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Yahtzee Style Reviews/FPM

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SI preps you for tomorrows review with this unscripted jewel.


Being autistic, eleven years old, rip out my own hair and not exactly affected by the economic crisis, you'd think that every game I enjoy has bright colours and a happy theme. Well this is not the case unless it is The sims or pokemon, however I recently stumbled upon a rather colourful happy game known as The Adventures of Fancy Pants Man.

The original game was a nothing randomly posted on armor games with hopes of becoming the next Rickroll. It didn't quite reach this status but it was still more fun than tossing cans of crushed pineapples at old ladies. Which, just so you know, is very fun. Now, the game was very fun, being sort of a mix between Sonic and Mario, with the method of destruction from Mario and the method of traveling with Sonic. the game also borrowed from various other games like anything that you can backflip in. The game had fun quirky animation and a brilliant physics engine. So, say if you're at a real high point on a level, you could get knocked off by an enemy and gaily watch Fancy Pants man hurdle through the sky in a similar manner too buttered toast. But best of all was the plot, in the fact the game encouraged you to make it up. My personal bet was a poor guy was given some pants that gave him magic powers and hefty amount of hair, but the catch was that you often saw your worst fear, in this case spiders.

However, soon came the sequel, which took some awesome parts of the game and destroyed it, as well as killing off parts of the physics engine so now your hair didn't realisticly swerve when you turned around to beat a spider to death. There was also some new Sonic parts, I.E rolling is introduced as a way of killing, which is rather annoying as even if you're just gliding across the floor at half a mile per three days you can still kill you're enemies. Speaking of which, all of them have become koopas, which means when you backtrack through the level for whatever reason, that spider you thought you'd obliterated has come back to sap away the last smidgen of life you have left, ala zubat. But the most annoying things are in order: wall jumping, you can't backflip onto a wall and also you can't do it if you're not matching the speed of a concored, hanging, when you want to jump of a ledge you end up hanging onto a small dent, causing you to want to rip out you're own hair, oh wait, I already do that thanks to trichatillamania, and finally, colour change pants. To change your pants to a different colour, you have to run all the way though the level you just braved, stomp a snail, kick it with broken physics into a hole all the way on the other end of the level. I wouldn't really mind if they gave you new powers, but NO, the game refuses to do antyhing of the sort.

So to some it up one is good, two is bad, especially attention-wise because I'm sure the sequel only has about seven hits, all mine.

-Uninetentionly long


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