{Jared comes back}

JARED: Hello. I'm Jared.

ZAREL: Aren't you in detention?

JARED: Not anymore. No one is watching me, so I just walked out.

{Zarel's disembodied arm points to the teacher}

JARED: Hello Mr. Firakan.

FIRAKAN: huhwhat? {He wakes up.} ...Oh, hello, Jared. {His eyes narrow at him.} I sincerely hope you're going to give Sparky back.

{Zarel's arm pops back into his torso's arm socket, and Zarel begins to put himself back together in one piece}

ZAREL: Much better.

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