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KickCheat E-mails/Evil Salesman

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(New page: '''KickCheat E-mails #9''' A scamming salesman, a.k.a The Liekand, takes KickCheat's gold capsules. '''Cast:''' (in order of appearance): KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Hom...)
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KickCheat E-mails #9

A scamming salesman, a.k.a The Liekand, takes KickCheat's gold capsules.

Cast: (in order of appearance): KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, 1-Up, Bubs, Coach Z, The Liekand, Tampo, Brody, Stlunko

Places: Pink Cloud Zone, Ice Zone, Tampo's Lair

Computer: Lappy HC

Lines: 217


{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up in the The Pink Cloud zone}

KICKCHEAT: Capsule finding time!

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

KICKCHEAT: What do you mean by a storm may be coming?

STRONG BAD: The Cheat can sense when a strom comes.

KICKCHEAT: Like when I sense you are 20 minutes late for your part time job?

STRONG BAD: Oh crap!


STRONG BAD: I am suppost to be at my job right now.

{Cut to Bub's Concession Stand}

BUBS: Strong Bad is 20 minutes late!

{Coach Z walks onscreen}

COACH Z: Hey Bubs!

BUBS: Hey Coach! You want to earn money?

COACH Z: Yeah.

BUBS: You want to be the hot dog clown?

COACH Z: Yorb! Run! {Runs away}

BUBS: I never get good buisness these days!

{Cut to the pink cloud zone}

KICKCHEAT: At least you might get fired.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, you're right.

KICKCHEAT: {Gets out his Lappy HC} Well, time to check another e-mail

{Skips the sdfdg when reading the e-mail}

KICKCHEAT: Uh, can you make a sentence? Because this e-mail is a total piece of DELETED!!

{Deletes the e-mail}

KICKCHEAT: Some people just don't know how to send e-mails.

{A strong gust of wind blows KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up away}


{KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up fall down}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That was the best roller coaster ever!

{The Liekand walks onscreen}

THE LIEKAND: Hi bozo's, I mean gentlemen. Would you like some of the best stuff in the world?

KICKCHEAT: How much twisty?

THE LIEKAND: Fifty cents for a DVD.

KICKCHEAT: {Quickly} Okay, you got a deal!

{Cut to a black screen that says "A few monents later". Cut to The Pink Cloud zone. KickCheat has a Garfield DVD, Strong Bad has a pair of gold oven mits, Homestar has a gross old wig, 1-Up has a baby raddle, The Cheat has a big knife and Stinkoman has a power crunch}

1-UP: Thanks doofus!

THE LIEKAND: Any time!

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up walk offscreen}

THE LIEKAND: But little do they know, that they paid for eveything with their gold capsules! Hehe! Tampo will be pleased! The collision will happen soon!

{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up walking}

STINKOMAN: You keeping those capsules safe KickCheat?

KICKCHEAT: Yes, the capsules are right.. {pauses}

STINKOMAN: Don't tell me you lost them!

KICKCHEAT: That salesman took them.

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: This is not good!

KICKCHEAT: That salesman might have been one of Tampo's warriors!

STRONG BAD: We got to get those capsules back!

STINKOMAN: Uh, this place has saws and thunder clouds!

1-UP: PUDDING!! {Runs away}

KICKCHEAT: Don't go 1-Up! You might get hurt!

{Cut to 1-Up running towards some pudding}


{Starts to eat the pudding}

1-UP: Yum! This tastes like feet!

{A cage falls on him with The Liekand on top}

THE LIEKAND: Ho, Ho! I have quite the smarts! First, I steal their capsules, then I capture this guy!

1-UP: May I have some more pudding tornado man?

THE LIEKAND: You don't even realise that you have been trapped in a cage?

1-UP: Yes sir, I don't!

THE LIEKAND: Now I feel like capturing you wasn't worth it.

{1-Up falls asleep}

THE LIEKAND: Time to throw you off the clouds and give Tampo his capsules.

{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar Runner walking}

STRONG BAD: I can't believe 1-Up ran away for pudding.

KICKCHEAT: It explains why he's pudding brained.

STINKOMAN: Hey guys.


STINKOMAN: Do we have the guts to get through this security stuff?

{Camera zooms out to show thunder clouds, saws, flying plugs and plug sockets}

KICKCHEAT: Actual guts, yes. Going through that heck, mabye.

STINKOMAN: Well. It's time for a DOUBLE DEUCE!!!

{Stinkoman lunges at a flying plug, punches it, then falls to the ground. The flying plug flies away unharmed}

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That was one cool ball game!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, we just wasted ten seconds!

KICKCHEAT: And you just wasted ten more.

STRONG BAD: Whatever.

STINKOMAN: Come on guys!

KICKCHEAT: Okay bozo!

STRONG BAD: {Looks up} Watch out for the wet walnuts, I mean thunder cloud!

{A thunder cloud foats over KickCheat and he dodges the bolt of lightning}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Take me out to the ball game!

STRONG BAD: Shut up Homestar!

{Cut to The Liekand and a caged, sleeping 1-Up. A computer is beside The Liekand}

THE LIEKAND: Now to contact Tampo.

{The Liekand turns to the computer}

THE LIEKAND: Tornado to brainbot. I repeat. Tornado to Brainbot.

{Tampo appears on the computer screen}

TAMPO: {Talking through the computer} Yes The Liekand?

THE LIEKAND: I have caught 1-Up and got the stolen capsules from the 2006 people.

TAMPO: {Talking through the computer} Good jorb! I will be coming up shortly.

THE LIEKAND: How long?

TAMPO: {Talking through the computer} About thirty minutes.

THE LIEKAND: Okay. Over!

{The computer turns off}

THE LIEKAND: In half an hour. Those capsules will be safe from those 2006 people and 1-Up will be history!

{Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar Runner infront of a saw}

KICKCHEAT: So, how do we get past this thing?

STRONG BAD: I know how to get The Cheat across.

{Strong Bad kicks The Cheat over the saw}

STRONG BAD: And I and going to throw Homestar over.

{Strong Bad throws Homestar over the saw}


STINKOMAN: Jump over saw deuce!

{Stinkoman jumps over the saw}

STRONG BAD: And I will throw KickCheat over.

{Strong Bad throws KickCheat over the saw}

KICKCHEAT: Watch it!

STRONG BAD: And I'm trapped over here.

KICKCHEAT: {Gets out his Lappy HC} No you're not.

{The Lappy HC glows and Strong Bad disappears, then appears on the other side of the saw}

STRONG BAD: Nice touch.

STINKOMAN: That takes care of that part of the pink cloud zone. Now we have to cross evaporating clouds.


STRONG BAD: This e-mail is getting worse.

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar Runner walk to the evaporating clouds}

STINKOMAN: Life risking deuce!

{Stinkoman walks over the evaporating clouds. The clouds disappear after Stinkoman walks off one. The Camera zooms out to show Stinkoman at the other side}


{KickCheat walks over the evaporating clouds. The clouds disappear after KickCheat walks off one}

KICKCHEAT: Almost there!

{Just as KickCheat makes it over, a rocket falls and destroys the evaporating clouds}

KICKCHEAT: Holy crap!

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}


{Homestar and The Cheat jump off the clouds}

STRONG BAD: Wait for me!

{Strong Bad jumps off the clouds}


STINKOMAN: They will be fine. {Quietly} I hope.

KICKCHEAT: Anyway. We got some capsules to get back.


{KickCheat and Stinkoman walk offscreen. Cut to The Liekand and a caged, sleeping 1-Up}

THE LIEKAND: Yes! Those 2006 people jumped off the edge!

KICKCHEAT: {Offscreen} Not all of them!

{Camera zooms out showing KickCheat and Stinkoman}

KICKCHEAT: You pretended to be a scamming salesman to get our capsules!

THE LIEKAND: Yeah. Now you will be blown away!

{A gust of wind sends KickCheat and Stinkoman flying offscreen}

THE LIEKAND: Bye, bye nerds!

{1-Up wakes up}

1-UP: Huh?

{Looks at what is happening to Stinkoman and KickCheat}

1-UP: I got to do something.

{Looks down}

1-UP: Hey. A key.

{1-Up opens the cage and jumps out}

1-UP: Hey twisty!!


{1-Up kicks The Liekand in the face. The wind stops and Stinkoman and KickCheat fall down}

THE LIEKAND: Owie! You hurt me!

1-UP: Ya-ta!

{1-Up kicks The Liekand in the face hard. Three gold capsules come out of him}

KICKCHEAT: I'll get the capsules!

{KickCheat catchhes the capsules and puts them away}

1-UP: Tell me what you are doing with the capsules.


1-UP: Time for a kick?

THE LIEKAND: Okay, okay! Tampo wants to use the power of the capsules to cause a collision with the moon. Then before the the moon collides with earth. He will escape with Brody and Stlunko to Mars.

1-UP: Okay.

{1-Up kicks The Liekand into the cage and locks it}

THE LIEKAND: It doesn't matter if you lock me in here! Tampo will be here soon.

KICKCHEAT: Uh oh! Jumping off the clouds time!

{Before KickCheat, 1-Up and Stinkoman can jump off the clouds, Tampo appears}

TAMPO: My new warping system works!

KICKCHEAT: {Quietly} Let's sneak away.

STINKOMAN: {Quietly} Okay.

{KickCheat, 1-Up and Stinkoman sneak towards the edge of the clouds}

TAMPO: So The Lie..huh?

THE LIEKAND: Um, hi Tampo.

TAMPO: Okay. Someone here has been watching CSI. What are doing in that cage?

THE LIEKAND: Behind you.

{KickCheat, Stinkoman and 1-Up jump off the edge of the clouds. Tampo turns around}

TAMPO: I see nothing.

THE LIEKAND: You're to late you big bucket of bolts! Those 2006 people took the capsules!

TAMPO: Crap! Well, thanks for nothing stupid!


{Tampo disappears. Cut to KickCheat, Stinkoman and 1-Up falling}

KICKCHEAT: Where ever we fall. We fall to the others.


{KickCheat, Stinkoman and 1-Up fall to the Ice zone}

KICKCHEAT: I didn't know the North pole acually exists.

STINKOMAN: Well, you do now.

{Strong Bad, The Cheat and Homestar walk onscreen}

STRONG BAD: Hey guys.

KICKCHEAT: So you guys landed here.

STRONG BAD: Yeah. Did you get the capsules back?

KICKCHEAT: We did. 1-Up saved our lives.

1-UP: I'm now the guy!

STINKOMAN: No you're not.

1-UP: Darn!

KICKCHEAT: Fourth capsule here we come!

{KickCheat, Stinkoman, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and 1-Up walk offscreen. Cut to Tampo's lair}

TAMPO: Argh! I failed again!

BRODY: The Liekand almost had em.

TAMPO: Almost! Almost means we failed!

BRODY: Okay brainbot.

TAMPO: Stlunko. Where are they now?

STLUNKO: The Ice zone sir. They might freeze to square there.

TAMPO: Exelent! I shall destroy the world now! Muhahahaha!

{The paper comes down}

TAMPO: Wait. I'm not done. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

BRODY: {Interups Tampo} That's good enough Tampo!

TAMPO: Don't you interupt me!

BRODY: Sorry bozo.

TAMPO: Don't you dare call me bozo either!

STLUNKO: The e-mail is over. Can we all shut up?

TAMPO: Okay.

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